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Heritage Bank Center Cincinnati is going cashless

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Ever since I've gotten a debit card and checking account, I have only used cash a handful of times. I actually prefer using a card as I don't have to go digging around and counting my money. I just slip the card in the machine and pay and I'm good to go. It's actually easier for businesses to go cashless as they can keep track of how much money they earned using the technology available instead of spending hours counting cash. I don't buy any of the conspiracy theories out there about how this is a plot by the government to track people and such that I always read about anytime a business decides to go cashless. The last I checked the government is not mandating that businesses go cashless and in fact I say if you're really that worried about being tracked, just throw away your cell phone!

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I personally understand why places go cashless but I think it is inconvenient for some older people and some younger people. Gone are the days your parents can give you a $20 bill and say here's your lunch money for KI. Now you'd have to transfer it onto a cash to card thing which is just something else you have to do. I'd rather just hand an employee a $20 bill. I think places view not having any cash as more secure and less of a liability because nobody can physically rob a place with no cash. However, there are still people who prefer to use cash and I think they should still have the option. My grandparents still carry a ton of cash. They pay for groceries with cash and always pay cash at restaurants. They write checks to pay all of their bills. The only thing they use a credit card for is gas and online purchases. Then when the credit card bill comes they mail them a check...no online payments. They would definitely be in the group complaining about the heritage bank center not taking cash anymore. 

As for the conspiracy theories about the government tracking you, I agree that the government already knows everywhere you go and everything you say if you have a cell phone. I'm sure they can access your banking information if they wanted to. They can freeze your bank account if you are a criminal they wish to apprehend. The main reason I think some people don't want to go to a cashless society is that the government would be privy to all the money someone receives. There would be no more "payments under the table" that the government doesn't get to tax unless someone is kind enough to report the income when they file their taxes. If you did away with cash, you can't pay anyone without the government knowing about it. Not to get political but regardless of which party is in control of the government, my requests are still the same - please make gas affordable so I can go on more coaster trips and please don't raise my taxes. 

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