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  Kat_RPW_employee said:
  CombatStupendous89 said:
wear your swim trunks and ride rides then go swimming.

and what about the towel? and the shoes most ppl wear at the water park to avoid hurting their feet?

not everyone wants to walk around in a wet bathing suit the rest of the day, esp not under their regular clothes. then you have wet clothes the rest of the day. and no one wants to carry around a sopping wet towel the rest of the day. I know i dont.

tongue.gifstupid.gif (no offense wink.gif )

Your calling me stupid, yet your the idiot who thinks she knows hwo rides are run when she makes fries all day. No, you dont need to bring in a bunch of crap with you when you come to the park, and no on the rides we dont have to take your crap if it has valuables in it. Trvel light, and save some time or shell out a few bucks for a locker, or heres a shocking thought.........maybe we can get up the energy from our lazy selves and walk to our cars or lockers to get stuff. Wow, the whole thing is not hard at all.

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Stuff gets stolen alot, Ive had a bag with wet swimming trunks stolen before. Thats all that was in it... They just want peoples stuff to not get stolen. But I agree with combat stupendous prepare for a day at a park with a large crowd of people. Its really not that big of a deal. The locker prices are diffrent in certain areas. I think the ones by viking fury are only .75. Deffinetly worth it to keep from losing your things. Or you could keep them in your car and just walk alittle extra if 75 cents is a big deal.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  CombatStupendous89 said:
  Kat_RPW_employee said:
  CombatStupendous89 said:
wear your swim trunks and ride rides then go swimming.

and what about the towel? and the shoes most ppl wear at the water park to avoid hurting their feet?

not everyone wants to walk around in a wet bathing suit the rest of the day, esp not under their regular clothes. then you have wet clothes the rest of the day. and no one wants to carry around a sopping wet towel the rest of the day. I know i dont.

tongue.gifstupid.gif (no offense wink.gif )

Your calling me stupid, yet your the idiot who thinks she knows hwo rides are run when she makes fries all day. No, you dont need to bring in a bunch of crap with you when you come to the park, and no on the rides we dont have to take your crap if it has valuables in it. Trvel light, and save some time or shell out a few bucks for a locker, or heres a shocking thought.........maybe we can get up the energy from our lazy selves and walk to our cars or lockers to get stuff. Wow, the whole thing is not hard at all.

oh, and i suppose you're mister know-it-all?

if you want to walk around in a wet bathing suit the rest of the day and sit on a damp towel when you go on rides, that's YOUR choice, but i speak for majority when I say it's not worth it.

and it sure as heck isn't worth $5 a person to get a locker. besides, once the waterpark closes, you have to get your stuff, so then you're back to the issue of what to do with it?

sure you could walk all the way out to your car, after all walking all over PKI isnt exhausting enough.

or, better yet, you could shell out another $5 per person on a locker at the front of the park, or try and cram your family's crap into an oversized locker for $10.

it's easier just to carry it with you. it's not a big deal to leave it in the station when you go on rides. just take your 'valuables' with you, or leave them in the car.

as for the energy to walk to the car, you sit on your freakin butt all day operating rides or checking harnesses. that doesn't require energy. i'm dead freakin serious when i say working in fast food is a hell of a lot harder than any harness checking or button pushing.

grow up, and just accept people's crap. After all, YOU'RE not responsible for it. The park is not responsible for it. If they want to leave their crap at the station and take chances, that's their freakin choice, and why should you screw with it??

cuz you're freakin scared that if someone leaves their crap there or loses it/has it stolen they're gonna cuss you out and make a big scene and try and sue you.







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  BoddaH1994 said:
Back to the subject of stupid habits of park employees, I love it how two people who work at the same park but in different departments have to sink so low as to argue of over something as dumb as carry on articles.

well, they brought it up first. I agree people should not take a jillion valuables.

camera? leave the digi at home, pay $10 to get a disposable one and get it developed.

cell phone? wear something with zipper or velcro pockets where it wont fall out.

cash? leave the wallet at home. take plenty of cash and your license, put them in your back pocket. you'll be sitting on them, they won't fall out. I go on rides all the time with bills in my back pocket. take a zip-loc for your change. or better yet leave the cash at home and take a credit card.

as for sunglasses, I figured out if you stick it through your belt loop and tuck your shirt over them, they'll stay on fine. I ran into this issue on Face/Off the other day. I had my purse in my locker, i just had my cell phone on me (which i tie around a belt loop and hook over my shorts button underneath the button hole) and my sunglasses and i was like crap i cant take these on. they'll get crushed in my pocket. so i stuck em in my belt loop and put my shirt over them, they stayed put.

as for waterpark stuff, just take your suit and a towel and only the basics you need.

if an employee is gonna gripe about you leaving a small bag with sunscreen, water shoes your suit and towel in it, then they have issues.

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  AZ Kinda Guy said:
  CombatStupendous89 said:
And no on the rides we dont have to take your crap if it has valuables in it.

Delirium accepts carry on items.

that's because they have a metal box to put your stuff in, and it's still your risk to leave it in there. I don't mind leaving my bag in the station when I go on rides b/c if someone wants to steal my bag and find out all it has in it is my work uniform and they can't do anything with it anyways, that's their choice. while i wouldn't be HAPPY if they stole my work uniform, it could be replaced. I keep my ID badge on me though and usually leave my wallet and car keys in my locker and tie my phone's wrist strap to my belt loop.

tomb raider employees will take your large carry on items and hold them for you. but they tell you if you have any valuables (i.e. money, keys, cell phone, etc.) you have to put it in the zippered pouch in front of you AND they tell you they are not responsible for any articles left behind either in the item holding area or in the zippered pouches.

