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The Best KI Rides To Ride At Night!

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Yes! The Express is so fun at night! Diamondback is complete darkness once you get to the woods (same as Mystic) and can be quite fun in the dark. Also, you can't go wrong with a spooky Banshee ride...especially when there isn't any line at the end of the night. If I were to say what ride is most fun in the dark, it would be Diamondback (of course) but if I was picking the ride that improves the most in the dark, it's got to be Adventure Express. Every time I get off Express, I have a huge smile on my face because it's never what I expected.

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My all time favorite is for sure Beast.  But a few (maybe more than a few now) years back it was a total accident but my last ride on Vortex was during the fireworks.  To hit the first drop as the first fireworks hit and then going through the loops… it was super special.  This happened probably 3-4 seasons before they announced they were removing the ride but I don’t think I ever rode it after that.  

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Beast is my favorite in the park, but a few ones after that for me are Diamondback, Banshee and Bat. 

One thing I miss about Racer night rides are the chaser lights that ran all the way down to the turnarounds.

For non-coasters- Delirium, Drop Tower and WindSeeker.  

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Beast is a classic for night rides. My favorite ride in the park ever was during Haunt one night where I got on one of the final trains in the front row, with only a couple others sitting in the back. This made it feel like we were completely alone, out in the middle of the woods at night.

Aside from that Adventure Express and Mystic Timbers are amazing night rides as well. Really help get you immersed in the atmosphere of the ride and both have a secluded from the park feeling for most of their runs. (though do wish AE had some more trees around it to block more views.

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4 hours ago, silver2005 said:

Beast is my favorite in the park, but a few ones after that for me are Diamondback, Banshee and Bat. 

One thing I miss about Racer night rides are the chaser lights that ran all the way down to the turnarounds.

For non-coasters- Delirium, Drop Tower and WindSeeker.  

It's really cool during the Haunt to see all the fog and lights in effect on WindSeeker! I always love seeing people get scared and the distant chainsaw noises in the background! :P

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