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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/01/2024 in all areas

  1. If you’re planning on coming out tonight virtually every house is full staff. I’ve had really solid runs on slaughterhouse, st Michelle and killmart already. Tonight feels like a very strong improvement/great way to end out the 2024 season.
    2 points
  2. I would also be heartbroken if The Bat were to get removed in the near future. It's a coaster I try to ride every time I go to the park and I don't really mind the long walk it takes to get there. It usually doesn't have that bad of a wait and it's a pretty enjoyable ride experience even if it is a bit short. I would be shocked if it got removed before Invertigo.
    2 points
  3. If I'm going to be honest, this addition doesn't seem like it was added to make Soak City a competitor for the best water park in the area. More like "well it's been nine years since we added Tropical Plunge so we might as well add something to Soak City so it doesn't look like we forgot about it".
    1 point
  4. Speaking of coaster nerd stuff, I drove by Baynum Solutions when I was in Newport recently. They've painted their building since I was last by there.
    1 point
  5. The "what if?" has always gone through my mind had they built Top/Flight/Bat somewhere that wasn't so far off the path, would it have a longer line and more love in general? I mean it really is an awesome-well balanced coaster that fits somewhere between moderate to thrilling. I mean heck, there have been days I have ridden it where that thing just absolutely HAULS through the course and takes me by surprise being mildly planted against my seat. And with there being so few of these Arrow Suspended coasters left, I am grateful we still have ours. I don't mind the walk back to it because its really pretty being back amongst the trees and sometimes its a relatively more peaceful being away from the crowds. But I often wonder due to the lower foot traffic, how much longer will this area be known as it is? I feel deep in my heart of hearts there will probably be a massive overhaul to that area some day. But I think we have awhile before that comes to be seeing as there are still more glaringly obvious plots needing attention first ( Vortex plot-I'm lookin at you!) Until then, I look forward to as many Bat rides as I can get and will cherish it while we have it.
    1 point
  6. The pastry team produce the stuff for Sweet Spot and they are the ones in the kitchen. But the people in the front are still merchandise it is a joint store. But the register is still run by merchandise so merchandise is the one that does the hot chocolate not the food people in the back. At least that is what I’ve heard and what it seems like based on when I was there.
    1 point
  7. Let's face it, this is issue is not just about hot chocolate. The meal/ drink plans across all the CF parks have zero consistency. Guests paid for something they are not getting in return and the reasoning given muddies the water even more. This has been an issue for a number of years and should have been addressed by now. Due to inadequate training by the park, I do feel for the employee that has to tell a guest "no" and then gets the brunt of the frustration.
    1 point
  8. So it’s not a water coaster if you’re not even willing to count it. Lol Either way, some would call this a straw-man argument and to some degree that may be true. This is a good addition no doubt, however for a “Water coaster” it misses the mark in my opinion.
    1 point
  9. It’s been a long off season but I’m finally reunited with my fave ejector airtime machine in the Ohio valley. Great night here at the park for season pass preview from 5-10 PM. Beautiful weather and can’t wait for some night rides!
    1 point
  10. No chance for a last minute buyer... https://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/butler-county/west-chester/hindu-worship-center-to-take-over-entertrainment-junction-space-next-spring
    0 points
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