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Annoying habits of guests


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^ I don't know anybody that has panic attacks, so I am rather ignorant to the specific conditions.

It just seems to me that if someone would have this type of condition would also have an issue being at the park with a large crowd around them. As well as have an issue waiting in line with multiple people they don't know around them in rather close areas.

What do they do at 3+ hour sporting events? Buy the seats on either side of them?

I would certainly hope that if a person would experiance these types of attacks would not go to a park alone so that they would have a good friend(s) with them and not be put into these types of situations.

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those people should not be allowed in the park. its not their fault they are by themselves near people. shouldnt have come. they wouldnt have any grounds in court. its dumb. you cant accommadate for every nutjob that ever walks into the park for every ride. its just a act fo life, if you have a condition that may bother you riding rides, too bad, dont go! its not hard. gah that annoys me.

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  jondrewfoo said:
those people should not be allowed in the park. its not their fault they are by themselves near people. shouldnt have come. they wouldnt have any grounds in court. its dumb. you cant accommadate for every nutjob that ever walks into the park for every ride. its just a act fo life, if you have a condition that may bother you riding rides, too bad, dont go! its not hard. gah that annoys me.

It's not the parks fault that someone in a wheel chair can not climb the steps to International Restaurant. It's just a fact of life. If you have a condition that prefents you from going up to the International Restaurant, too bad, don't go! It's Not Hard.

Gosh Ignorance Annoys Me.

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...although, I really have to wonder if someone is so uncomfortable around strangers that they have a panic attack when one sits next to them on a coaster, why in the world would you choose to go park crammed full with 40,000 strangers? ;) Would that same person insist they couldn't be seated in the same row as a stranger on an airplane? (And, if not...what would be the difference?)

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Well, how I've seen it is with a buddy that reaches a point that he'll have the attacks when a location or a park has "X" amount of poeple in it. But, he finds it very difficult to be exposed directly to strangers and to have to talk directly to one or sit next to one would be painful.

Kinda hard to explain how it works as to look at him he'd appear to be perfectly normal, but has all this going on.

Just to let ya'll know that there are thos types of people around.

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Oh, I'm not challenging the existence of the disorder. I guy I work with suffers from social anxiety so badly that (prior to medication), he was unable to walk into our cafeteria at work. I was challenging the notion that a ride op seating a stranger with someone was a violation of ADA, and that the park was violating their rights by doing it.

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  James78 said:
  PKIVortex said:
The people who sit down on the closed restraints like on Vortex or Top Gun. Or the people who try to pull them up after the locked, cause they couldn't get it pulled up fast enough.

That's funny you should say that because the lady in front of me on Vortex did just that. As for what annoys me. I would have to go with this list in no order.

1. smoking in line. This coming from a smoker. Look I know how to use the designated areas why can't everyone else.

2. Basketballs I hate those things they should make the rims smaller so no one wins.

3. People that feel the need to elbow or kick you while on rides like Delirium and then act like it's your fault.

4. I am a slow walker I'll admit that I even have a limp but I hate it when big groups of people just stop right in front of you to talk when it's crowded and then get mad because you bumped them.

5. Line jumping I hate this so much I think I hate the people that "have to get up farther to their friends" the most because I've been almost run over by them so they can ride first because they had to go to the bathroom or get a drink. Look hold it or don't ride it's that simple I'm sure all of us have gotten in line only to find out we have to use the restroom I can only speak for myself but I usually hold it or leave the line then start the waiting process all over.

6. People who abuse the handicapped ride policy.

7. Overweight people wearing bikini tops and tight shorts. Look I'm not wanting to be mean and I have no issue with your weight if you're happy I just don't want to see it.

8. People who can't use the trash cans. I was in line for The Beast the other week when this guy who walked by the trash can decided it would be better to throw his empty beer cup on the ground.

9. I don't really have a problem with beer drinkers in line as long as they don't spill it on me. Same goes for little kids with Cokes that are way to big to carry for them as long as it isn't spilled on me we're cool.

10. People who constantly break the rules on Zephyr how hard is it to not grab your friends or twist in your swing?

I think that's it for now. Thanks for listening.

I agree with you on the overweight people in bikinis and tight clothes and I am overweight. I was in the water park my first time at Kings Island and was shocked to see women twice my size in tiny bikinis and suits. there are some things you just can't wear when you're big.

As for the basketballs, when I was last at the park a couple years ago, all of the games had big bags that they gave out for people to carry their prizes in. Are they not doing that anymore or are people just not bothering to use them?

Of course, the main thing about all of this is that no matter where you go you are going to find people who have no common sense, are rude or are both. Unfortunately there is nothing to be done about it so we all just have to deal with it.

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  Browntggrr said:
  James78 said:
If I'm by myself I usually wait another turn because chances are I don't want to ride with them as much as they don't want to ride with me. I have no problem if someone asks.

Why should someone have to ask to sit in a seat that is next to yours? You don't own the seat. I would rather see a full train cycle than a train with single riders in multiple seats.

If the ride operators do not attempt to fill all the seats, that only means longer waits for the people behind you.

