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King Ding Dong

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Everything posted by King Ding Dong

  1. The KIC mods are so bored they decide to do a podcast.
  2. A one minute segment each cast. The Inside Scoop feat. The Dippin Dots Guy
  3. That and the myths, lore, fake/embellished stories etc would be fun, but maybe just an occasional segment, might loose to many people with a whole hour. And the one guest you MUST book soon is the Dippin Dots Guy.
  4. I would certainly hope they close rides if they do not have sufficient trained staff to run them.
  5. Didn’t make it much past the introductions tonight and look forward to listening to the rest in the morning. Noticed a lot of popping the p’s but that is easily solved with the right setup and some coaching.
  6. @stashua123 I hope you do move to ride operations. People like me could use some more heavy duty Staplers in the dept.
  7. Respect my time. Practice word economics and keep senseless banter and inside jokes to an absolute minimum.
  8. With the exception of grunge the 90s were pretty nice.
  9. Same here. What’s your excuse? Mine is my wife was rear ended a few weeks go and is suffering from whiplash, having to shop for a new car becuase insurance totaled it, had a bad cold for a week. The outside stuff...it’s been cold!
  10. $100 seems reasonable to me especially if it includes the water park and even better if it has platinum pass benefits. Zoombezi Bay charges $69 for an all season locker rental. Might not be worth it for singles, but if you have kids especially little ones with all the accessories they require. https://zoombezibay.columbuszoo.org/home/visit/enhance-your-experience/locker-rental
  11. The first person to say a kiddie coaster is going to come off as rather creepy.
  12. The solar car ports is a really interesting idea. Generate electricity and shade your car. How much do you want to bet there is an upcharge for one of those spots?
  13. I am sure these new seats will warm up nicely parked out in the July sun.
  14. One upping GateKeeper is not going to happen.
  15. ^ Love those right angle turns. That kind of layout does offer visibility which is important to a park.
  16. I was in that situation for a few years with my youngest. Is yours just not ready for the high thrills or is it a height issue? Kiefer was just a water park kid for several years, to tall for kiddie rides but coasters and even most flats were just to scary for him. It finally changed two summers ago when was 10. I didn’t push him but was clear that if he didn’t want to ride I wasn’t going to hold his older brother back and he could stay home. I will give that a shot: No need for extra salt on your fries. The sweat dripping down on them flavors them quite nicely, if not makeing them a bit soggy.
  17. With little boys exhaustion and boredom look the same but are completely different animals. I bet if you told him there was ice cream (or my favorite Ding Dongs) in the car you couldn’t keep up with him. I can’t count the number of times we have gone on scout hikes or orienteering courses and they were “going to die” until we get close enough to the big play structures at CubWorld. Then an hour later I can’t drag them to the car. Little boys do not truely run out of energy, ever. Regarding the trams, I am sure they would love bring them back with a $10 upcharge. Might as well just pay the $10 for prefered parking.
  18. Tony is a PR Guy. He built up the recent SV Hootenanny as something big. Regarding CW, I look at those flats and think “Cool! I really want to ride those!” But everytime I get off one I always feel a bit let down. There is so much to do a lot closer and cheaper that I haven’t done yet so CW keeps moving down on my to do list. However I really want to take the boys to Niagra so if we are in the neighborhood....
  19. Motor Vehicles. String lighting would be cool, but I am guessing that given KI’s earlier closing hours in general there would be less bang for the buck especially during the peak summer months. Still it would just be a small fraction of the amount used for Winterfest I don’t see it as a huge stretch.
  20. When one of the park’s top strategic advantages is the Best Kids Area, it would be a real gutsy move to give it away for free. At a park like CP it has the chance of increasing revenue, hard to see it doing that at KI.
  21. Food Service should be on ERT for the first couple of months of operations. Put your chicken strip and pizza slice order in at 9:30 and maybe it will be ready for pickup by Noon.
  22. After Steel Vengence the last thing they need is another coaster right away. Log Flume, Dark Ride, some modern flats, something family oriented. Anything but a another coaster.
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