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Kings Island Museum?


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I always thought it would be cool if Kings Island had a permanent small museum in the park showing the history of the park and showing former remnants of rides. Just a small one so guests can see how Kings Island has evolved over the years maybe this could be on International Street or possibly in RiverTown, but what do you all think?

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Would love to see a museum of sorts be placed in the park. I know CP had one and I don't believe it has been operational since COVID? I wish that would open back up. Love being able to see park history, artifacts and other various things that tell the story of how the park came to be. Something of that nature would be awesome for KI. I suppose in a way, Tower Gardens is kind of a small blip of history. But something on a grander scale would be cool.

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CF/Six is not interested in park museums any longer. The Cedar Point town square museum closed during the pandemic for “remodeling” but later was announced it would not re-open.  Such a shame as there were coaster models and interesting park exhibits in that park museum.  Chain wide budget cuts make any park museum possibility very unlikely now.

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35 minutes ago, Winterfestguy said:

CF/Six is not interested in park museums any longer.

This is not entirely true. They built a very nice little museum at Worlds of Fun for their 50th anniversary last year. It featured things like the front car of Orient Express and the drafting table that Randall Duell designed the park on. I was very impressed by it (and I was impressed by Worlds of Fun in general).






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1 hour ago, disco2000 said:

Until they decide to do something with the Tower Gardens space, that is probably the closest we get to a museum.

I feel like Tower Gardens would be a great, unique way to do a museum if they put some real TLC into it. In the Paramount Days, it was basically a Paramount museum, with props and posters. No reason that couldn't be done with Kings Island and provide a nice walk-through. The last two years, they've had the 50th anniversary Eiffel Towers in there (assuming they're still there this year). No reason why they couldn't put the time and money in to make that a really nice walkthrough that honors KI's history and allows people a place to cool down; but they probably don't want to spend the money. 

Back when the International Restaurant was still open, the waiting room walls had old brochures, photos and press clippings. In the days before the internet, this was how I learned about KI's history -- the first time I heard about The Bat, it was from a news article on the wall about how it wouldn't be reopening. 

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I've been craving a KI museum as a permanent fixture for years. My dream is a two story walkthrough with photos, newspaper clips and ads, vintage commercials for The Beast and The Bat on a tv screen, surviving pieces of old theming and if possible, tiny portions of old rides. Plus a gift shop, where you could buy park-centric clothing and memorabilia with retro-theming (i.e. Phantom Theater shirts, Vortex mugs, baseball tees with The Beastie logo, etc.). That way a museum could bring in a little revenue.

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