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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/2012 in all areas

  1. Ask AZ Kinda Guy Brian-If anyone started a "flame war" it was you. He said you were wrong, and look at your reaction.
    9 points
  2. ^ If Vortex commented, he would have sunk to a new low.
    7 points
  3. The only part of the ride's structure that will still be standing by the end of the month will be the station, which will continue to be used for the Wolf Pack maze at Halloween Haunt.
    6 points
  4. Where was the question asked as to which is cheaper to maintain? Questions are one thing. Opinions are another. Unlabeled speculation masquerading as fact? No one should be surprised or offended when it gets corrected. Certain expert authors here may at times lack tact, but they are of the opinion it gets old when know very littles try to claim more knowledge than they have. Leaving such unsubstantiated, untrue statements unchallenged in the name of politeness only contributes to the spreading of "facts" that aren't. This is a discussion forum, not a high tea at the country club. Terpy, who prefers to ask questions
    6 points
  5. My take on these flame wars is this: Lots of users think themselves as expert on everything regarding roller coasters as to their constructions, ride specs, upkeep, technical data, ride experiences, and so forth all because they like to ride them over and over again. They go to the manufacturers web site and gain all the knowledge they can. But the average person only cares about how the ride feels and can care less who makes it and how it is constructed, like me. But when someone comes here and tries to explain why they feel that a wooden coaster is cheaper to maintain vs a steel coaster, all based on their opinion, they get flamed. These users decide this web site is not for them due to how its long time members treat them and don't come back. These "roller coaster" experts gain their knowledge base on their non-stop rides on the coasters that they enjoy and visiting the web sites of companies that construct the rides and not on them being engineers that design the rides and their construction. Users like me and the ones being flamed only care about how the ride feels and ask a question on how they feel what cost more to maintain like in this question on is it cheaper to cut wood on wooden coasters or fabricate new steel and supports on steel coasters, We should try to encourage users to voice their opinions and not flame them if these experts here decide they are wrong and flame them. Otherwise, users like these will come and decide that this site is not for them and quit. Just be thankful that this is not a pay site and if it was, it would be loosing revenue and would not be open for long, as sites that I have been a member of. We need to be more civil with each other and this is my opinion.
    5 points
  6. The Steel Party may impress people with some height, but the Wooden Party is tried and true. The Racer has a proven track (ha?) record of reaching across the aisle, bringing together both the blue and red sides. Vote Beast/Racer at the polls this off-season!
    4 points
  7. See, you learn something new everyday at KIC!I always thought his name was AZ Kinda Guy. I did not know it was Richard! (btw, you forgot a comma! just sayin')
    4 points
  8. I just hope Vortex is around long enough for my 3-year-old daughter to ride it. Every time we went to KI this summer she asked if she was tall enough to ride the "loopty-loop" yet. She really wants to ride it! She just hit 40 inches early in the season, so I don't expect her to hit the 48 inch mark until at least the 2014 season, and that's wishful thinking. I want her to be able to experience one of my favorite rides. :-)
    4 points
  9. I'm glad Boomerang Bay can't win again. It was becoming old and needed refreshed.
    4 points
  10. Face Off is Invertigo now....
    4 points
  11. There are nicer ways to tell someone they are wrong than being a know it all dick.
    4 points
  12. For reasons often stated before, I highly doubt any reputable coaster manufacturer would want any part of re-using any part of Son of Beast. Besides, we have been told the footings will be removed.
    3 points
  13. Apollo Global is an investment group. Anything and everything it owns is for sale any time at the right price, whether it is actively being marketed or not.
    3 points
  14. I visited Geauga Lake and Sea World the summer of 1991 and loved it! The Big Dipper was a fantastic wooden coaster and I am glad I took that opportunity to ride it! I recall having a bit of motion sickness after sitting through their cinema 180 attraction, however. This was the first and only time an amusement park ride/attraction has made me ill...well, not counting International Bandstand Karaoke during the 90's There is a charm in smaller parks like this and it's always so sad to witness them being wiped off the map Bigger is not always better!
    3 points
  15. I KNEW you'd say that! I hope this is just a rumor, in my opinion, and I really hope Vortex continues to operate for at least a few years to come. It is actually a big dream of mine to work on Vortex when I'm old enough (16) and right now I'm 13, so it wouldn't be until 2015 that I would first be able to apply for and possibly achieve that dream. As one of Vortex's big big big fans, I would be CRYING if we lost Vortex.
    3 points
  16. You must be new to the Internet.
    3 points
  17. Remember when Brian5475E trumpeted his inside knowledge about the future of SOB and hinted that it would be saved? Don't be a Summer's Eve.