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Paramount's Kings Island is not responsible for any items left, lost, stolen or damaged while riding.

You can pretty much take anything with you except for large stuffed animals and basketballs. On the coasters - including Flight of Fear - you can take your backpack or bag - and just put your feet through the shoulder straps. Flight of Fear is a little tricker if your bag is big - but it works. For ACErs like me - most of the rides easily accomodate Fanny Packs - from the light models, to the deluxe models with the drink carrier and camera holder.

Also lockers are a good idea. You can put your stuff in there, and open and close them numerous times. If you win one of those giant gorillas right at 10:01 - you can take it up to the stroller rental place and check the item and pick it up later in the day. There is a nominal fee for it however.

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  Kat_RPW_employee said:
as for the energy to walk to the car, you sit on your freakin butt all day operating rides or checking harnesses. that doesn't require energy. i'm dead freakin serious when i say working in fast food is a hell of a lot harder than any harness checking or button pushing.

Back in the day, I was an operator at Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom. I have to say that it is very exhausting to check bars and operate roller coasters. I have worked in food service AND I have worked in rides operation. Rides Operation is a HELL OF A LOT HARDER than Food Service... The question is whether or not you can handle it! laugh.gif

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  Admiral Ackbar said:
  Kat_RPW_employee said:
as for the energy to walk to the car, you sit on your freakin butt all day operating rides or checking harnesses. that doesn't require energy. i'm dead freakin serious when i say working in fast food is a hell of a lot harder than any harness checking or button pushing.

Back in the day, I was an operator at Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom. I have to say that it is very exhausting to check bars and operate roller coasters. I have worked in food service AND I have worked in rides operation. Rides Operation is a HELL OF A LOT HARDER than Food Service... The question is whether or not you can handle it! laugh.gif

yeah. i'll believe it when i get to that point. My brother works in rides and he loves it. he said it's pretty easy tongue.gif

I doubt it's HARDER, more exhausting and boring, perhaps, but not harder. how hard is it to check a harness or push buttons? seriously, i've seen it done enough times *I* could do it (and yes i know if you forget to check even an empty seat you could get written up. always check the invisible people's harnesses tongue.gif)

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There is more then just pushing buttons or checking restraints. You have to guest relate consently, and if you are a supervisor, you are in charge of 1-3 rides, depending your crew size (6-9). So, yea, it may be easy if you see us, but we have to deal with guest situations, brake downs, guest relating, height checking, and a whole bunch of other things. But it is fun and I wish I could go back.

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If you lose something on a ride at PKI you can go back an get it. AFTER the park closes. Only on some rides.I know The Beast crew will and IJST crew will get your lost items for you. One time this man lost his cell phone on the IJST. The mans cell phone was at the bottom of the splash down.

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  Kat_RPW_employee said:
(and yes i know if you forget to check even an empty seat you could get written up. always check the invisible people's harnesses tongue.gif)

I love it when the train comes back and people think the seat is empty because the person that was in it fell out - and they don't ride in that seat and wait till the next train. laugh.gif

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What really annoys me (as a worker) the most is seeing people who are staying to ride rides after a shift with their hats on crooked, shirts over their shoulder, and smoking. TAKE OFF THE UNIFORM!

Another good one that goes along with the top comment was what I saw a month or so ago. Girl had her hat crooked, shirt over her shoulder, in nothing but a bra up top. I wanted to smack her.

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When I was at Coney, in the rides department, we were instructed to stay in uniform from "car to car" because they did not want the general public to see us without our shirts tucked in. Appearance is important in a service oriented job, and it shows how much you care about your job and the guests that are providing the money in your paycheck.

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  flightoffear1996 said:
I hate it when alot of the workers will talk to their friends they see at the park and dont do there jobs.

I talk to the IJST crew all the time wile they are on duty. They tell me to leave but I tell them NO. LOL tongue.giftongue.gif some of them are my friends.

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The same thing holds true at Coney. I have had the experience of riding the Python with the head mechanic Tom, before.

Additionally, the bumper boats, and sometimes the pedal boats require that we go out in the boats to rescue a lost boat. Otherwise we are forbiden to ride the rides, with the exception of the Super slide, because the stairs are too narrow to try and fght your way down past all the guests.

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  SOB_TOM said:
What really annoys me (as a worker) the most is seeing people who are staying to ride rides after a shift with their hats on crooked, shirts over their shoulder, and smoking. TAKE OFF THE UNIFORM!

Another good one that goes along with the top comment was what I saw a month or so ago. Girl had her hat crooked, shirt over her shoulder, in nothing but a bra up top. I wanted to smack her.

Sometimes after my shifts I enoy going to ride rides, but I always bring a non uniform shirt to wear from my house and carry my work shirt with me, but I dont wear anything that would show I'm a pki employee with a messed up unifrom.

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Yes, they never used to say clear (only the driver on Flight of Fear used to say that.) But then last season I believe, every operator on the platform had to have their thumbs up and say clear. Another layer of safety. Just like back in 1998, they didn`t use to have exit gates at the rides. They just had a yellow line for people to stand behind on the exit ramp.

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