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What is The Beast?

Magenta Lizard

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Um, you SHOULD be able to embed a YouTube video by simply pasting the raw URL into the post. No markup should be needed at all. It always works for me that way. I'm perplexed as to why it works for me but not some others on here.

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The woodchuck that hangs around in the grassy area near the footer with the cables by the station.

Wow, then I saw him visiting his cousin at The Racer while I rode WindSeeker yesterday. I had no idea he was so cute!

Could be a groundhog (aka woodchuck)...they have the aggression similar to that of a Beast.

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You got to think about what animal would need chains on it's paws? Or is this just cruel treatment on The Beast because of its species? The fact that it gets unchained suggest that this animal was being abused when it broke free. Im surprised that PETA has not started the "Protect The Beast" campain. I for one am for ethical treatment of The Beast, regardless of what species it is.

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I always imagined it to look somewhat like a huge coyote with orange fur and red eyes. Ohio does have coyotes in the woods (I've seen a few in my suburban Dayton backyard) and they're a dangerous animal in the region that isn't spoken of or seen often, mostly hiding in the woods. The Beast is definitely the King Kong of Coyotes if you ask me.

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Groundhogs are cute only at a distance...get close enough to grab they get nasty fast. So I advise don't pet an wild animal just cause it looks cute.

Coyotes have become food occasionally where I live due to another animal of the 4 legged kind. Just sayin'..

I always invisioned Beast to look more like a devil-ish version of the character from the Disney movie (and drawn him as such before...)

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