^ Stop trying to redeem yourself. This topic has 49 pages of the same thing. Most of it useless crap, and a good chunk has my name on it (I do like to get a good laugh-or at least attempt ). Don't keep trying to figure out what the next step is, because I don't believe the execs at KI/ CF even know. Read my signature. I put it there, with a link, for a reason. Often times, there is no hidden agenda. There is no spin. It is exactly what they say it is.
You are right though: it is about money, but has nothing to do with the cost of any addition or rebranding. It has to deal with reality. Up until the ride closed (the final time), smart people with smart ideas attempted to save the ride resulting in millions upon millions of dollars literally being thrown at SoB with zero results (just because it didn't work does not make them dumb- see Thomas Edison: "I have not failed, I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work").
Nobody has a greater desire to see SoB operate than CF and if there was one specific "fix" to make SoB a good ride, it would be done. But there are so many issues that need addessed, and combined with SoB's well deserved reputation, it is just not worth it to keep moving forward with fixes that may, or may not, work.
As enthusiasts, all of us are better served for KI to invest money into other rides/ areas of the park. They did try on countless occaisions to "fix" a $10,000,000+ ride by investing an (almost) $20,000,000. You can polish up a piece of crap, make it nice & shiney, and you still have a piece of crap.
The loop made the ride unique that beat the heck out of you. Once the loop was removed, it became just a ride that just beat the heck out of you. (I'm sure the diehards will disagree that it beats the crap out of you. They need to cut the personal feelings cord and understand that rides, even wood coasters, are not supposed to feel this way.)
Although stranger things have happened, I cannot imagine KI letting SoB sit SBNO this long with the intent of it operating again. The writing is on the wall and we ALL need to take Don's (almost) year old quote to heart.