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DJSkyFoxx last won the day on July 16

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    roller coasters, amusement/theme parks, music/DJing, horseback riding, off roading, law enforcement, target shooting, airsoft/paintball

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  1. If it is indeed a part they are waiting on, I imagine it might be taking a bit longer since Vekoma would probably have to fabricate a new part from start to finish. With the Invertigo model not being a common ride, I have a hard time imagining them having a readily available part on hand to ship out. Just a guess of course.
  2. A Halloween themed version of this would be rad!
  3. At this point anything would be an upgrade to it. Don't get me wrong, I still get a kick out of riding BB and "trying" to get a higher score than my company, but more often than not the blasters don't work at all or they sparingly work. And it's been a haunted castle theme for 21 years now. I think having a brand new refresh to the ride would be welcomed. It could still be something interactive but just something other than its current long held iteration.
  4. I hope it reopens sooner rather than later. I was joking around saying that maybe they're finally putting comfort collars on it Seriously though, that would be awesome.
  5. Nope. That would simply make it an iced coffee. And that's fine. My only concern would be the initial high temp melting the ice too quickly and watering it down too much. Also cold brew and iced coffee are not the same. Cold brew is where the coffee grounds are steeped in cool/cold water over night or several hours. Usually comes with an upcharge compared to iced coffee since it is usually made in small batches. Less acidic and more caffeine than regular coffee. Richer/bolder taste too.
  6. Now HERE is a good opportunity to give away some free fudge! Bring in school supplies, get a piece of fudge!
  7. I just wanna see Haunt get some teeth back to it. It has been such a shell of what it used to be (IMO). I still love going if for nothing else to get some foggy night rides in, but I sure as heck miss when the event had some bite to it.
  8. My fiancé' and I got to see the show yesterday as a nice way to end our day of playing at the water park. Really enjoyed it. Lots of great use of light and dark. Great storytelling. Great interaction with the guests, especially the kids. Enjoyed the laser dance a lot! Overall this was a very fun show and I am very grateful the extended it out so we could have a chance to see it. I was impressed to say the least. Just a great time!
  9. The fudge should just be a given if you visit X amount of times but hey
  10. Well this is sad to hear. I almost popped in last evening after work and forewent that due to simply not being up to contending with heat and lots of humans after an already stressful day. I would have been asking the same thing if I saw this. I really hope Invertigo sticks around awhile longer. We would be losing another looper and another coaster in general. And it really is one of the more intense rides in the park which I am a fan of. I always try to get at least one ride in per visit since I know it's time is ticking. It'll be interesting to see what happens in that area of the park while it's gated off.
  11. I just hope the food offerings taste better than they did last year. Most of the food was pretty bland/cold and that was disappointing. There were maybe 2/6 items we had that were decent, but the rest were met with file 13. This menu sounds tempting, but I guess we shall see.
  12. Imagine them going really cheap and turning the building into an indoor inflatable park. The smell of feet would be the scariest part!
  13. I actually noticed a little bit of that myself on my last ride and I thought "I either have to be just a littttttttle dehydrated due to the heat OR this thing is really broken in nicely enough now to really get the full force of it". It could have been a little combination of both, but either way, still amazed at how Vekoma was able to make such a well-rounded family coaster that everyone of varying thrill levels can enjoy.
  14. I've been hearing about this, but haven't personally experienced it on any of my visits thus far. Hopefully whatever is going on with it isn't anything that will have it removed any time soon. I know I am in the minority here, but I actually like it. It's also the only Vekoma Invertigo model operating in the states. If it gets kept around for awhile longer I would love to see it get updated shoulder harnesses. That would really make a huge difference in the ride experience. Granted I have it figured out how to ride it, I would not argue having a more comfortable restraint system. I would argue to say this is one of the more intense coasters in the park.
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