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The sparker didn't really make sense, but it was a cool effect.

Especially when some new people on the crew thought it was lights exploding because they had never seen it work before.

I too wish the lights would go off as soon as the ride started, but they won't, operator safety.

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Like on TRTR, they got rid of the sparks flying down from the ceiling

The sparker didn't really make sense, but it was a cool effect.

It fit. The sparks showed that something on the gondola "broke". That's why the gondola tilts forwards there, the sparks + sound effects + movement make you think that a cable broke or something.

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It fit. The sparks showed that something on the gondola "broke". That's why the gondola tilts forwards there, the sparks + sound effects + movement make you think that a cable broke or something.

I think we'll have to ask Siebert about that one. If that is what the sparks were supposed to represent, they don't match what the overall ride is about. You're not supposed to think of it as a "gondola, topspin, whatever." It's supposed to be a kind of vehicle that has free movement and isn't attached to supports.

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I think we'll have to ask Siebert about that one.  If that is what the sparks were supposed to represent, they don't match what the overall ride is about.  You're not supposed to think of it as a "gondola, topspin, whatever."  It's supposed to be a kind of vehicle that has free movement and isn't attached to supports.

It was indeed supposed to indicate a "malfunction of the ride vehicle" according to the Technifex info. But it never quite lined up the way it was supposed to.

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Most Water Parks are Smoke Free dude, not just Splashin Safari or Boomerang Bay...

The matter at hand is The Dry Park, not the Water Park...

Smoking is rotten, Drinking is rotten.

Take them out!

My parents smoke, but drink on occasion. I totally dislike smoking, but drinking I can deal with. I wouldn't care if they banned it, or atleast made areas for it, but I still think alot of people who did smoke would dislike it.

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The problem there is, there is always someone who disobeys the rules, and noone really has the time to catch them all. Why waste time yelling at drunk people who took their beer outside of festhaus, when we could ban drinking altogether?

As for smoking- a designated smoking area isn't enough. The way I see it, if you are a chain smoker, and can't live 8 hours without a cig, maybe you shouldn't visit a family-oriented theme park in the first place. Sure, BB has designated smoking areas, but the general park doesn't. Goodness knows how much time could be saved for the ride operators if they didn't have to constantly pick up cigarette butts out of their cue lines every night.

-That's just my two cents, from a going-on-second year ride op.

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I'm a nice smoker. I try not to do it around HB or anywhere where there's a lot of kids or families around. I usually keep it to myself. If smokers would think like me, then it wouldn't be so bad. But I agree with an area for smokers. I can't stand the smell or the taste. It's just one of those dirty habits.

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The problem there is, there is always someone who disobeys the rules, and noone really has the time to catch them all. Why waste time yelling at drunk people who took their beer outside of festhaus, when we could ban drinking altogether?

As for smoking- a designated smoking area isn't enough. The way I see it, if you are a chain smoker, and can't live 8 hours without a cig, maybe you shouldn't visit a family-oriented theme park in the first place. Sure, BB has designated smoking areas, but the general park doesn't. Goodness knows how much time could be saved for the ride operators if they didn't have to constantly pick up cigarette butts out of their cue lines every night.

-That's just my two cents, from a going-on-second year ride op.

Heck, I work at Best Buy and people mess up my displays all the time. Why not let anyone touch anything?

Sorry, but with every job, there's some down side to it that seems as preventable as possible, but when it all comes down to it, it's not about the employee who doesn't feel like sweeping, it's about what the customer wants.

Now, do some people break the rules? Yes. But if you ask someone to put out a cigarette 5 times and they don't, why not throw them out? Don't get me wrong, I think that PKI houses some of the greatest employees in the world, but I ask the rest of you [non-employees] this: if they did do a blanket ban on smoking, I can pretty much guess that people would find ways to smoke or drink there anyway. Can most of you predict that we'd have a loose-loose situation with the employees saying that since most people break the rules anyway, they're tired of telling people not to smoke and drink anyway so they should allow it again?

I mean seriously, I think PKI has world class employees, and have always felt like I have had world class service there, but all of that can change really quickly if you think that guests should conform to the employees instead of the employees serving the guests.

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PKI is a theme park. Its business is to entertain and create a vacation environment. I understand many of the members on here work for the park and do not like smoking or drinking inside the park. The park is for the customers and as such you are there to provide a service to its paying customers. It seems that most of the people bickering about drinking inside the park are not even old enough to drink themselves. This is just my humble opinion

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I think the park is pretty clean, or is when I go!

If you read the rules on your park guide, it already says that Smoking in que lines is not allowed. Sadly, this is rarely heeded or enforced. I have had to get out of line before because of smokers aggravating my asthma... Because of this and the rudeness of *some* smokers, I would like to simply see smoking banned only to certain areas, which seems fair to me.

Like someone else said, I would like to see a return to the kind of landscaping they had in the old days. And does anyone besides me miss the arbor tunnel they had between HB and Rivertown? I loved that thing and really miss it.

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This criticizm of the park's cleanliness is odd, I've never once thought the park was dirty when I think about all the work that would have to be done to keep the whole park clean. But, i've never seen anything as clean as Cedar Point or Holiday World. I still say the best way to improve the park would be to lower the food and beverage prices.

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