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Calling Kings Island Speculators


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I read somewhere on here that Kings Island is getting some sort of new ride or something in '07. Couldn't find the thread.

Anyone have any ideas what it is? I remember a few people figuring out the Italian Job before it was officially announced.

I apologize in advance if there is another thread like this one.

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I don't think I've seen many people speculating what will be installed for 2007. I'm not sure that there are any threads either. Whatever it is, Cedar Fair has said that they will honor the installation decision that Paramount had chosen for 2007. After that, all bets are off. I hope they get a new flat.

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Yeah, there hasn`t been much speculation as to what Kings Island will install next season. There hasn`t even been a mention of an area where this new attraction may be located. The only thing that is confirmed is that the park will be getting some sort of new attraction next year.

If I had to take a guess, and it is completly that, I would say they will be getting some sort of new flat ride in Coney Mall. But that is based simply on my own opinion, and not any factual information.

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New attraction for KI in '07?

Write down all the possible attractions you can think of on post-its.

Put them on all the walls in your room.

Put on a blind fold.

Spin yourself 10 times.

Throw a dart.


Humor aside, we do know that it is not a major ride. Kinzel mentioned that in one of the press releases during the sale.

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It's funny. Now that Cedar Fair has bought Kings Island, no one really seems to care what they are getting for next year. More people are worried about what changes CF will make than what will be the new attraction for next year.

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Yeah, we are too busy figuring out what the evil empire will do to us, and if the rebel forces will have a chance of taking the park back.

Speaking of which:

Rebel Forces Seek Stormtroopers

Please send resume to SOB_TOM through PKIC. Not all applicants will be taken, although jobs are opening rapidly.

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Yeah, we are too busy figuring out what the evil empire will do to us, and if the rebel forces will have a chance of taking the park back.

Speaking of which:

Rebel Forces Seek Stormtroopers

Please send resume to SOB_TOM through PKIC. Not all applicants will be taken, although jobs are opening rapidly.

The odd thing is the same concerns are being expressed at Cedar Point. What will become of our first among equals status? Will we continue to get the major capital expansions in the future? What now that there are two parks in the chain that get more attendance than we do? Will this acquisition hurt Cedar Point? Will we lose some of our best managers and employees to the former Paramount Parks? Should I take a job at one of those parks if offered? Will I get to keep my job here if they offer me one elsewhere and I turn it down?

Those are the major concerns up there.

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If I were the CEO of Cedar Fair... I would make a big entrance and build something big and thrilling... something that people would be extremely excited about... Then the people that didn't really know Cedar Fair or that didn't keep up with these things would immediately like them... But I'm not a CEO so I don't know what the right thing to do is...

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Well, they didn`t exactly say they wouldn`t be getting anything major. They jsut said that there are no large capital expenditures at the Parmount Parks. IE no major roller coasters. It is not out of the question to possibly expect a large flat ride akin to a Delirium that will cost $5 million or so. If located in Coney Mall, it could be a very popular attraction, especially if it were to become as popular as Delirium.

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If I were the CEO of Cedar Fair... I would make a big entrance and build something big and thrilling... something that people would be extremely excited about... Then the people that didn't really know Cedar Fair or that didn't keep up with these things would immediately like them... But I'm not a CEO so I don't know what the right thing to do is...

Thats not a good idea, thats what six flags did to geauga lake and it ended up badly. Cedar Fair should wait a year or two before anything big.

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What I meant was for them to build a thrilling ride (particularly a coaster) or improve something that will be noticable... not to spend 26 million on expansion like at Geauga... People that have been to the park over the years are used to Paramount... and many people don't really know how Cedar Fair is. They need to do a little something that will make people say... "These owners are better than Paramount." Something that would get people excited!

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I hope Cedar Fair puts in more water tube slides,or a swing, or mouse coaster.

Given what you say about not cloning coasters, why should they put in a mouse, swings or more water tube slides? All those things already exist at other parks. That should be enough, right?

If it isn't, perhaps clone coasters succeed for the same reason that a mouse, swing or more water tube slides would at Kings Island.

Just something to think about.

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Cedar Fair has already said in conference that the new attraction for "07" will be what C.B.S. had previously planned for the park. It is not supposed to change. Although, I am sure that the name will most likely change. Of course, they have not said what this attraction is going to be, but since it was "Paramount's" idea, something else beloved to the park will probably be tore down to make room for it.

I think that the new attraction for 2007 from Cedar Fair will be a newer and better atmosphere for the park, probably without the annoying "Paramount" logos everywhere. Another topic mentioned in the conference, is that in 2008, all bets are off for anything that C.B.S. had planned for the park.

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  • 3 weeks later...

^And most of your posts are useless crap and garbage that are easily shot down and proven wrong. The see saw thing isnt happening, nor was it ever planned too. Glad to see you back Kong Fu Guy, that you would get sneaky this time and create two sepearte names then argue with yourself, too bad the IP adress is the same. Lets see how long you last this time. laugh.gif

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Yeah, the themed version looks MUCH better than the one with no theme to it. Where exactly did you find that, or is that confidential information?

I only hope that if it is a themed attraction, Cedar Fair won't try to ruin it by de-theming the ride in any way just because they don't like the idea of mixing roller coasters in with special effects and neat theming.

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Yeah, the themed version looks MUCH better than the one with no theme to it. Where exactly did you find that, or is that confidential information?

I only hope that if it is a themed attraction, Cedar Fair won't try to ruin it by de-theming the ride in any way just because they don't like the idea of mixing roller coasters in with special effects and neat theming.

You do know he has no "confidential" info right and that the See Saw 2 was a vekoma concept that was never brought to reality and currently has no plans to be brought to reality as most of their concept plans were trashed when they filed for bankruptcy. The member who has posted this has been banned under several use anmes already for innapropriate behavior, and I'm sure it wont be lon guntill hes banned again. Sigh.

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the 1960's strip 2 seater 60's corvettes that go around a track like old tiques but with 60's gas stations and themes all around:

Oh I only wish!!! some other park is getting that:

Truthfully I would love to see the above with a nice flat.

but were getting in cordinaion with the ace convention A Wild mouse coaster

and harkening back to Coney Island Cincinnati days:

It will be called Wild Mouse:

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