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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/24/2012 in all areas

  1. Speaking as a smoker, I see no problem with the designated areas. We can go back and forth all day on the effects (or alleged effects) of second hand smoke, but for me it comes down to courtesy. If I want to smoke, that's my choice, but the people around me shouldn't have to smell or inhale it if they don't want to. So when I take my smoke breaks, I do it with courtesy in mind. As far as Kings Island goes - their areas are plentiful and out of the way of regular guests. If you're a smoker, be courteous and utilize these areas. If you don't smoke, avoid these areas. Simple.
    6 points
  2. Its been touched on, but as easily as I can explain it: Its much easier to tend your shop when your present and active there every day. The family that owns 1 park, and sees success, is likely successful because they are there every day, they live in the community that the park serves, they have a solid feel for what their customers like and want. They see small problems and nip them in the bud before they become large problems. They have a close relationship with the people they hire, know their families, know their struggles and dreams, know what they're good and and where they struggle. The family that owns 2 parks, often seperated by a large distance can't be in the all parks every day or even week/month, therefor they have to hire people to manage these ventures for them. Small problems creep up and are overlooked until they become big problems, its significanly tougher to understand the markets they serve, they're not as familar with their employees, it becomes tougher to retain them, its harder to put them in position to succeed.
    3 points
  3. When I used Fast Lane at Carowinds a few weekends back it ran fairly well. How they did it was simple, every 3 trains or so they would just let 1 train be only Fast Lane. This means that if the ride operators are doing their job correctly then wait times shouldn't hurt at all. Those saying it will directly effect wait times are merely jumping to conclusions too quickly, remember Six Flags has had the same system for over 10 years now. For example, let say the park has a busy 60,000 people day and out of those 60,000 about 10,000 buy Fast Lane. Those 10,000 people, even without Fast Lane, would still wait in lines for those rides meaning that would be more people waiting in the actual line. So yea, Fast Lane guests are pushed to the front but that also means a smaller line in the regular queue. Fast Lane, if done properly, should NOT effect line wait times.
    2 points
  4. I am so glad that Kings Island limits smoking to certain areas. However, I have a few problems with the smoking areas. There are too many and they are poorly placed. I counted 14 smoking areas on the park map (including Boomerang Bay). That is ridiculous. Some of them are practically a stones throw from each other. Kings Island is a family friendly park, yet the smoking areas are placed right next to restrooms, eating areas, and general walkways. My family has to walk through a cloud of smoke to get to the bathroom or to our favorite attractions. And nothing is more horrible than sitting down to eat at a table and having to inhale second-hand smoke from 10 feet away (as is the case near Potato Works). Don't even get me started on the smoking area that is RIGHT IN FRONT of the Baby Care Center at one of the entrances to Planet Snoopy. I would love to see Kings Island follow in the footsteps of the Cincinnati Zoo and make the entire park smoke-free. I encourage everyone to contact Kings Island about this as I did. They listened to my concerns and I think if enough people speak up we will see positive changes.
    1 point
  5. I love the cheesiness of Disaster Transport - always a fun time! I must admit I'd be sad to see it go. It is quite an eyesore though - but I love it! And I'd miss Happy Jack so much since it's in the same building!
    1 point
  6. I actually enjoy the ride. It's one of my guilty pleasures, but it's nothing I can't live without (if that makes any sense ). If it will improve the look of the park, then I'm all for it, but on the negative side it would knock out a good family/intermediate coaster. I rode it with a girl who was flat out terrified of coasters, and she was fine on it because it was a bobsled and she couldn't see what was going on.
    1 point
  7. Ah a good ghost story for the campfire about KI, overreactions seem to be present on the topic at hand on that website! On another note like terpy said, The Beast can bite, especially on the back.
    1 point
  8. I usually just post. Terp, who most figured out long ago. Or did they?
    1 point
  9. KI smoking areas will now have CPR 1st responders at each side of the area. and I'm a smoker......
    1 point
  10. ^^ You fail to mention ERT on Mammoth, Wildebeest, Sparkler, Turkey Whirl, Scarecrow Scrambler, and Hallowswings. Personally.. I think ERT on Mammoth, is something they have never done before, but I may be wrong.
    1 point
  11. This, this is your answer. We took our 2-3 year old son on that a lot last year when he cleared the 40" hurdle in early summer. My Wife & I both grew up with that ride being called The Beastie, so we continue to call it that even thru the name changes. Our son, who can't read yet, so just calls everything by what we call them, asks to go on The Beastie. I doubt we're the only ones, which is likely what happened with esquire's husband. He was with a group of people that had spent almost a decade calling it the scoobie doo, so they referred to it as the scoobie doo and it sticks.
    1 point
  12. Since I live so close to the park, long line waits don't completely ruin my day since I go back to the park frequently. Therefore, I plan to act as "guinea pig" in the next few weeks and test the line waits on the busy Saturdays and see if management has listened to our feedback about the Fast Lane weaknesses. I do have faith that the problems will be fixed eventually.
    1 point
  13. I agree, Terp! Believe me, if I could slow down my little girl's growing up, I would! She's 3, and pushing 40 inches tall. She is so excited to go to Kings Island! We will be there opening day. I'd love to be able to slow down time while we're there so I could watch her enjoy herself for even longer. I prefer the slow lane.. you can enjoy life more in it.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. That's because the little ones love it so much. That makes it worth it. Not all of life needs be spent in the Fast Lane.
    1 point
  16. In certain spots, where kids usually are.
    1 point
  17. it looks to be the station that was in oktoberfest, but still the pictures are great. one minor mistake isn't something to be disappointed about.
    1 point
  18. Great pictures, even if it was a minor error ( I can not judge whether it was or not) I will say that judging from the theme of the building, it does look like it would belong in Oktoberfest. I can't thank you enough for the enjoyment you give me from my little breaks away from work to look at your pictures.
    1 point
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