The "what if?" has always gone through my mind had they built Top/Flight/Bat somewhere that wasn't so far off the path, would it have a longer line and more love in general? I mean it really is an awesome-well balanced coaster that fits somewhere between moderate to thrilling. I mean heck, there have been days I have ridden it where that thing just absolutely HAULS through the course and takes me by surprise being mildly planted against my seat. And with there being so few of these Arrow Suspended coasters left, I am grateful we still have ours.
I don't mind the walk back to it because its really pretty being back amongst the trees and sometimes its a relatively more peaceful being away from the crowds. But I often wonder due to the lower foot traffic, how much longer will this area be known as it is? I feel deep in my heart of hearts there will probably be a massive overhaul to that area some day. But I think we have awhile before that comes to be seeing as there are still more glaringly obvious plots needing attention first ( Vortex plot-I'm lookin at you!) Until then, I look forward to as many Bat rides as I can get and will cherish it while we have it.