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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/23/2013 in all areas

  1. Hey everyone -- It always baffles me when I have to make posts like this because I assume that the vast majority of you are smarter than what I'm about to address, but none the less... Under no condition are you to enter the park illegally - whether you have "hot info" about any kind of delivery that may be coming there over the next few months... Unfortunately, I have to address because it has already happened. Being banned from the park, being arrested, and all sorts of bad things may happen to you if you choose to do this. It's simply not worth it. Also, those who choose to break park policy - and we hear about it - will be removed from the forums and will not be welcome at future events. On that same token, don't ever EVER enter the construction area. For the love of God. Not only is that stupid, but it's dangerous! By all means: peek through the cracks in the fence, check it out from the Tower, ride Drop Tower (no photos, please) but don't ever ever ever illegally enter the construction site. That is all.
    29 points
  2. I think I found our track. Sigh, looks like we're getting another red coaster....
    16 points
  3. He was joking. There are no NDA's to go on the Eiffel Tower. I was there this morning. Are you guys seriously that gullible?
    15 points
  4. You people can't really be this gullible, can you? Sheesh.
    14 points
  5. I just left the park after riding the last beast train of the night. I can confirm the that a huge area of the parking lot was coned off in the north lot near the Wolf lodge parking booth extending from the road that cuts across the parking lot all the way to the lot line near the trees boarding the park. There was some equipment staged but it was very dark to make out what it was.
    14 points
  6. Everyone really needs to relax for a second or else this website will explode and be lost in the space time continuum.
    14 points
  7. Lol think that the poor kid who works the Eiffel Tower is going to wonder why he has a line first thing in the morning?
    13 points
  8. Sorry guys, I'm reporting this from the top of Eiffel Tower and I see it too. I cant post what I see, you have to sign a waiver up here not to tell. It is very top secret, bring your drivers license,social,and a major credit card if you want to know. Once again, I wish I could spill the beans but I just cant.
    11 points
  9. I am at Kings Island right now on top of the Eiffel Tower. There is no track here. Repeat: there is no track here. A small section of the northeast parking lot has been closed off by cones, but there are no flatbed trucks there. There are some green tubes sitting back near the restrooms, though I doubt they are supports. Nothing to see here, really.
    11 points
  10. Ok so I say something about the stuff I saw on the interstate just wanting to get it cleared up and then I say something about the warehouse looking thing wondering what it was and I get stuff said too? I'm sorry that I even posted that now, I never said that I knew it was track, I simply said what I thought i saw. It's hard to read a box going about 75 and it was turning to dusk when I saw it so it was hard to tell what it was. The point is I was only wondering if you guys knew about the semi (which got cleared up, thank you) and the warehouse which now I know what it is. I joined this site because I love rollercoasters and Kings Island just as much as you guys do. I've been riding coasters and going to Kings Island since I was 3. I figured when I posted that stuff I was posting them as questions, now I know I have to be more clear on my questions.
    10 points
  11. bro, I think you lost the battle on saving Son of Beast...
    10 points
  12. So this is my first post. We headed out this morning in hopes of perhaps seeing something interesting. We got to the top of the Eiffel Tower and had to come right back down due to lightning. We tried again later and got a few pictures, but nothing out of the ordinary. Got some of the buildings back that way as it was hard to tell what things were with how bright it was, so I'll spare you those pictures. Concrete truck pouring more footers presumabably. Pouring those nice footers Obligatory owl and no camping picture Today marked the first day we had actually seen them working, though to be fair, we usually go in the evenings. This flatbed was the only interesting thing we saw that could have held something worthwhile. Here you can see some of those green pipes talked about earlier. And our final picture of the day of the area that seems at all related. Left out a couple pictures I didn't realize didn't hold any information until getting back here (the greenhouses, old trams or whatever, etc.) Though nothing too new, still looking forward to seeing this thing come together!
    9 points
  13. You know, if not for HTCO's many years of being on this site and his high post count, this latest stunt would have easily had many up in arms about him "trolling."
    9 points
  14. Or they have to tear down the current restroom and relocate it. Or the park is finally putting restrooms in Xbase.
    9 points
  15. Look what KI twitted!!! Heading out into the park to get some early morning photos that @KICentral would love to see! https://twitter.com/KingsIslandPR/status/359646739290013696 I think today's the day!!!
