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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/13/2024 in all areas

  1. New Year's Eve International Street Restaurant seating up for sale Prices are $150, $135 (gold w/ meal plan), and $130 (prestige w/ meal plan)
    3 points
  2. During my last visit to Carowinds riding Nighthawk wasn't even on my radar with Fury around the corner. And my old Eagles too. That said, I am sure some people loved the coaster and it is just a bad PR move to say too bad, no farewell tour and last ride announcements. So, deal with it. Just do not understand that mode of thinking. As bad as it stung for the Flying Eagles to get stolen from the park, the days leading up to and the last day to ride them was beyond cherished by me and others. Knowing one of your favorite rides ever is leaving and still getting rides in until that happens makes you appreciate that ride so very much more. I absolutely loved that ride. Like the bumper cars, every ride on the Eagles was a different one than before. I contemplated not buying a pass the following year I was so angry. But the park still offers a great day every time. So, I got my pass like usual. Now, if KI at the time, said out of the blue that the Eagles were being shipped out after the fact and did not let anyone know they were leaving until it was too late to get final rides. I would have been alot more hurt and angrier. I would have seriously reconsidered buying another pass. Of course, as I have said before, it still burns me after all these years walking past that stupid basketball game knowing the truly amazing ride that was once in that spot.
    2 points
  3. Ride clearance envelope seen underneath Woodstock’s Air Rail. Could it be getting new trains next season?
    1 point
  4. New Year's Eve International Street Restaurant seating up for sale Prices are $150, $135 (gold w/ meal plan), and $130 (prestige w/ meal plan)
    1 point
  5. I know some of you will adjust but I'm young in age and old at heart and I'll complain about removals without notice till my final days. The industry can change all it wants but it doesn't mean I have to like it. It'll happen regardless of what I like but I can file complaints to the end of time
    1 point
  6. I think Kings Island will continue to see investment. My question is will we see as much and will we see thrill rides built again? Does CP continue to get all the record breaking new and unique coaster while we continue to get family coasters and flats? Again, I'm not complaining about getting new rides but I've been saying it and I know others are too (and it's just not enthusiasts mind you) who are ready for that next thrill attraction
    1 point
  7. There's more closures/demo notices yet to come across several other parks. SF Corporate is going hard on high-cost, high maintenance rides. It is what it is. Personally, if/when this comes to fruition - I will not miss Nighthawk. It was a terrible ride and is on my "will never ride again" list.
    1 point
  8. AP was a much needed refresh to that area. For it being such a small area, they really did pack a punch with theming and the ride choices were solid IMO. Although I won't ride Cargo Loco due to no amount of motion sickness meds/bands able to overcome that experience, Sol Spin is without a doubt my favorite flat-ride in the park at this time. There are always ways to improve/upgrade an area and I hope that more shade will be a priority in AP and around the park as a whole. But yes, AP really shines in my eyes as a great example of what the park is capable of doing with theming and use of limited space within tighter areas of the park.
    1 point
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