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Kings Island Confirms removal of Coaster


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  On 9/24/2018 at 7:32 PM, JudeHoward said:

Just the fact they're being so dramatic about this announcement makes me think that whatever is replacing this coaster will be massive and this is just step one of their marketing and teasing. Remember when dinos left and they had no plans for the land they didn't make a big deal. This is different.


However, dinos was a huge flop that saw low attendance every season; a lot of people were waiting for it to go. Whenever they get rid of a coaster its going to be dramatic.

Firehawk never really developed a strong fanbase at KI like Vortex, Racer, Diamondback, Beast, etc and I think the park knows it. With that being said, I don't think people would miss Firehawk as much as much as they would Vortex or any of the other coasters in the park- hence why they waited until the Haunt season to announce its departure. 

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So if it is Vortex, does that rule out a Giga for 2020 because of the smaller footprint? I assume they could find a way to squeeze in a Giga in that spot, at least the station and lifthill, and put the rest of the layout between Beast and Racer and out into the woods? What do you think?

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  On 9/24/2018 at 8:22 PM, Boris81 said:

So if it is Vortex, does that rule out a Giga for 2020 because of the smaller footprint? I assume they could find a way to squeeze in a Giga in that spot, at least the station and lifthill, and put the rest of the layout between Beast and Racer and out into the woods? What do you think?


Whichever coaster is removed, the giga would be using a much different footprint than the existing coaster. While, IMO, a Vortex removal would sway the odds a little towards a different style of coaster than a Giga, I still would be firmly in camp giga. Theres plenty or room to run it out into the woods or even to the DA area from there. 


As for which coaster goes, I think it's Firehawk for multiple reasons, but the Antique cars placement does kinda make it look like they are planning on Vortex leaving. Thats a tight alley back to Windseaker and Vortex now. Removal of Vortex would allow a complete reconfiguration of that area. 


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  On 9/24/2018 at 8:22 PM, Boris81 said:

So if it is Vortex, does that rule out a Giga for 2020 because of the smaller footprint? I assume they could find a way to squeeze in a Giga in that spot, at least the station and lifthill, and put the rest of the layout between Beast and Racer and out into the woods? What do you think?


Vortex would open up a similar patch of land as Firehawk if removed, but the actual Vortex footprint would likely become just queue, station, and brake run, with the ride layout extending into the woods.

Ultimately, I'm fairly certain that 2020 will bring either a Giga or a dive coaster. Those are the only products in the B&M catalog that I think would make any sense to install at KI.

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  On 9/24/2018 at 8:22 PM, Boris81 said:

So if it is Vortex, does that rule out a Giga for 2020 because of the smaller footprint? I assume they could find a way to squeeze in a Giga in that spot, at least the station and lifthill, and put the rest of the layout between Beast and Racer and out into the woods? What do you think?


Technically speaking, they could take out Vortex, and put a new Giga in X-Base. Or take out Firehawk and put a Giga station in the old Action Theater.

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Replace the Vekoma's with Intamin, B&M or Mack! No really though its gotta be one of the Vekoma's in the park. SO rough and not fun any more!

Cases for the coasters:

Firehawk is a capacity nightmare and I feel like the coaster is always breaking down.

Invertigo nd the boomerangs are being removed left and right all over the country. They are not fun anymore and the cause way more headaches then laughs and screams.

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This seems to be the trend with Cedar Fair lately. Replace (or convert) a maintenance nightmare and/or unpopular coaster with something much better: Mean Streak with Steel Vengeance, Hurler with Twisted Timbers, and now (hopefully) Firehawk with B&M giga. I just hope it's not a dive coaster, though. 3 dive coasters in 4 years just seems lame to me.

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Fingers crossed its not Vortex. Such a classic! I am hoping for the removal of Invertigo to be honest with you. With boomerangs being removed all over the place. They may have sold the coaster to another park outside of the chain. Second I would hope its Firehawk. Its just not the same as when it was up at Geauga Lake.

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  On 9/25/2018 at 12:45 AM, Msporredoss said:

I love Firehawk.  I giggle my butt off during the whole ride.  It is so much fun!  I will be sad if they take it down.  They need to get rid of Adventure Express it is so rough and jerky noone rides it anymore.


Id rather have Adventure Express go than Firehawk. Adventure Express doesn't fit in at all with its theming. Firehawk at leasts offers an unique experience compared to Adventure Express which is just a mine train with bad and strange theming. Sadly though Its probably going to end up being Firehawk.

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