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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/2011 in all areas

  1. 'Tis an honor that I thought I had already earned in the past...anyway, I would like to thank the Academy, my mother and father...because without them none of this would have been possible...
    4 points
  2. The like button is all set up and functioning properly now.
    4 points
  3. You were told to not run and you ignored it. You were told again, and you ignored it. The officer was doing his duty and it was your inactions that provoked it. By your own words you were at fault. No ride is so important that you must sprint to the ride and cause injury to you or someone else. Walk and do not run.
    2 points
  4. Ill turn it on as a test. I'm a little indifferent to the "Like" feature...it doesn't actually bother me...but I think it tends to make some people a little lazy and not post their feelings. (It will be ironic if someone simply just "likes" this post!)
    2 points
  5. Talking about other people breaking park rules you had paper towels in your shoes to ride The Beast in 1979
    1 point
  6. Wow standbyme I had no idea you would think making the list would be such an honor for you. You parents must so proud of you!!!! I tell you what since you are so excited and the fact you have properly and publicly thanked your parents I am going to share for the first time ever seen here on KICentral the "KICentral "The List" list". You may copy "The List" for a limited time and share it with who you wish. Congratulations I think
    1 point
  7. You're welcome? The last time I was there, the whole train was doing it, but then, we were the only two adults, and I used my authority voice; "Now! Everyone must tiki dance!" Those poor kids.
    1 point
  8. Ha, mine is 550. I suck at it very much! If you feel lame Cody, think about me!
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. I think Tanna deserves a Thank You becuase i am just sitting in my chair playing Pokemon and that made me chuckle! (Yes i am 18 and just got a 3DS and am playing pokemon white...)
    1 point
  11. That's because you don't tiki dance. One has to invent fun, sometimes.
    1 point
  12. I have it set to 3 per 24 hour period. And once a post gets 40 likes it is featured/highlighted.
    1 point
  13. First of all, I was not told TWICE by security not to run. Only once, and I could not hear him (honestly) at all, over the music. But admittedly I figured he was saying "walk". Secondly, I have young children myself, and would never do anything to endanger myself, and especially not other children. Where you guys get some of these fanatical assumptions is beyond me. Third, the security guard at the platinum/gold gate did in fact tell me it was ok to run and "get my exercise". There was a couple minute long conversation there that I omitted, to shorten what was already becoming a lengthy post. You will all have to just take my word for it (or not. I really don't care at this point). Now, having said all that, allow me to demonstrate my maturity and offer a mea culpa. I shouldn't have been so enraged over the fact that I was stopped after not listening to security. That was wrong. My anger towards the cop was probably also excessive, though I did not show it to him personally (only here in this post). I made a couple childish remarks in the OP. I'm an adult, and I'm not too proud that I can't admit when I'm wrong. What I still firmly believe, however, is the conflicting "rules" situation needs to be addressed. On that point I will not budge. Brownttgr, I think your responses are a little over the top. I find it highly hypocritical you are acting like the rules police, yet in your own signature it states "KI fan since 1979 when mom & dad put paper towels in my shoes to get me on Beast!". If that's not a safety issue, I don't know what is. At the risk of beating a dead horse I'll stop here. Can't we all get along?
    1 point
  14. This is probably in the top ten most ridiculous threads on here to date.
    1 point
  15. Can we call the Security Guard "Slugworth" instead of "old power trip guy that should be pistol-whipped"?
    1 point
  16. "Read, set, go!" Does not equal "RUN!" Perhaps seeing that you are a grown adult, he may have been making a 'joke' of sorts. Sorta like "...and they're off!". Here's where I have a problem. You are in your thirties. So am I. I know better than to run in the park. I am an adult. Unless I'm in a race, you won't see me running anywhere. There are too many 'what if's' that could occur, that I won't bother to list. I will just be honest, when you first posted, I thought perhaps you were young. I was willing to look over it...but yeah. Running in any public place is generally frowned upon.
    1 point
  17. This is TOO funny. Someone was busted for not following the rules, and is crying about it! Discrimination? Yes, he was discriminating against running. Harrassing? I'm sure that is your perception, but you admitted to running, thus, you brought attention to yourself. Yes, you were singled out of everyone else running. Do you expect officers to equal the number of guests? First- I have a hard time believeing he was in your face. You are the one calling him old and on a power trip. "B"- Are you ****ed about how you were treated, or, the fact you were caught? I'm with "B".
    1 point
  18. Is it time for this again??? Ogrmac, posting in jest. I just find this link so helpful and entertaining.
    1 point
  19. they did! They added an enclosed lift hill with interactive guards and the 'Head protector' of the forbidden temple. Remember: They couldve easily made it just a lift into the station without any themeing. Be glad or "You will Pay!"
    1 point
  20. The officer's behavior was inappropriate. He should have calmly and professionally, without yelling, escorted you from the park and revoked your pass.
    1 point
  21. 2nd thread this month about someone ignoring orders and then complaining about their 'treatment'.
    1 point
  22. It's probably in your best interest to walk when you're told to walk... oh, and I've seen security make someone WALK all the way back down to the end of Coney Mall then WALK to Firehawk during that morning rush (when NOBODY says not to run, right?).
    1 point
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