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Another PKIC Exclusive: One Last Look!

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With less than two weeks until the grand opening of Paramount's Kings Island, and more importantly, the debut of Nickelodeon Universe, we figured it was time for one last look at the "ride-fetus" that will surely be the 2006 Golden Ticket Award winner!

Some things you will notice is:

  • Danny Phantom's Flyers being tested using bags of ice for weight!
  • Final touches on Plankton's Plunge.
  • Avatar, with it's car now stocked on the track waiting for it's finishing paint job.
  • New colors for everything!

Also, we were told to relay to you that two of the new food stands for Nickelodeon Universe will be called "Ice Cream" and "Snow Cones" and they'll serve... well, ice cream and snow cones.

Don't forget that opening weekend, there's a character breakfast at 10:00 in the Festhaus. Traditional breakfast foods such as French Toast and sausage will be served. The cost is $9.99.

A special thank you goes out once again to PKI's Marketing Dream Team v2.0, Maureen and Jennifer for spending another afternoon with us and making this update possible. Thank you!

Click here to see the photos!



PKICentral.com -- Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.. the offseason is ticking away!!

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  beastdude said:
um sorry if this has been answered or asked but is the giggle coaser the old scooby doo and haunted castle and if so what happened to all the theming i mean the castle is still there and doesnt fit a giggle coaste rtheme if not sorry for being an idiot

No, Scooby Doo and the Haunted Castle is still there. Little Bill's Giggle Coaster is a retheme of Top Cat's Taxi Jam, which was a retheme of the Scooby Zoom.

Edit: Sorry for the double post!

Edited by Delirium13
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  Enchanted Voyager said:
Eeehh gad those bumper cars look bad.

I think they look sweet! Once again guys you got some great pics and made a greqat update. This is what a fansite is all about, getting the updates, even if the opening day is less than 10 days away! Nick Universe is coming along grand and the rest of the park looks great as well. Thanks for the great updates guys.


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  Dane said:
I would like to kindly remind all users that when you are linking to a image in the photo gallery you need to link to the static link found below the picture and not the URL in your address bar.

Inncorrect: http://photos.pkicentral.com/displayimage....album=136&pos=1

Correct: http://photos.pkicentral.com/displayimage.php?pos=-2966

Oops. Thanks for the reminder. I'll have to fix mine.

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I like the cars themselves but the building it self is bland, I would have made the awning around it rounded or elliptical, I think it would have looked a lot neater, however I think it's looking great and I'm looking forward to visiting to see it. I believe it will be done by opening day for sure.

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NU is looking nice, question is does it really look better than HBL did or is basically a repaint and some new rides?

From what I have seen absolutely nowhere near Suess Landing quality like so many people were claiming it would be. Anyone that has seen it agree or disagree with this observation.

But I do know the kiddies will enjoy it.

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Has any one directly compared it to being on par with Seuss Landing? And no, they are not just simply repainting the existing rides. The Kiddie Whip has been moved with a new shelter built over it. The Go Diego Go ride has had some new cars added to replace the fire trucks. Jimmy Neutron`s Atom Smashers have all new cars, or at least all new fiberglass bodies replacing the boulder bumper bodies. Additionally, the HB Carousel will be getting horses to replace the HB characters. Not to mention the various facade changes to the restaurants, Atom Smashers and the station are of the Azul`s Aventura train ride.

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It has been known for quite some time that that was going to be the car used on Avatar. It is a skater car, on a disko style track. The car will spin like the disko car. The only difference is that the seats are not outward facing. Which means the ride is geared more towards families than thrill seekers like the Survivor ride at PGA.

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