    3 points
  18. I wonder if Kings Island PR laughs at all The Vortex rumors they hear every year? First it was sinking, Now its leaving.....
    2 points
  19. It would however be so cool if they bought the Cincinnati lodge next door, made it Kings Island themed, maybe Snoopy camping? Then a real camp ground out back, where you could use the water park, and real cabins !
    2 points
  20. I "learn" the darnest things here.
    2 points
  21. Iron Dragon ran all 3 trains this past season at CP. I think the reason why they don't run 3 trains per side on Gemini anymore is cause they don't need 3 trains as the ride isn't as popular as it was in the 70's and 80's and early 90's. Corkscrew usually rotates trains every year. Gemini and Corkscrew stopped running three trains because of gates and seatbelts. The station time increased and caused stacking issues.
    2 points
  22. The Wood Party's Response: "We disowned the Son of The Beast 12 years ago, allowing him to break himself out of his cage in Action Zone and wreak havoc on the general public. He was finally tracked down and in the process of being euthanized at the moment. The Beast feels no sorrow towards his son, knowing that it was a foolish mistake he made in his early 20's."
    2 points
  23. BREAKING NEWS: Activist lawyer Scrambler has unearthed some dirt on Racer! It seems that the Wood party vice-presidential contender once actually ran backwards, and for what appears to have been a very long time! Beast campaign headquarters released a statement saying that this was "old news," and that we need to get on with tackling more important issues... Developing...
    2 points
  24. The conference call announcement of a three year capital investment in hotel properties at Cedar Point of between $15 and $20 million annually focused on a "refreshment program" and developing a three tiered room and pricing strategy characterized as good, better, best. Focus groups and other intelligence strategies will be employed to better understand guest expectations and attending price points. Cedar Fair also announced the removal and relocation of employee dorms from the Point to free up valuable property for future development. That nature of that development was not clear. Hotels, attractions, or ride expansions were not specified. What was clear was the search for dynamic pricing knowledge and strategies to allow for hotel revenue and profit maximization. Cedar Point was identified as having an inventory of 800 rooms. Refreshment costs would run from $56,250.00 to $75,600.00 per room. These are significant costs for a program which is not identified as a rebuild or remodel program. Construction costs for budget/economy hotels are currently estimated at $56,100.00 [excluding land costs].* With talk of suites on the conference call it is not clear if the 800 room inventory count will increase, decrease, or remain steady. One wonders if hotels outside the gates could be acquired at prices similar to the cost of planned refreshments. In any event this announcement represents a major project is on the horizon. Given Cedar Fair could build budget/economy rooms as cheaply from scratch it represents a major undertaking. Refreshment may not be the right term to characterize the plans. *http://www.hvs.com/Content/3235.pdf Leland Wykoff
    2 points
  25. When I first saw this I thought, oh no, politics on KIC...there will be some huge war then a bunch of people will end up being banned... ..then I realized it was about rides at Kings Island.
    2 points
  26. Updated post You can update your posts all you want, you still don't and won't know what you're talking about. And you know it all, Correct? No wonder membership has dwindled here. With douche bags like you jumping down people throats and acting like you are the know all, end all in roller coasters. I never said I knew anything for sure. This was my guess. Or perhaps membership has "dwindled" because of supposed know-it-alls like you.
    2 points
  27. I still remember the excitement of seeing those empty footings right after they were poured. Touring the construction area with Angie Arnold and later with Dave Focke. I never, ever thought back then I'd see them empty yet again.
    2 points
  28. There's a reason I don't comment on what it takes to run a food stand simply because well, I don't know.
    2 points
  29. Yes, it will be retired soon. Vortex is still sinking......
    2 points
  30. That is the joke in itself...you came closer to getting to the point without even trying. Personally I like that The Interpreter has put me and others on their toes around here...I always try and Interpreter-proof any questions that I post on here...an amusement park site.
    2 points
  31. Found out some new info that claims Vortex may "retire" soon. Vortex has made no comment yet.
    1 point
  32. I ended up getting on four of the new coasters: Wild Eagle, Verbolten, Skyrush & X-Flight. Skyrush was definitely the best of the bunch and if they get the restraint issues sorted out it likely will be in my top 5. The wing coasters were fun (I preferred Wild Eagle to X-Flight). Verbolten was just a more elaborate Backlot Stunt Coaster. It's a coaster Busch needed and was well-received by the GP but was by far the weakest of the new for 2012 crop IMO. I did have a chance to ride Green Lantern at SFMM but skipped it due to the long line. New Texas Giant will be on the agenda next year in conjunction with the opening of Iron Rattler at Fiesta Texas. Wooden Warrior...well, we'll get there eventually! I did fall just short of the beat 3 Point Challenge goal (8 of 17 parks). My friend did manage to get a few of those runs on video though so that was cool (thanks Dave!).
