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Planet Snoopy


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My mom likes the Snoopy theme and my dad doesn't like it.

I, myself like the Snoopy theme more than Nick Universe, though I strongly dislike how different the Cedar Fair Peanuts characters look from the Peanuts comic book/ television characters. And where are Linus, Patty Shroeder, etc.? //

Also, I really like the Camp Snoopy name and theming, but Planet Snoopy? It doesn't make any sense, and will likely just be a generic midway.

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37 years of Scooby and then they take him out and replace him with a smaller dog whom must i say is not a wonderful as Scooby, Snoopy love him but really...I'm sad!!!

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Both my parents had the "FINALLY" reaction when they found out Nicktoons are finally leaving....much like I did, ha. Both aren't happy bout Scooby...

Being why myself, Undertaker, my dad and my brother went on closing day to say goodbye to Hanna Barbera... my mom was like "why can't Snoopy and Scooby share?"

And speaking of brother...he got semi upset about the Nicktoons, but much more grief for Scooby tho x.x

My other brother actually don't even know the change is taking place. He's a non verbal autistic. He wouldn't understand. He probably wouldn't care at all bout Nicktoons. He is more familiar and loves both Snoopy and Scooby cause me and him actually grew up with all that. The only Nickelodeon he knows is Rugrats, Rockos Modern Life etc (stuff that isnt even shown on the main channel anymore...) In other words he has not watched Nickelodeon in 6+ years.

I tell parents with kids "kids don't know who Snoopy is? well turn your tv the heck on now cause *insert holiday special here* is on. Get them aquainted" :P

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I'm utterly crestfallen that Scooby is leaving. It's been at the park since it's opening, making it go doesn't feel right.

I'm utterly overjoyed that Nick is leaving. Over the last few years Nickelodeon (The TV channel) has become downright garbage. There's iCarly, Spongebob, and then whatever other "Filler Shows" that seem to last a few months before Nick decides to throw something else at the wall and see if it sticks. The TV shows themselves have become horribly repetitive, with the same ideas and the same plot lines for every episode. The characters are abrasive and trashy, and the comedy is non apparent. Having them at Kings Island makes me feel surrounded by something that IMO doesn't deserve to be there, and shouldn't be there considering their target audience.


I'm off the walls excited that Snoopy is coming. Peanuts has always been one of my favorite shows of all time, even though there's only a handful or so of episodes out there. The characters are adorable and very likable, the plots are original (Anyone ever notice how recent shows have started taking off of old TV show plots?) and Snoopy is the single greatest animated character of all time IMO. I also think that some of my love for Peanuts has to do with personal history with them. Some of the best times of my life have either been spent around the TV with my family watching It's the Great Pumpkin, or sitting in front of the fire watching A Charlie Brown Christmas, even to the extent of going to Cedar Point (My favorite park on Earth) and being surrounded by the lovable characters of Snoopy, Charlie, Linus, Lucy and the gang. I have some history with the Peanuts and having them come to Kings Island just makes me ecstatic, for all the obvious reasons.

And by the way, no offense but if you say "My kids have never seen Snoopy before" or "Don't know who they are", In my Opinion that's kinda sad. Snoopy is in the newspaper comics everyday, the Holiday Specials are on TV for days, and are some of the most famous of all time, and you say they've never seen them? I'm just dumbfounded. You've never even bothered to take half an hour of your night, take the munchkins to the TV and watch a Snoopy special? You've never taken the time to show you're kids the single most famous animated show in the history of TV? Wow.

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On closing day I explained to my kids that this would be their last rides on the rides with Nick names. The first question asked was - are they taking out or changing the rides? When I responded that I thought most of the rides would be the same just with different characters, I got the following response. "Oh, ok" Not even a question as to what the character names might be.

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Between my 7 nieces and nephews, ranging from 2-13, not one could have cared less if it was Nick, Scooby, or Snoopy.....

As for me, I really do not have an opinion, other than CF better get this right, this is the one that shapes the opinion of those casual park goers on how well CF does things....

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  Diamondback FOF said:
  SOB_TOM said:
Between my 7 nieces and nephews, ranging from 2-13, not one could have cared less if it was Nick, Scooby, or Snoopy.....

Don't you mean couldn't have cared less? ;) If not, then that means they care some... Sorry, I just had to (no that wasn't to copy Terpy, it just kinda...fit)

Uh, no. He is right (and as a friend, he knows how I am). Read what he said... Not one could have cared less..which means the same as could not care less...so they don't care at all...he was not careless...

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While we are talking about Planet Snoopy, I want to throw out there that I really hope we see construction updates. I think it would be neat to have a page like the Construction Pictures updates that were on the Diamondback site last off season, but I don't see that happening. Does anyone else believe that we will only see occasional updates on the Kings Island Insider Blog?

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^^Regardless, it is still something to keep us occupied during the off season. :) Not so sure i can stand reading about Meep being banned at schools. And I understand what you are saying Beast1979, a few new signs and paint, but I personally have never like the Nicktoons in the Kids area. I grew up with the HB characters and even managed to work at SDAHC in 2005, so I would like to see the transformation. My guess is i'm not the only one either. :)

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