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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/19/2012 in all areas

  1. I personally don't like the snarl. For someone dressed like an animal, I'm okay with it, but for a human / formerly human / undead human character I don't like it. It's too simple, and it's unimaginative. Now for some undeads, like zombies, it makes sense. But if you're using something so simple, chances are there's a hundred other scareactors doing the same thing. Now put yourself in the guests' shoes. Would you want to go through 5,6,7,8 attractions where even a quarter of the scareactors are snarling? I wouldn't. It gets old. That's why Sam, and The Bouncer before him, doesn't/didn't snarl. Sam has a set of different things he'll say to or ask the people that walk past him. If it's busy and there's a long line of people coming through, sometimes he'll do the Sam Slam and glare at you while he resets so that he can get the people later in the group (because, after all, the Sam Slam is the most effective scare tactic that he's ever used), but if he's out and talking, he's not snarling. He's saying things that are unique to him, things that no other scareactor is saying because he thought long and hard to come up with those lines. So to all scareactors and future scareactors, be creative. Sure, it takes time to think of things to say. And some things you find will work, and some won't. It's trial and error, but after a few times you'll find out quickly what doesn't work, so you drop those and continue to use what does. I've even found that my improv skills have improved over the years. Sometimes a guest will say something to Sam, and Sam will come up with a snappy comeback. Or Sam will think of something a few minutes later and use it the next time someone says something similar. It just takes time and some thought.
    6 points
  2. ^ Start with the area KC used to occupy.
    3 points
  3. I see the "Gobble" error a lot, though that particular one is usually a mispronunciation, not a misspelling. School bullies used to use it to make fun of me, especially around Thanksgiving, but it never bothered me. My name seems to be one of the most difficult names in the world to spell, even when the correct spelling is right in front of you. I've seen Gobel, Gobble, Globe, Gable, and more. Even my first name (Jonathan) is often misspelled. In short, don't worry about it.
    2 points
  4. No kind of about it. Stealing is stealing no matter how big or small or however you wanna twist it! Im not perfect either,im just sayn.......
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. Was it you working on Saturday night the 16th at about 10? I remember my friend told the chainsaw guy about a joke she made to the guy holding the chicken, and she was told that she was the 45th person to make that joke! That was me that night and the chicken man does keep a running tally of the "chicken" jokes. And for the fake chainsaws... I like them for one reason.. Drunk morons that like to grab the end of the chainsaws while people are trying to scare other people. I had it happen twice Saturday. They are a hard sell to some people but others only need to hear the sound and see someone scary holding something and they freak.... CHAINSAW!!!!!!
    2 points
  7. I do believe that "Dog Fart" takes the cake for best coaster name. http://rcdb.com/1332.htm The literal translation of the coaster, Hundeprutterutchebane, in Danish is "dog fart"
    2 points
  8. Doesn't look like like any new B&M coasters are headed to KI for 2013. You must be happy about that... I'm happy every year that KI doesn't get the Geauga Lake treatment.
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. 1 point
  11. I'm guessing the park would be happier to notice that jcgobble found a whole in their system, and was willing to share it, than that he got a day's worth of free pop. If I get a coupon for pizza and the dilivery guy falls to ask for it or take it with him when dropping off the pizza and I use it again next week, is that stealing?
    1 point
  12. That's kind of dishonest. Perhaps, but they shouldn't have left it available to me to use again. It should have been properly scanned back in June. I guess they can chalk the loss up to the growing pains of a new system (and really, how much is that loss compared to total annual revenue anyway?). Good to know.
    1 point
  13. The GP discounts work for Platinum Passes. My fiance and I purchased them last week with the $20 off coupon for each! Saved us $40 on the PP!!! ($288 total spent on the PP)
    1 point
  14. Today is deadline for potential Kentucky Kingdom operators http://www.wdrb.com/...ngdom-operators
    1 point
  15. That is something I would love to see.
    1 point
  16. Really? I thought it was in the process of being demolished.....
    1 point
  17. Posted Today, 01:48 AM There was a shorter guy walking on stilts around AZ, and I stood next to him. He turned around and noticed that I was as tall as him. When I get the picture from my friend, I'll show you all. All 3 shows were great! Also, the leaf camoflauged guy by DB hid behind a tree next to Rivertown Junction, and sent a girl to the ground by simply saying a robotic "Boop!" He was great, as well as the guy at the front. "Can I help you...into a coffin? Bahahah!" "Take a picture...it will last longer than YOU!" The guy in rivertown is a BUSH and yes he does an excellent job with that goofy suit!!! Funny how some of the worst costumes on the right people seem to work. As for the fake chainsaws = if a scareactor can take something that fake and get scares....well that seems to me to be a very good scareactor!!!
    1 point
  18. Anyone else find the happy, upbeat tempo of the background music unintentionally hilarious? I feel like Greg Scheid and Don Helbig are dancing a celebratory waltz somewhere in the background.
    1 point
  19. they paved paradise & put up a parking lot...
    1 point
  20. First hill, rose bowl, helix are still there. Still a long way to go. Fine. "On its way to being almost gone." It's a matter of perspective. I've no intention of misinforming anyone; I just see things from the perspective of knowing how "fast" (precious) time really goes by. For example, when Diamondback was going up, and the first lift hill came into view, I could already feel the anticipation of riding it the following season, because I see things that are in progress as being very close to completion in my fast-burning sense of time. It feels like yesterday; it's been four years. I could slow down a bit and savour the moment (cue "Time Stand Still" by Rush), but like I said earlier this season, in 20 years we'll look back on SOB's removal and laugh -- not because of the reasons it's being removed (certainly no laughing matter), but at the amazement of how much will have changed by then.
    1 point
  21. Such a great deal of expectation and excitement abounded when this thing was under construction. Now, in late October, we see it being torn apart and brought down to the ground --almost gone. Son of Beast joins the growing toll of signature attractions that have come and gone, while the venerable, tried-and-true Racer, Beast, Vortex and Adventure Express roll on.
    1 point
  22. "Devil", I heard they were gonna name it Nighthawk
    1 point
  23. Hey now! Legend is my favorite of the three. I'm gonna take a guess and say the water park is getting more cabanas. The ones they put in this season seemed to always be sold out. Making more of them is like printing money.
    1 point
  24. There will be new rumors for the "future park expansion" in 2013. I can just see it now: a new member on here posts a topic about how they heard about a 666 ft. tall, 12-inversion Intamin coaster coming to KI in 2014 named Devil.
    1 point
  25. https://twitter.com/AmericanCoaster/status/257922963934953472/photo/1 Photo from ACE, it was retweeted by CP.
    1 point
  26. And why exactly would they rename a ride that just opened this season? My hunch says it will be another ride. They surely must have a reason for renaming said ride.
    1 point
  27. You didnt hear? They opened Son of Beast. But really, I dont know. Hope no one was injured..
    1 point
  28. Thanks to two years of Coasting for Kids, The Racer by far. If you want me to consider Red and Blue separately, then I'm not sure, but I think Red beats Blue by a very slim margin. Even separately, they both beat any other coaster by far.
    1 point
  29. You know, in general, haunted houses never truly scared me. (Although the *ending* of the one at Indiana Beach gave me a thrill) I just don't frighten from people jumping out, screaming, or fake bloody body parts etc. However, the thing about a haunted house that DOES scare me is the possibility of things going wrong - namely fire. Haunted Houses are NOTORIOUS for fires and disaterous outcomes due to them. So when I have gone through them in the past I always stayed concered with where the exits were. Shaggy
    1 point
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