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Flash on the front page

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You guys have probably noticed that we put PKI's flash for whatever announcement my be made on July 25th on the front page. Let me ask you guys a few questions:

Did the video have any trouble playing for any of you?

Was the load time significantly increased by doing this?

Do you think having Flash intros on the page more often would add or subtract from your experience here at PKIC? Would it beautify the page or make it a dial up nightmare?

Comments are welcome.



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  f5rollercoasters said:
I like the new idea of having a flash on the front page. The only thing is that when it is over it turns black and stays black, a pic should after go over it.

When we make our own flash videos, they'll be intended for the site. You have to bear in mind that this file was just an mpg that Maureen sent us that we converted. In the future, we'll do our best to make this stuff more and more PKIC friendly.

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  Firefall Pkd said:
Hmmm, I like it but I think I may have found a problem. The flash movie covers up the navigation menu when it expands, I don't know if this is just with my browser (Avant Browser) or this is just something that flash files do to menus like this...

Using IE, the Flash never gets larger than the size of our reglar frong page image. Our technicians are addressing this problem with no current ETA.

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Its a thing with layering, the menu was make using Dynamic Hyper Transfer Protocol and the teaser was made into flash. The page is made in PHP which uses layering to get the desired effect. Well the problem is that Flash cannot be layered under anything else so the menu takes the seat behind it. So if you need to access the menu, just click on the attractions link and go on from there.

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Boddah - the problems mentioned here are easy to fix...

First, to keep the flash movie from repeating over and over, just add the following tag within the object tag right before the embed:

<param name="loop" value="false">

Second, to prevent the sub-menus from being covered up by the flash movie, simply add the following information to the object tag:


That will force the Flash movie to be behind anything else. (More info: http://www.w3schools.com/css/pr_class_position.asp and http://www.w3schools.com/css/pr_pos_z-index.asp).

The only thing is, that "z-index" thing doesn't work in Netscape 4, although I wouldn't be too concerned with supporting such an old browser.

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