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Water Around Tower


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And besides, elevator equipment can generate a lot of heat. Especially when the elevators are rising to heights of 275 feet (where the top platform is located). I actually just read the chapter on elevators in my Environmental Technology text book. A little tidbit, is that the counterweights on most elevators are weighted to 40% of the maximum capacity of the elevators. Which, for the Kings Island elevators is 35 people, or 6,125 pound (assuming 35 people weighing 175 pounds each).

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The counter weight is sized to 40% of the maximum capacity of the elevator. The theory behind this is that the elevator motor won`t have to work as hard to lift the weight of the elevator. It is essentially requiring that the elevator motors are lifting only 60 percent of the total load as opposed to one hundred percent of the load. This equates to a smaller sized motor required to lift the elevators.

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