    1 point
  33. Villain was a blast, unfortunately the park's atmosphere had already been destroyed by the time it was built. The park's heyday was in the '80s and early to mid '90s. The flagging was the beginning of the end.
    1 point
  34. Updated post You can update your posts all you want, you still don't and won't know what you're talking about.
    1 point
  35. The Tower Party has some spectacular views and are very bright in dark times. However they seem to favor the "higher ups".
    1 point
  36. I just want to know how the park's iconic central symbol got passed up as a nominee for the Tower Party.
    1 point
  37. They are also opposed to letting civilians use a restroom without crossing borders.
    1 point
  38. Bascially I'm saying you're wrong about it being cheaper to maintain wood then steel. In the grand scheme of things(which is what matters) steel coasters are easier and cheaper to maintain than wood coasters. You come across as if you know what you're talking about but in reality, you don't.
    1 point
  39. Bah! The Crypt! How many promises did I believe from him, only to find that he'll let just anyone change his position on the topics. He used to believe in rapid climate change, then he pretended it never happened at all. I hear he's taken to scaring children these days and letting his acquaintance in Virginia take control of all the song and dance and flashy lights. I can't trust someone that unreliable.
    1 point
  40. Oh really? And you've seen the budgets? Did you get this information from "people you know?" The information you supplied about budgets to steel coaster maintenance is just plain wrong. Seriously, just stop.
    1 point
  41. You know, come to think of it, Drop Tower does look kind of bigger than most other Drop Towers.... Flight of Fear might be on to something here...
    1 point
  42. Hello im Flight of Fear running in the Launched Party! I choose BLSC as my V.P just 3 months ago! Im currently caimpainging in the Action Zone area. An area hard hit by corruption and the resignation of Son of Beast. I promise i will lower taxes and bring parties together! Im also working with Senator White Water Canyon and Congresswoman Congo Falls to help. White water canyon is investigating reports of Diamondbacks Tax fraud! Congo Falls is investigating Drop Towers Steriod abuse. We must not elect these people. Me and BLSC will work together and lower taxes on Kings Island and stop being dependant on Cedar Point! Im Flight of Fear and I approve This Message!
    1 point
  43. Both parties are campaigning at Viking Fury and Delirium, each trying to get swing votes.
    1 point
  44. The Wood party suffered a dip in the polls when Son of Beast crossed over into the Rubble party. I'd say moderates who sit on the Wood/Steel fence (Adventure Express) can bring unity to the coaster race this time around.
    1 point
  45. If someone thinks this is a good way to influence state government in Kentucky, I fear they are sadly mistaken: Fake Fish Prods For Reopening Kentucky Kingdom: http://m.wfpl.org/#mobile/2340?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=http://www.google.com/search?q=%22Kentucky+Kingdom%22&hl=en&tbo=d&gl=us&tbm=nws&source=lnt&tbs=sbd:1&sa=X&ei=nl2YUO2pMJGC8ASF9oD4Dw&ved=0CCQQpwUoAQ&biw=320&bih=416&utm_campaign=/post/fake-fish-prods-reopening-kentucky-kingdom
    1 point
  46. Anyone else find this to be a particularly interesting tweet? KingsIslandPR: Park visitors could get one of these when they visited Cincinnati's Coney Island in 1971. http://t.co/pRJ9gMFs
    1 point
  47. The good ol' days, when the park had a clear vision of what it should be. No mega expansion, no mega licenses, no mega prices. A local picnic park with beautiful grounds, a solid ride collection, and a price that the locals could afford.
    1 point
  48. Even though it would be against my benefit, perhaps it's time to think of charging for Haunt beyond what's covered in the pass. As a pass holder, I enjoy the Haunt as lagniappe to a great season, but one person's dessert is another person's bar brawl. Maybe because it's a 'free' event to some pass holders, and many of the attractions are in the dark, where people's true natures can shine, for better or worse, these incidents are occurring. Charging extra for the event might keep parent' from dropping off their little darlings to raise havoc, or better yet, some parents might join in the event. To make it an "adults only" event wouldn't solve the problem. Some adults are twice as bad, and some well behaved teens would lose out. Besides, in today' world, too many people have confused 'adult' for x-rated.
    1 point
  49. This is one of the reasons why reentry is not permitted during Haunt. We would not want those idiots going to their car and having a nip or two then come back and do things like that. It only takes a few to cause major problems.
    1 point
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