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Knott’s testing new line jumping prevention program

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Guests are encouraged to get food or use the bathroom before entering a ride queue. Should they need to leave the line, visitors should inform a Knott employee that they plan to rejoin their party.

Excuse me, what? "Hey ride op, I plan on rejoining my party." That'll play out well. "My party is at the front of the line, I am rejoining them."

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The thing is, until more severe action is taken, this will continue to be a problem without any real consequence. 

For example, and I'm certain some of you have witnessed this as well, the Fast Lane line does not seem to be monitored as strictly as previous seasons due to the new QR scanners. Or so I've personally noticed thus far this season. Anyways, while going through the Orion FL line, there was a group of three teenage boys standing in said line. I noticed none of them had wristbands nor did they have single use vouchers. They told my friend and I to go ahead of them. I clocked what they were doing right away and I am sadly disappointed about the fact that I was right. As we made our way into the themed pre-station, the three boys came up and cut across to the main line without being noticed. THAT really ticked me off that they not only were able to just slide into the main line, but that literally no one was paying attention except for me. One of the boys kept looking back at me like he knew I was watching. I will admit, I enjoyed making him feel uncomfortable.

But the truth of the matter is this. I REALLY thought about reporting the occurrence to security, but I knew that I would encounter two issues. First and foremost, the main line was actually moving faster than the FL line. They were way ahead and out of view so I knew that I would not even get a chance to report to a ride op about what just happened. Secondly, the whole stance on there needing to be more than one report of the offending parties really just turned me off from even bothering to attempt it. I really wanted to, believe me. But knowing that little to nothing would be done was what turned me off from it.

I think there just needs to be a better system implemented. Sad to say, but maybe install security cameras in the lines so when folks DO report line jumpers, even if it is one single person reporting it, they can playback video and have proof. Just my two cents.

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