ldhudsonjr Posted August 11, 2019 Share Posted August 11, 2019 On 8/11/2019 at 7:21 PM, FlyMartyFly said: I spend premium money to purchase the Fast Lane passes when I go to the park. I don’t live close enough to the park to benefit from purchasing a season pass so I buy the Fast Lane pass instead on the 1-3 times I do make it to the park each year. I say this so people won’t be so upset when they are passed up in line, fully understanding they also can purchase a pass to do the same. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Expand I mean maybe YOU can but a lot of people can't justify spending that much money just to get on rides faster. You do you man, but just know people are going to get annoyed when they've been waiting in line 30-40 minutes already and somebody just waltzes on past them. I usually don't really get irritated until I see a group just looping around me getting 4-5 rides to my 1. Certain ride ops do a really ****ty job and will fill almost whole trains with just FLP. It's one of the worst things CF did to the park IMO. I do understand why you do it though, and I've been advised many times that when I finally make it up to Cedar Point for the first time in like a decade here soon, that I should buy one because otherwise I won't get anything done. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Joshua Posted August 11, 2019 Share Posted August 11, 2019 On 8/11/2019 at 7:32 PM, Ben43065 said: I wouldn’t mind people in Fast Lane riding over and over but to get multiple T-Shirts is really aggravating. Maybe they should mark the Fast Lane pass with a marking if they’ve already gotten a t shirt. Expand I will say the shirt part was here-say. Either way, I don't think Fast Lane should be open while a promotion such as that is in effect. But that's just me. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
disco2000 Posted August 11, 2019 Share Posted August 11, 2019 On 8/11/2019 at 7:44 PM, Joshua said: I will say the shirt part was here-say. Either way, I don't think Fast Lane should be open while a promotion such as that is in effect. But that's just me. Expand It happened and they were sold on eBay....do a search under Banshee opening day on this forum to find out more... 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ldhudsonjr Posted August 11, 2019 Share Posted August 11, 2019 On 8/11/2019 at 8:21 PM, disco2000 said: It happened and they were sold on eBay....do a search under Banshee opening day on this forum to find out more... Expand Wow that's extremely irritating 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Joshua Posted August 11, 2019 Share Posted August 11, 2019 On 8/11/2019 at 8:21 PM, disco2000 said: they were sold on eBay.... Expand Yeah, seems about right... At that point, you might as get one of the designs from the shops. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DubVLegend Posted August 11, 2019 Share Posted August 11, 2019 On 8/11/2019 at 8:21 PM, disco2000 said: It happened and they were sold on eBay....do a search under Banshee opening day on this forum to find out more... Expand They seemed to.figure out a solution for that on The Beast 40th Anniversary t shirt giveaway. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FlyMartyFly Posted August 11, 2019 Share Posted August 11, 2019 On 8/11/2019 at 7:34 PM, ldhudsonjr said: I mean maybe YOU can but a lot of people can't justify spending that much money just to get on rides faster. You do you man, but just know people are going to get annoyed when they've been waiting in line 30-40 minutes already and somebody just waltzes on past them. I usually don't really get irritated until I see a group just looping around me getting 4-5 rides to my 1. Certain ride ops do a really ****ty job and will fill almost whole trains with just FLP. It's one of the worst things CF did to the park IMO. I do understand why you do it though, and I've been advised many times that when I finally make it up to Cedar Point for the first time in like a decade here soon, that I should buy one because otherwise I won't get anything done. I understand the frustration but I only get to go very little each year and then have to enjoy YouTube videos the remaining time. I would rather be at the park in a line than not at all and I know some people can’t afford the huge premium charges of a fast pass. I love amusement parks and my dream is to someday be able to go from park to park but until then, YouTube is my friend and the select few other times I am actually able to go to the park. I remember going to Cedar Point the year Top Thrill Dragster opened and the major disappointment of it being down for maintenance. I was finally able to go back and ride it...15 years later! Imagine my continued desire to experience this ride but having to wait that long really sucked! Oh well, hope you are able to get up to CP AND their rides are up and running. On my trip up several rides were having maintenance issues, TTD, Maverick and Valrvn. That day we also left early as the power went out at the park around 7pm. Got one ride on Maverick, Valrvn so I look forward to be able to ride them more as well as Steel Vengeance. Happy riding to all!!Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FlyMartyFly Posted August 11, 2019 Share Posted August 11, 2019 On 8/11/2019 at 7:44 PM, Joshua said: I will say the shirt part was here-say. Either way, I don't think Fast Lane should be open while a promotion such as that is in effect. But that's just me. I don’t believe in that, FLP should only entitle a person to one shirt... period! I believe promotional items should be awarded to normal line rides but that is just my opinion Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ldhudsonjr Posted August 11, 2019 Share Posted August 11, 2019 On 8/11/2019 at 8:40 PM, FlyMartyFly said: Oh well, hope you are able to get up to CP AND their rides are up and running. On my trip up several rides were having maintenance issues, TTD, Maverick and Valrvn. That day we also left early as the power went out at the park around 7pm. Got one ride on Maverick, Valrvn so I look forward to be able to ride them more as well as Steel Vengeance. Happy riding to all!! Expand I know Top Thrill Dragster looks like it might be out a while, but If I went up there and couldn't get on Maverick or SV I'd be really bummed. Those are probably the two I'm most looking forward to. Hopefully TTD is back up by then as well because I really do want to try that one out. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magenta Lizard Posted August 11, 2019 Share Posted August 11, 2019 As long as people are willing to pay nearly the same amount as my season pass for one day of skipping the lines, I say more power to them! I’d much rather KI make money off them than off me but ultimately, I want the park to make money and survive. Of course I’m fortunate enough to be able to visit so often I can pay off my pass with the change I find on the ground throughout the year, and if I encounter a line longer than ten minutes I usually choose to keep walking rather than wait. Also, it has been extremely rare that I’ve seen people with Fast Lane riding the same ride over and over. Usually they do it once or twice before moving on to something else. 8 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LuvingKI Posted August 11, 2019 Share Posted August 11, 2019 On 8/11/2019 at 6:39 PM, ldhudsonjr said: I mean on the other hand it's going to be some bull**** watching people just loop around you over and over and over while you wait in the 2 hour plus line. Expand I get your point of view, but I will have Season FL and be looping around.. I won't be doing it to annoy people. But i'm not going to let people being annoyed dictate how much I ride it. They can buy FL or not. If you are a regular and can make it 20 times, it's 25 a trip, if you're extreme like I was last season at 40 plus times, you're at under 12.50 a day FL . That's worth every cent 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FlyMartyFly Posted August 11, 2019 Share Posted August 11, 2019 On 8/11/2019 at 8:46 PM, ldhudsonjr said: I know Top Thrill Dragster looks like it might be out a while, but If I went up there and couldn't get on Maverick or SV I'd be really bummed. Those are probably the two I'm most looking forward to. Hopefully TTD is back up by then as well because I really do want to try that one out. TTD was awesome but Maverick was awesome too because it wasn’t just a quick shot up the tower and down but awesome twists and turns low to the ground. I love the blitz style coasters and hope we get something like that down the road. I hope everything is fully operational when you get up there, it is a great park. I am so excited for our new addition, now we have to wait a few more days. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeastForever Posted August 11, 2019 Share Posted August 11, 2019 Quote It happened and they were sold on eBay....do a search under Banshee opening day on this forum to find out more... Expand And not only that. I can recall several Fast Laners, toward the guests waiting in the primary line, verbally gloating about how many times they'd ridden it before most hadn't ridden it once. Such a cringe-inducing moment that was. On the topic of Fast Lane (and admittedly offtopic of the thread) I am not opposed to the system in general, but do believe on too many occasions falls victim to mismanagement. Its supposed to be reduced wait, not NO wait. I also disagree with the notion that there isn't a noticeable impact on the waiting times of non-FL guests. They're most definitely is. Mathematically, there HAS to be. Holding the total number of rides constant, if a certain subgroup receives more rides than they would have gotten naturally, then that means less rides for eveyone else. What is truly being sold in a Fast Lane pass, is other guests' time/enjoyment... Its just a matter of selling enough time/enjoyment to make buying the upcharge worth it, but not so much that other guests are aggravated enough to where it affects their revenue/attendance otherwise... 