My wife and I are still using the parent swap program. We understand that chances are, we will not ride together. Most times, both of us will get multiple dirty looks from guests that do not understand the program. The last thing I would ever do is have another single rider wait an extra cycle because I am not willing to let them sit down unless they ask.

  The Interpreter said:
And heaven help James78 when he gets to Kennywood. There, being a single rider on Thunderbolt (and this once included Jack Rabbit) is NOT a possibility. You won't ride UNTIL you find a partner. On light days, the park may help you find one. On busy days, you are frequently on your own to do so.

On really busy days, the park normally does not dispatch ANY ride with an empty seat. Cedar Point has been known to do this, too.

More than once I have been at Kennywood apparently alone (actually my riding partner was in a shop or restroom) and been desperately approached:

Please ride with me! :)

It's not that I mind riding with strangers I have had several good experiences riding with someone I don't even know. I just always ask the person out of respect. I know I'm not always going to get the same it's just nice. I've never refused someone whether they asked or not. Years ago some guy asked me if they could ride the front seat with me on The Beast turns out it was his first time. So let me say again that I don't mind riding with strangers. I know they paid the same as me it is just nice when someone says "hey is it okay if I ride with you?" I have made friends this way before and even spent the day going to other rides with them since they were by themselves too. It just breaks the tension of sitting with a stranger by asking. Sorry if I offended anyone.

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Guest kwindshawne

I don't mind it at all. I don't see single riders ahead of me too often, but being the shy person I am, I haven't asked to ride with them either. But I don't mind if someone asks me-as long as they leave those darn basketballs off!! :))

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  The Interpreter said:
Well, you certainly didn't offend me! And you can ride with me at Kennywood any time, provided I don't already have a riding partner at the time! :)

  kwindshawne said:
I don't mind it at all. I don't see single riders ahead of me too often, but being the shy person I am, I haven't asked to ride with them either. But I don't mind if someone asks me-as long as they leave those darn basketballs off!! :))

Cool maybe one of these days I'll make it there. I'm usually not by myself I go with my mom who got me into coasters at a very young age. And I'm with you on the basketballs.

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when i'm at K.I. i really hate guests who:

1. bouncing basket balls

2. line jumpers ( and i've had to put up with tons of those!)

3. people who tear up the props ( saw this at fearfest, and I couldn't believe it.)

4. another fearfest complaint: those annoying teenage girls that scream off the

top of their lungs when they're right behind you at stuff not even meant to be scary

5. people too busy talking to notice the line moving ahead of them

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  TOPGUN1993 said:
I really get annoyed when I over hear people spreading rumors about rides right in front of me. "5 people died on sob thats why its closed" ...."Vortex use to be green"...."this is the last year for Vortex" etc

Actually when I was in line for Firehawk the lady sitting at the stool telling you when you could enter the station said to us something about Vortex was only supposed to run for only 18 years and its already run for 19 season so it'll probably go soon.

But yes the GP is usually oblivious to most things KI.

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  Raptor66 said:
My biggest pet peeve is when people say Kings Island is owned by Cedar Point. I always correct them and say it's Cedar Fair who owns Kings Island.

A distinction with very little, if any, difference. In the words of the teens, Cedar Point pwns Cedar Fair. Or for us oldsters, Cedar Point is the goose that laid the golden eggs, the flagship park, the first and foremost object of Mr. Kinzel's affections, and, in all honestly, is of a different class and type than all the rest of the Cedar Fair parks.

Of the Cedar Fair parks, only Cedar Point can truly be considered a destination/resort park. The rest are regional attractions (also known as day parks...a few, but not many people go to the other parks to spend more than a day...many, if not most Cedar Point guests do).

For many, many years Kings Island has reportedly had the largest percentage of guests holding season passes of any park in the USA.

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Prepare yourself for this. This is by far the worst thing Ive ever seen at KI.

So I was on The Beast, and we were just pulling up to the end where you hit the breaks when we realized it was one of those rare occasions where you get to see a train come down the first hill. So the people behind us think that It would be funny to throw there mini basketballs at it. It pretty much bounced off the back of my friends headrest and shot the opposite direction.

So we get into the station and these kids take off, and then some guys gets of screaming at the employees.

So the kids get called back and get kicked out of the park.

Uhgggg. This stuff bugs me. Why do people do this?

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  welchce said:
  TOPGUN1993 said:
I really get annoyed when I over hear people spreading rumors about rides right in front of me. "5 people died on sob thats why its closed" ...."Vortex use to be green"...."this is the last year for Vortex" etc

Actually when I was in line for Firehawk the lady sitting at the stool telling you when you could enter the station said to us something about Vortex was only supposed to run for only 18 years and its already run for 19 season so it'll probably go soon.

But yes the GP is usually oblivious to most things KI.

Some ride op is not going to know that. Vortex is still in pretty good condition so it's not going anywhere anytime soon.

