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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/22/2011 in all areas

  1. (I think I got everybody...if I did miss you I am sorry...but please let me know.) Over the next few weeks I plan on “Liking” everyone’s posts over the next few weeks...even the one’s that embarrassed me! (Lucky thing it’s the offseason!)
    3 points
  2. And now the end is here...Yep, today’s it. I didn’t save the best set for last...but I think I did save the set that sums up a sight that we all think of when we think of the park...the glorious view of the fountain and the tower as we enter the park! (And luckily I couldn’t botch this one...unless sam2cpa is going to tell me that the park had a second Eiffel Tower! ) There is nothing that I enjoy more than the feeling of walking out of the shaded “darkness” of The (former) International Restaurant and into the sunlight and seeing (and hearing) the fountain! 1974 I don’t know if it was an overcast the day these photos were taken...but I wish the sky was bluer in this photo. 2011 Michael’s (Hendrick's) final fade: On this, the last photo set in the series where would I rather be 1974 or 2011? 1974 has the skyride, the unique shops & the lower observation in it’s favor...but for me trees trump them all...not to mention the excellent pavers. When I first looked at these photos I kept thinking how great it would be if the park were like it was back in 1974...but now that the series is over I added up my votes of which time period I liked better...and I was pleasantly surprised that 2011 did a lot better in my mind than I originally thought it would. As 74Gibson has pointed out, I do seem to lean towards nostalgia...but not TOO bad. My final tally was 1974 -15 votes, 2011- 14 votes...and 2 tie votes...so I don’t think a 1 point win by 1974 is that bad!
    2 points
  3. I think a ride like that or a ride like the Splash battle would be a huge hit at KI. Both would fill a need at the park that is currently unsatisfied, as Ty pointed out with the whole kid coaster comment.
    1 point
  4. I'm totally with you guys on the whole, "site needs to be updated" thing. The truth is, I could probably find the time to do it, and would be more than willing to, but Dane has to do all of the hard programming of the site and he's been extremely busy the past few years working a couple of different jobs at the same time and moving into a house and whatnot. He hardly ever even gets to go to the park anymore. I'll talk to him after the Christmas thing has settled down and see if we can come up with a resolution. Until then... at least the forums are curent...
    1 point
  5. Wonderful! I'm going to miss this thread quite a bit. Thanks again! Collin
    1 point
  6. Well, since we're out of pics, I guess the best we could do is try to get 2011 to look like 1974....
    1 point
  7. It's okay. Some of us enjoy listening to y'alls' raven about your voyages on Holiday World's most legendary coaster. Terp, who will now stand pat, and let y'all koch up where this thread coasts to next! Dispatch!
    1 point
  8. Well has anyone determined if Don is staying in PR at KI or will the new outsourced company do the PR announcement for the removal??? Really all jokes aside could the crypt keep running like it is???
    1 point
  9. And now for my wrap-up. I do not want to end my last post with a negative comment...so I will get that out of the way first! To all of the MEMBERS who seemed to visit this thread on a fairly regular basis...but still never felt obligated to leave one comment...or even hit the Like button once...I say “Good for you, you showed me.” And now on to better things... First off I would like to say that I can’t thank “Hendrick” enough. I didn’t/don’t have a clue how to make a fade...when I mentioned this, Michael stepped up to the plate without being asked and made this thread 100% better! (It also gave me something to look forward to each day...and he never missed a day, he did every set...even yesterday’s wrong one. I can not tell everyone who participated in this thread how much it has meant to me. I have enjoyed reading all of the comments...and as always I have learned some things about the park that I didn’t before...which is always a plus for me...and a negative for my family! I will say that some of the comments did embarrass me...so much that this was the first time that I have ever wished I was a moderator...so that I could delete them. I am glad that so many people seemed to enjoy this thread...and I am glad that I could finally kind of pay back some of the great things that I have seen/read on this forum over the years. (And KIExtreme for that matter.) Being that I am in Illinois...and not nearly as knowledgeable as a lot of the members here it has always been tough for me to come up with something that is not “Been there done that”. I thought I had an original idea when I came up with this series...but I should have known better! I would also like to go on record that Paul/TOPGUN1993 DID come up with this idea before I did. (He even forwarded a sample of his earlier work...which hopefully will see the light of day.) Just saying “Thanks to everyone” didn’t seem to be quite enough...so I would like to thank the following members who were kind enough to participate in this thread...even if some of them did it begrudgingly. (continued)
    1 point
  10. Thanks for the concern. The green train did bother me once I noticed it...when I took the photo I was concentrating so much on where it should be I overlooked the obvious! I like today’s 1974 photo because it has a nice angle of the skyride...a ride I do miss. I have another shot of the outside of the station in another photo set...but it is straight on with the “cars/buckets” as they are coming out...so I enjoyed this shot a lot when I saw it. 1974 I can’t get enough of this shot...it looks like such a good time...and the station looks so well themed. I was young when I rode this...but I can still remember the excitement of waiting for our turn to board...and having to board quickly! EDIT:The 2011 shot is WAY off...it is of the sister station that was located in Oktoberfest! 2011 Until it was mentioned on this site a long time ago, I never realized that this skyride station was in fact still in the park. (I told you I wasn’t “Mr. Observant”. ) I find it interesting that the park appeared to keep the same kind of a tree in about the same location. (I doubt it is the same exact tree...but I didn’t check to see how big the trunk was while I was there.) So where would I rather be today? If I base it solely on what I can see in the photos ( ) I easily choose 1974...God knows...and so does anyone here who in the past has heard me whine about Snoopy being in the park...I don’t need any Peanuts merchandise! EDIT: Now that I know that this is not the Planet Snoopy station, I switch my vote for 2011...assuming that Adventure Express would be visible in the photo! Thanks for all of the great comments (and “Likes”) over the last few days!
    1 point
  11. this is an awesome idea, i think my favorite part about these two are that you can see how much the trees have grown in around the train.
    1 point
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