    9 points
  16. I feel bad for anyone who hasn't been on here lately. Imagine how many pages they're gonna have to read through the next time they check here...
    9 points
  17. ^ And they're doing one hell of a job of keeping it under wraps too...
    8 points
  18. That looks photoshopped. I wonder what gave that away?
    8 points
  19. I was just wondering what dinosaur of a camera took this picture. Please for the love of GOD, if you want to share a picture make sure people can make out what is in it. At least these were not as bad as http://www.flickr.com/photos/95776358@N02/9353295890/ I am so very sorry that today's pictures of the dirt and concrete in Action Zone did not meet your impeccable quality standards. MDMC01 should feel ashamed for contributing actual content in the midst of all the bull**** in the last 24 hours. I truly look forward to your next, high quality, photo update here.
    8 points
  20. Yah, I live in Canada!!!!! Can't see Kings Island from here you know!
    8 points
  21. Even the greatest amongst us need to sleep.
    8 points
  22. Well the... incredibly... reliable(?) "Save Son of Beast" Facebook page is reporting that green supports are currently sitting near the construction fence close to the AZ Bathrooms. Take that with a grain of salt. Or a couple bags of it.
    8 points
  23. Generally this time of year, at 12:15 AM, the WHOLE parking lot SHOULD be closed off...
    8 points
  24. I'm working on a resolution... We will be moving to a new cloud based server system by the end of the week. During the transfer, KIC may be down for at least a hour. I'll keep everyone posted on our KICentral Facebook Page. https://www.facebook.com/kingsislandcentral
    7 points
  25. Does anyone remember, way back in 2008 before Diamondback was announced. On the Jacob's Ladder game in Coney Mall there was a giant inverted yellow coaster in the mural? Some people thought it was a clue for what was to become Diamondback. Could they have been leaving clues since 2008? Photo Credit to Angryemobeaver/ Dropzone99 I know this probably doesn't ACTUALLY have anything to do with project 2014. But wouldn't it be crazy if it did?
    7 points
  26. This is why we can't have nice things...always one person that screws it over for the rest of us...learned that really quick in the military
    7 points
  27. Don probably put a sign up in the Eiffel Tower saying go troll the ki central board and say you can't talk about it.
    7 points
  28. No one understands a joke here. I'm almost 92.5% sure that this is a joke.
    7 points
  29. Ok guys. Im getting angry at you guys giggling in a corner saying its obvious. Nobody believes you if your just saying that. So either tell us like a normal human or stop trying to get attention. Im not trying to be rude, but come on.... Its like it was election night and Anderson Cooper was like "heheh I know whos the president but you guys have to go up to D.C and find out!"
    7 points
  30. Down in Action Zone right now, can confirm that those are tubes of PVC pipe, up close they in no way resemble supports. The only somewhat interesting thing going on is Don standing in the site talking with a bunch of people, and I don't really care to try to eavesdrop or anything, considering its probably irrelevant out of context.
    7 points
  31. It's 10:45. We are Kings Island enthusiasts. Someone HAS to have gotten pictures by now.
    7 points
  32. If nothing else, Don is giving this site some solid free pub with his constant mention of KICentral. I imagine there are a lot of people who follow KI's twitter feed who have never heard of KICentral.
    7 points
  33. Inside the dinosaurs! There was another reason they brought in a Sauroposeidon this year.
    7 points
  34. Can we PLEASE not quote that whole stack of images over and over? Quote one or two images if you must to illustrate a point, but certainly delete ALL of them from your quote if you're only replying to a text comment. Please. It's annoying.
    7 points
  35. The first hand account by that lady has been proved false.
    7 points
  36. You didn't like talking about the health risks of eating raw eggs?
    7 points
  37. While in Action Zone, you could all ride this...I'm sure it would give a nice view...if for a moment at least...
    7 points
  38. There are about 10 different things being discussed on this thread at once, lol! Its quite entertaining. So much excitement with very few answers.
    7 points
  39. The rubber ducks are amassing for assault on the dino? And in the cover of night. Clever girl(s).
    7 points
  40. I'm so glad I can sleep in tomorrow. Then again, I don't want to sleep in--I'm afraid I'll miss out on something. Coaster enthusiasts are so pathetic.
    6 points
  41. I have a feeling there will be an unofficial KICentral day tomorrow morning starting in the parking lot,then Action Zone,finally atop the Eiffel Tower!
    6 points
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