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Opening Day 4/9/04


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What a wonderful day at the park. First it wasn't looking good cause we had to wait 15 minutes to get to park but that was really the only line we waited in all day. Im not going to say how long the lines were but most we 5 minutes cept Dropzone Deleruim which were 20 mintues or so. First it was off to Deleruim which was a great ride as it always is. Then we went to all the other rides in Action Zone cept for Son of Beast which was shut down all day. Then we headed toward Advernture Express which is always a nice mild ride after all the intense rides at Action Zone. We didn't ride The Racer because the backwards one wasn't open but it was running which made The Racer line longer than I was willing to wait. So we decided to head to FOF. This was the best Flight of Fear ride I have had in awhile. They actually left the lights and truthfully I like it much better with the lights. NExt to wasVortex which was running quite well. Then off to sponge bob. After that we did the only 2 rides left The Beast and Tomb Raider. The Beast helix is no longer as smooth as it was on the dry run day but its still improved. And they had the video about the making of The Beast it looked really interesting but I didn't really get a chance to watch it since there was no line. Tomb Raider was the same old ride. Then we went to Potato works to grab a bite to eat. Afterward we headed on home.

Overall this trip was a B+ due to short lines and rides acutally being open. The only thing was that it was a little chilly. Much better than the Dry Run day though.

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I had a lot of fun and the lines were great there wasn't anything really to complain about all day except for sob. That kinda disappointed me but hey it happens. I didn't see anyone all day that I knew. But when I went with my cousins to see scooby he pointed to my hoodie and gave me the thumbs up. I rode everything I needed to ride except for Vortex and sob. It was a lot of fun.

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I won't name names, but I got accused of doctoring these pics on another PKI site. I assure you, i took these pics one right after the other, and the train was moving BACKWARDS.

It is too bad some "others" assume "conspiracy theory" is always running rampant. I saw the other site just to see what others had said, and it is too bad that when a contribution is made, it is pis :censored: on, just because it was not seen with their own eyes.

Nice pics though!


Kudos to the staff of PKI Central for not running their site with bias for people's opinions and ramming their own down our throat. You guys are doing a great job!

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I know I, for one, thank you for the pics. I don't want to turn this into a bash other sites thread, but I want to say that I left a different site because of some of the stuff that was going on there at one point. It's nice that people feel free to post pics and stuff here.

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I have gotten stuck on it, 25 mins, hanging down, with my parents across from me, they were rather confy and had a REAL nice view because we were last ride. They got to lay back and relax and watch the people move out to the parking lot. Me on the other hand, hanging, and the only view I had was of the gravel below.

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