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  Oldiesmann said:
What are some of the most annoying habits you've seen among other park guests? While I can think of several, the most annoying one to me is the basketball bouncing. People win basketballs, and then proceed to walk around the park and bounce them all the time. I get so tired of nearly tripping over basketballs because they either got away from the person who was bouncing them or the person bounced it in my path as I was walking by. The second most annoying one would be large women wearing Spandex - last year (I'm not making this up), I saw a rather large lady walking by in a skin-tight shirt and ultra-short, skin-tight shorts that had "Bootylicious" and a large lip mark plastered on the back of them :blink: :whacko:

"MY CHILD ISNT TALL ENOUGH?? THEY RODE THIS FIVE TIMES TODAY!!!" ... sir its 1030.. we just opened.. xD frickin idiots.. if your gonna lie, at LEAST come up with something decent..

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  welchce said:
  TOPGUN1993 said:
I really get annoyed when I over hear people spreading rumors about rides right in front of me. "5 people died on sob thats why its closed" ...."Vortex use to be green"...."this is the last year for Vortex" etc

Actually when I was in line for Firehawk the lady sitting at the stool telling you when you could enter the station said to us something about Vortex was only supposed to run for only 18 years and its already run for 19 season so it'll probably go soon.

But yes the GP is usually oblivious to most things KI.

And most everything else.

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Guest kwindshawne
  beastfan11 said:
Prepare yourself for this. This is by far the worst thing Ive ever seen at KI.

So I was on The Beast, and we were just pulling up to the end where you hit the breaks when we realized it was one of those rare occasions where you get to see a train come down the first hill. So the people behind us think that It would be funny to throw there mini basketballs at it. It pretty much bounced off the back of my friends headrest and shot the opposite direction.

So we get into the station and these kids take off, and then some guys gets of screaming at the employees.

So the kids get called back and get kicked out of the park.

Uhgggg. This stuff bugs me. Why do people do this?

I guess those headrests came in handy...he didn't get hurt did he?

I swear, if they don't do something about those F&^%$%^ basketballs, someone is really going to get seriously hurt...

sorry for the language, but after my daughter nearly got smacked in the head with it on The Beast, it just infuriates me.......

I hate to even suggest this, but the time may have come to have security posted at The Beast......too many incidents back to back

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heh, one time a while back, as our car was pulling into The Vortex station, some idiot throwing gummy bears hit me with one. i was not happy about it. it was all gooey, and looked like someone spit it out of their mouth and then let dry for later use... gross.... this was right before we got to the station, they were apparently in the que line that goes over the station.

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I hate those people with basketballs, last time i went to KI we rode Viking Fury about 5 times in a row. The first time a little girl was getting off and her flip flop fell in between the ship and the deck so her mom starts yelling at an employee saying that there is a big space in between the ride and deck and that someone could fall through.

The next time there where about 7 16 year old boys with basket balls, they kept singing that annoying rap song "Ballin" and when the said "Ballin" someone would through theyre basketball into the water.

The next time was a nice ride, but then the 4th. ride came around. And this little girl about 11 years old sat next to me. Once the ride started she started screaming for no reason, when the ride got into full swing she started crying on my shoulder and was like "Help me, im scared" and when the ride was over she said "I wanna ride it again."

I also hate when people say stupid things like "One time Drop Zone fell to the ground and the brakes didn't stop it so everyone died" or The Beast's loop was tooken down because it fell off the track and people died."

And when people say "Lets go ride King Cobra, or the Monrail Ride."

Those basketballs are the most annoying thing in the world, they shouldn't let people dribble them.

That is just a few things i hate, the list could go on forever.

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The basketball solution could be an easy one. Instead of giving you a basketball when you win you are given a voucher then on your way out of the park you can collect the basketball. That way you still get your beloved basketball and none of us get hit with it.

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Too much trouble, people would loose their vouchers and get upset. Besides the prize is not that you get to take home a basketball, it's that you get to walk around the park with a basketball and let every guest know that you were good enough to win it. Same with all the the other prizes at the park, its barely a trophy once it leaves the park gates. The prize is knowing that people are watching you carry around you're 5' scooby and thinking to themselves, "wow, that guy sure is awesome." Even though they're really saying, "wow i'll bet that's a pain in the ass, why would you want that?"

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  kwindshawne said:
  beastfan11 said:
Prepare yourself for this. This is by far the worst thing Ive ever seen at KI.

So I was on The Beast, and we were just pulling up to the end where you hit the breaks when we realized it was one of those rare occasions where you get to see a train come down the first hill. So the people behind us think that It would be funny to throw there mini basketballs at it. It pretty much bounced off the back of my friends headrest and shot the opposite direction.

So we get into the station and these kids take off, and then some guys gets of screaming at the employees.

So the kids get called back and get kicked out of the park.

Uhgggg. This stuff bugs me. Why do people do this?

I guess those headrests came in handy...he didn't get hurt did he?

I swear, if they don't do something about those F&^%$%^ basketballs, someone is really going to get seriously hurt...

sorry for the language, but after my daughter nearly got smacked in the head with it on The Beast, it just infuriates me.......

I hate to even suggest this, but the time may have come to have security posted at The Beast......too many incidents back to back

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