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Mean Streak Gets the Axe September 16th

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So... I was at Cedar Point for opening weekend and took a photo that may or may not be of any significance to the current Mean Streak project. While in the staging area (Soak City Parking lot) taking photos of RMC Mean Streak, I noticed this car that was shrink wrapped but had the rear of the car exposed. It was next to another object the size of a small car that was shrink wrapped in the same white cover. This white cover was also covering some items next to the area where RMC track was being stored in the parking lot. My first question is has anyone ever seen anything like this at Cedar Point before, maybe during Halloweekends? The license plate says 'The Count' at the top, the "number" says 'I Heart Blood,' and at the bottom it says 'Transylvania.' I thought it was unique because the plate's color is very similar to track that is being installed on RMC Mean Streak. If this car hasn't been seen around Cedar Point does this mean we are possibly seeing a vampire-esque theme for RMC Mean Streak or does this seem like a red herring? I mean, car was perfectly set up to have the plate exposed and was the only shrink wrapped item in the parking lot that was torn or exposed. The Vampire theme could fit as they are undead beings and a vampire could come back from the Mean Streak funeral they had last year. The inversions could be like a vampire bat hanging upside down as well. I know that doesn't really fit the western theme of Frontiertown but I just found this odd. Let me know what you think below.


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^Well, malem-style in the sense of me going to a park 5 hours away on a whim (I'm pretty much on the opposite side of Ohio from Sandusky).  Smaller details like power walking while criss-crossing the park and not bringing a jacket in case of rain are omitted.  

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  On 5/18/2017 at 3:23 PM, KIBeast said:

Awesome video. This project is looking like one heck of a ride. Wondering what records this will break? CP seems to do that with every installation. Any thoughts, ideas?


Tallest fastest and longest hybrid, most hybrids, most steel track in 1 park, most overall track in 1 park, most coasters over 200ft, And some other sketchy marketing stuff

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