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Share a Coke @ Kings Island


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Coca-Cola was on hand at Kings Island today where patrons could personalize a 6oz Coke can for themselves and a friend for free! They stayed until 6:00p today and said they'd be back at noon tomorrow (probably until 6:00 again). I do not know if the promotion will continue past tomorrow (7/11/14) or not.


I honored Coke with gracing two cans with the names of your friendly neighborhood KIC admins.

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Can you personalize a Mello Yello?

jcgoble3, who doesn't drink cola

Presumably you'd keep it, not drink it. Though I suppose that some guests might take it as a rare opportunity to obtain a free soft drink at KI.

This looks like a neat promotion and souvenir.

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I wonder if they run out of cans with the name Bort on them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Impossible. It's Kings Island - the park where nothing can possibly go wronng.

I meant "wrong." Sorry. That's the first thing that's ever gone wrong...

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I liked that some places are switching to Pepsi and it always makes me laugh when someone says they won't eat somewhere because of the switch. It is not that big of a deal. I like both but water is the way to go for me most of the time.

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