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PKI Podcast


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Just goes to show that PKIC is indeed the greatest pki site out there! Cant wait to hear the first one!

Are you going to be looking for any hosts, reserchers, editors, ETC?


We already have backing from several people from the park. We are looking for good "techies" to help us get this set up as well as possible, as well as people to throw around content ideas.

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not bad... most of us have like 15 years experience wtih computers b/c of being in that computer generation. we were the first to use internet and what not.. so gotta respect the older ones laugh.gif

didnt you say on a post a couple of days ago that you were like 13? So you were working with computers 2 years before you were born, you are pretty 1337 my friend!

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Well, I can say that we have been developing the idea of a podcast for more than a month now.

I had that idea also, but with Kings Island and other Paramount Parks their is not alot to talk about. The people that run things are very quit about whats new or whats going on.

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