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park dress code?


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I saw several young guys walking around without shirts Sunday...their backs all covered with tattoos..and their britches hanging so low that all you saw was thier boxers. Why does KI allow them to walk around with their britches so low. Also....to any of you who wear them like that...doesn't it get aggravating to have to hold them all day...or be constantly pulling them up?

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At CP they let you wear your swim suit in the main area of the park for Snake River Falls and Thunder Canyon. Before Cedar Fair took over KI, you had to wear your regular street clothes on the wet rides in the main area of the park. ( White Water Canyon, Congo Falls.) Anyone know if Cedar Fair changing the no swim suit rule for KI?

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I believe the reason that you can take your flip flops off on any ride that you might lose them on is because of safety concerns. I would rather have someone riding barefoot than a shoe go flying and hit me on the head.

I would also like to point out that when I was working in the rides department, we were informed that the dress code was bikini tops were fine, however they MUST be wearing shorts, not bikini bottoms.

As for the guys: I do not like that fad, however if they wish to demoralize themselves by looking like a thug, then let them. However, if it is offensive to you, then go to guest relations to alert the park to the problem. If enough people do that, then the park will make a rule against it.

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Guest kwindshawne
I saw several young guys walking around without shirts Sunday...their backs all covered with tattoos..and their britches hanging so low that all you saw was thier boxers. Why does KI allow them to walk around with their britches so low. Also....to any of you who wear them like that...doesn't it get aggravating to have to hold them all day...or be constantly pulling them up?

I agree there. I get so tired of looking at butt cracks-it is just common decency to wear pants that fit. I consider that partial nudity, and that needs to stay in the bedroom.

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Guest kwindshawne
...and the bathroom...otherwise doing one's business fully clothed could become quite messy! :)

Thanks!! I needed that :lol:

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  • 5 weeks later...

I've seen many people walking around in Bikini tops, but today, I saw two girls, no older than 16, walking around in tiny bikini's in the main park, carrying their shoes. Is that even allowed in the main park?? Maybe to some a bikini is considered 'clothing', as in a top and bottoms so it's ok to wear it. Seriously people, cover up.

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Guest TombraiderTy
However Tom, you can not take flip flops off any ride, there are a select few such as Wild Thornberries and WWC, but on rides like Beast and the other coasters......shoes at all times.

Actually, when I visited last Saturday, an employee at White Water Canyon said over his microphone-thing that shoes were required.

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Whenever I go I wear my custom Shox which are around $130. I've tried to take them off multiple times on WWC, you know, trying my luck each time, and every time I get told to put them on. Why? Why should I have to get my expensive (or any, for that matter) shoes wet? Walking around all day in soggy shoes is ridiculously uncomfortable.

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Whenever I go I wear my custom Shox which are around $130. I've tried to take them off multiple times on WWC, you know, trying my luck each time, and every time I get told to put them on. Why? Why should I have to get my expensive (or any, for that matter) shoes wet? Walking around all day in soggy shoes is ridiculously uncomfortable.

Because hundreds of bare feet in that muck at the bottom of those boats would just be a breeding ground for fungus and God knows what else. I'll pass on getting ringworm, thank you....

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The WWC water is chlorinated daily....or at least it was under Paramount....

It didn't smell like it last week when we rode it, and it didn't burn my eyes when I got drenched like pool water always does, but that may simply mean that there's not as much chlorine in WWC as in a pool. Then again, there wouldn't need to be because they make people keep their shoes on. IMO, the bottom line is, I wouldn't dip my bare feet in the swill at the bottom of a WWC raft if everyone else before me had done the same. Maybe I'm developing OCD in my old age.....LOL!

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Well, WWC was designed to be a reservoir for the park.

Sooooo.... It was designed to not be chlorinated. Yes, treating the water but not chlorinating it.

Paramount took many liberties. It's very well possible that they would dump ample amounts of chlorine into a reservoir.

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Well, WWC was designed to be a reservoir for the park.

Sooooo.... It was designed to not be chlorinated. Yes, treating the water but not chlorinating it.

Paramount took many liberties. It's very well possible that they would dump ample amounts of chlorine into a reservoir.

And you would know......how?

Because I was around when it was built.

KCKC and WWC were both reservoirs. From time to time, it would even be used to water landscaping.

Oktoberfest Lake, Monkey Island Lake and Swan Lake were designed as water run offs.

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