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ldhudsonjr Posted August 11, 2019 Share Posted August 11, 2019 On 8/11/2019 at 8:47 PM, Magenta Lizard said: Also, it has been extremely rare that I’ve seen people with Fast Lane riding the same ride over and over. Usually they do it once or twice before moving on to something else. Expand You're lucky then because I also visit the park very often and I see it all the time, especially on Diamondback. I've seen the line on Diamondback grind to a HALT once you get a group of teenagers with FL going through together and immediately jumping back on. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrSourNinja Posted August 11, 2019 Share Posted August 11, 2019 On 8/11/2019 at 8:46 PM, ldhudsonjr said: I know Top Thrill Dragster looks like it might be out a while, but If I went up there and couldn't get on Maverick or SV I'd be really bummed. Those are probably the two I'm most looking forward to. Hopefully TTD is back up by then as well because I really do want to try that one out. Expand I'm going to CP for the first time since I started enjoying rollercoasters on Tuesday, gonna get FL passes too because we only can go up once and want to ride everything. I don't care too much if TTD is down but hopefully SV and everything else is good to go! 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LuvingKI Posted August 11, 2019 Share Posted August 11, 2019 On 8/11/2019 at 9:10 PM, ldhudsonjr said: You're lucky then because I also visit the park very often and I see it all the time, especially on Diamondback. I've seen the line on Diamondback grind to a HALT once you get a group of teenagers with FL going through together and immediately jumping back on. Expand Well I was going to say if I see you in line I would wave at ya while i'm looping ya, but I'll just nod instead Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ldhudsonjr Posted August 11, 2019 Share Posted August 11, 2019 On 8/11/2019 at 9:03 PM, BeastForever said: On the topic of Fast Lane (and admittedly offtopic of the thread) I am not opposed to the system in general, but do believe on too many occasions falls victim to mismanagement. Its supposed to be reduced wait, not NO wait. Expand Exactly. I tend to go during the week, avoiding weekends like the plague, and so most of the time it really doesn't bother me to wait in the regular line and let the FLP people pass me by. I have noticed though, that some of the most popular attractions (especially Diamondback, but Mystic Timbers also) seem to have improperly trained line separators who will fill nearly an entire train with FLP people before allowing anyone from the regular line to ride. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LuvingKI Posted August 11, 2019 Share Posted August 11, 2019 On 8/11/2019 at 9:23 PM, ldhudsonjr said: Exactly. I tend to go during the week, avoiding weekends like the plague, and so most of the time it really doesn't bother me to wait in the regular line and let the FLP people pass me by. I have noticed though, that some of the most popular attractions (especially Diamondback, but Mystic Timbers also) seem to have improperly trained line separators who will fill nearly an entire train with FLP people before allowing anyone from the regular line to ride. Expand I've used FL 50 plus times, I can say I've never had a ride op on any ride let all Fast laners through to fill a train up 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KI FANATIC 37 Posted August 11, 2019 Share Posted August 11, 2019 Just two different opinions, and nobody is right or wrong. That is the good thing about YOUR money; you can spend it how you please. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DiamondBanshee Posted August 11, 2019 Share Posted August 11, 2019 So KIs having a major announcement on Thursday. That’s a thing that’s happening...Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 3 7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Waltny Posted August 11, 2019 Share Posted August 11, 2019 On 8/11/2019 at 8:36 PM, DubVLegend said: They seemed to.figure out a solution for that on The Beast 40th Anniversary t shirt giveaway. Expand That’s not entirely true as I saw 2 folks get at least 2 or more via fast pass. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PatchesC Posted August 11, 2019 Share Posted August 11, 2019 On 8/11/2019 at 9:03 PM, BeastForever said: And not only that. I can recall several Fast Laners, toward the guests waiting in the primary line, verbally gloating about how many times they'd ridden it before most hadn't ridden it once. Such a cringe-inducing moment that was. On the topic of Fast Lane (and admittedly offtopic of the thread) I am not opposed to the system in general, but do believe on too many occasions falls victim to mismanagement. Its supposed to be reduced wait, not NO wait. I also disagree with the notion that there isn't a noticeable impact on the waiting times of non-FL guests. They're most definitely is. Mathematically, there HAS to be. Holding the total number of rides constant, if a certain subgroup receives more rides than they would have gotten naturally, then that means less rides for eveyone else. What is truly being sold in a Fast Lane pass, is other guests' time/enjoyment... Its just a matter of selling enough time/enjoyment to make buying the upcharge worth it, but not so much that other guests are aggravated enough to where it affects their revenue/attendance otherwise... Expand I loved FL when it first came out because our infrequent trips with a 42 inch kid meant I could hop on, ride coasters, and move on. Now that we can afford season passes and going more often AKA 5-6 times a year, we only do it for height requirement milestones. I can understand looping rides gets frustrating for people who can't afford FL. There's day I wish I'd break my rule but it hasn't made it less fun personally. I will admit my 10yo was bragging about riding Diamondback in the back AND front like it was the biggest achievement ever when she hit 54inches. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FlyMartyFly Posted August 11, 2019 Share Posted August 11, 2019 On 8/11/2019 at 9:51 PM, DiamondBanshee said: So KIs having a major announcement on Thursday. That’s a thing that’s happening...Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Yes and I can’t wait but I have to!! Exciting time of the year for sure!!!Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LuvingKI Posted August 11, 2019 Share Posted August 11, 2019 On 8/11/2019 at 10:07 PM, collin.klopfstein said: Hey guys there is no need for fighting on here, im 14 just trying to have fun and learn new things on this website and i have 2 grown men fighting. can we please just calm down? ......anyways WHO'S EXCITED FOR THE ANNOUNCEMENT ? Expand My bad little man, I'm a kid at heart when it comes to KI I'm sure everyone on this forum is excited I was just trying to get my posts #'s up. Trying to hit that 500 milestone 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DiamondBanshee Posted August 11, 2019 Share Posted August 11, 2019 I know it’s been talked about before, but do you think KI will reveal something that sets this giga apart from every other one? I just keep having this gut feeling that what we see isn’t all that’s there, but I’m not sure what it is. I don’t think it’ll be, say, a 135 degree bank that they define as an inversion, but I do think it’ll be something. Maybe it’ll just the shed 2.0 (which I’d be perfectly happy with), or maybe the trains will have a gimmick to them (such as DC Rivals last car being backwards). I just want to know if other people think there will be some sort of gimmick, and if so, what it’d be. Also, in regards to the trains shown on the blueprints, is there any reason these would have to be accurate? I mean they themselves are not part of the area of work, and as long as the clearance envelope around them is the same, I feel like they could just throw in generic trains as placeholders so as to not reveal the gimmick with the trains (if there is one), such as a backwards last car. Thoughts?Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
collin.klopfstein Posted August 11, 2019 Share Posted August 11, 2019 Kings Island is gonna do something special with this giga, world record breaking or not its probably going to be amazing 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
collin.klopfstein Posted August 11, 2019 Share Posted August 11, 2019 i know i know we already have teasers but could this sign last year have anything worth noting in it? 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ldhudsonjr Posted August 11, 2019 Share Posted August 11, 2019 On 8/11/2019 at 10:22 PM, collin.klopfstein said: Kings Island is gonna do something special with this giga, world record breaking or not its probably going to be amazing Expand I fully expect we're going to love this thing. You going to the announcement? 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
collin.klopfstein Posted August 11, 2019 Share Posted August 11, 2019 On 8/11/2019 at 10:32 PM, ldhudsonjr said: I fully expect we're going to love this thing. You going to the announcement? Expand i have asked my dad and he has not answered, he knows how much im into this stuff so i probably am, i will keep all of you updated and if i go i hope we all can meet up! If your going lol. also going to meet up with a couple of coaster channels 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrSourNinja Posted August 11, 2019 Share Posted August 11, 2019 On 8/11/2019 at 9:51 PM, DiamondBanshee said: So KIs having a major announcement on Thursday. That’s a thing that’s happening... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Expand I heard something about arrow being revived and actually building their 700foot + tall coaster that was planned years ago. Could this be our time?!?!?! 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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