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King Ding Dong

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Everything posted by King Ding Dong

  1. I don’t make it up to CP in time for ERT often but don’t be surprised if a couple of the coasters on the schedule are slow to open. Usually the more temperamental ones. cough Intamin cough.
  2. Uh oh, they heard about us on reddit. Only pain and misery will follow.
  3. I can’t imagine anyone of any age being able to hold their bladder for 7 hours.
  4. ^ I remember people smoking in hospital rooms. Funny but not funny.
  5. Been there and done that a few times. What really makes them mad is when Dad’s blaster works perfectly.
  6. The most lost cell phones of <pick your limiting criteria>
  7. In terms of capacity, absolutely. Though most ridden does not necessarily mean most popular.
  8. He is the illegitimate child of the Dos Equis Guy.
  9. All participants must be members of an approved club.
  10. They have those spots on the ground for Valravn and I think Drop Tower. No one pays attention to them. Wrong direction. The storm is moving NE.
  11. Do any of those designs turn around or is it like NASCAR - Turn left, go fast, turn left, go fast.
  12. @chugh43 Was never on the one at KI but I just like them. Good ride the whole family can enjoy even grandparents, (except Ryan who gets extremely anxious after I told him about the SFSTL accident, big mistake), generally a nice breeze, moves the line quickly if operated well, and of course the view is great as well. The tower is cool but is just static. The utility of transportation is somewhat dubious but is a nice break for tired feet.
  13. Sure does. If you are pregnant,. CF sure does love their nuanced records. Well they could have run it if they added a ton of antifreeze to the water.
  14. Come on guys, this isn't disgusting. Its called Seasoning.
  15. When the mayflies show up on Doppler radar like this KI may be a better choice. This was from last summer right before @silver2005 made his journey, though I think they dissipated somewhat by the time he got there. https://www.facebook.com/13abc/photos/a.111219256896.85146.91618601896/10155327024401897/?type=3
  16. Never been but from what I have read operations are a mess, plus the weather is real iffy up on the lake early May. I suppose they are opening day at just about any park so maybe it is just the stark contrast to when things are running efficiently later on that has people complaining.
  17. So I started reading this thread and was curious about "GP" Night. Wait..Wut? General Public Night? What is that? Actually that would be an interesting promotion. A ticket only night free of all the passholders. Could become very popular.
  18. A real through the woods log flume! Now that WWC has been spoiled by that noisy coaster thing.
  19. Que speculation of building a Polar Coaster in that spot.
  20. @iheartbeast79 My wife has been celiac for about 10 years so I feel your pain. Do keep in mind cross contamination is a hard one to avoid. We ate at Reds once and Michelle had a few of the potato chips then fell ill an hour or so later. Was it becuase the chips were fried in the same oil as breaded chicken? Don’t know but maybe, not the park’s fault as they didn’t label the chips as GF. Also much ice cream contains gluten but the ingredient is called something else that screwed with her for a couple of years, will ask Michelle and get back to you. Here is a recent Momcast she helped Stacy with, I can put you in touch with her for some advice and online resources she has found helpful. DM me if you are interested. http://sunny95.com/dino-and-stacy/momcast-diary-of-a-gluten-free-mom/ @Stoan Not to pile on but everyone with celiac reacts differently, some cases are much worse than others, it is not the same as diabetes which is a silent killer. In my wife’s case it can result in severe pain that can take many days to resolve. Prior to being diagnosed we had several ER trips and they could do nothing for her after verifying her appendix was fine. This was a problem a few years ago when she had similar symptoms but we hesitated going to the ER. When we finally did she had an emergency appendectomy within the hour.
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