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King Ding Dong

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Everything posted by King Ding Dong

  1. Are you suggesting to the members of this forum that they violate Kings Island policy and bring food into the park? https://www.visitkingsisland.com/plan-a-visit/frequently-asked-questions
  2. I can't remember where it was but experienced a roaming magician working the lines somewhere. Just some simple card tricks and slight of hand with quarters type stuff, but the kids loved it. Would be an excellent training ground for amateurs. CP has some band on a float type thing and a group of dancers that I saw once on a weekday afternoon this year.
  3. Lots of things I would like to see and there are a lot of great ideas thrown around on this forum. One I haven't seen mentioned is a Mack Twist N Splash. SFSTL installed one in 2014 and it is a lot of fun. Decent capacity at 54 per cycle (6 per boat/cup, 9 cups), no restraints and with the water cannons lined on the perimeter offers fun similar to the WWC cannons for willing bystanders. Those could probably could be made coin op as well to increase per caps. wink wink). You get wet but it is not a drenching soak like WWC and the slow spinning nature of it makes it difficult to gang up on any one person. I wouldn't imagine it is all that expensive either.
  4. ^ The JB Smokehouse has been a huge hit at SFSTL the past few years. I cold smoke food at least once or twice a week.
  5. Did you notice the MarketWired icon? It is there because they paĆ­d for it to be there. http://www.marketwired.com/
  6. It appears that Cam 3 is showing a bit more MS now, but not the lift hill and everything to the left of Dragster is blurry. Chris, is there a correlation between the steepness of a lift hill and its height?
  7. Sometimes it is much better not to be in the front row as my boys learned on their first night time front row ride on Millenium Force. Let someone else act as a bug shield.
  8. That is the logical thing to do, but consumers do not behave logically.
  9. The downside to that from the parks perspective is they don't have the same opportunity to entice you with add ons down the line like a fruit cup, cookies, juice etc.
  10. Stop unnecessarily adding petro chemicals to their ice cream. Why? Petro chemicals are not food and are harmful.
  11. The way I look at it is the longer it takes to construct it, the more spectacular it will be.
  12. Henry Dorley Zoo in Omaha installed one in 2009 though it is bench type. I guess it depends upon the state but I thought there weren't really many codes or safety standards other than what the park owners determine them to be. *Verruckt*
  13. I grabbed a screenshot last night when I read your post but didn't have time to mess with posting it. The lights turned off around midnight.
  14. In Apple's infinite wisdom they do not seem to provide a visual means to determine if you are connected over a secure connection with Safari on an iPhone of iPad, not even in the address bar. So as I type this I cannot be certain if KIC uses https, unless I go to a desktop and verify. Thanks Apple. Something to keep in mind. My opinion on the whole thing is I really don't mind the idea of having ads thrown at me in exchange for the use of free wifi, what I don't like is the other data they have the ability to collect.
  15. One should also contemplate that with every breath you take some portion of that air touched the bodies of and has been in the lungs of not only other people but animals like Rats. Have a nice day!
  16. It is my understanding that https (secure) connections should be unaffected by this. In addition if you have subscribe to a VPN service all connections should be immune. Prices vary but $40 a year seems standard and sometimes they have sales this time of year. Last year I got mine for for $29 and works on all platforms. Very easy to use just open the app and flip a toggle, 10 seconds latter your IP can originate from any of a couple dozen countries throughout the world. In my opinion something like this should be used on all public wifi connections and I am not suggesting it specifically for CF public wifi. Of course using a service such as this would likely disable some of the functionality of the CF park specific apps. I am sure others here that have more detailed knowledge of the technology can offer some other suggestions.
  17. Have to agree here, its essentially a lie if Cedar Point announces their new RMC opening in 2017. If they said that then it looks like 2018 is much more likely. I disagree here. They said "there's no RMC projects opening in 2017". They may be completing construction of a ride in 2017 commission it and accept payment for it but RMC does not decide when a ride is "opened" the owner does. If Cedar Fair does not provide RMC with an "opening" date, RMC therefore has nothing on their calendar that says they have a project opening in 2017. There is no lie because RMC has absolutely no control when a "project opens".
  18. ^ I am not sure what you mean by "under proper swim attire". What would one possibly put over a rash guard shirt? According the the Guards and 2 Supervisors I spoke with on site in early June rash guards were not allowed on body slides, tube slides yes. We were also told to remove them and put them in our pocket or toss them down the slides ahead of us. (SFSTL had the same policy at least up through 2014.) I asked the Supervisors what the difference between a rash guard and a female tankini was. They explained that if it had a high neck it could catch water and they would not be allowed, most tankinis do not. Surfer fashion for females is more popular now so I see more females wearing short and long sleeve rash guard type shirts although I don't know this but I suspect they do not have another garment on underneath. That may have caused problems and complaints as the policy changed by late June. I was certainly on the lookout for any females with shirts on allowed on body slides and was just jumping at the chance bust the policy if I saw it violated. I don't find a tube any more intimate than standing in a que with strangers or strapped in right next to them on a Drop Tower or spinning ride. But to each their own I suppose. I find the Action River at CP a bit better becuase it has some natural looking elements but the bare unpainted concrete kind of ruins it for me.
  19. ^ What do think the wildlife does at SC when there aren't 5,000 screaming kids around?
  20. Hmmmm. No sand filter is going to remove petro chemicals from the water. Let's hope KI adequately tests the water for contaminants other than biological.
  21. Thiis was my first year at SC and overall I was very pleased. I found food service efficiency to be superior to the dry side and with one notable exception policies and ops to be good. The good - Change in policy early in the season to allow rash guards on slides. This makes a Huge difference on body slides like Tropical Plunge, from nearly intolerable, painful and dangerous to fun and safe. - Food choices limited but fast service, sounds like options will be better next year. - Zoom Flume is very long and almost but not quite makes up for the wait. The bad and ugly - Zoom Flume policies - Aboslutely ridiculous that one of the most popular attractions is staffed so poorly resulting in unacceptable lines even first thing in the morning. Never did I see both launch pools open. On top of that rafts should be full, two kids do not get to demand their own row on Valravyn and they should not get their own private raft. Rafts should be filled to capacity as possible and this alone would increase capacity by at least 2X. When I first started visiting Waterparks about 12 years ago I always found them filling the rafts, you didn't have a choice. - Splash River. The design is horrible, I have never seen such an ugly lazy rivers as CF has. It splashes you with water so it is functional but that is about it. There is nothing relaxing about primary colors. In addition I cannot believe ingress and egress are all in the same exact spot creating pure chaos. Aggressive behavior is rewarded. For all its faults SFSTL did this one right.
  22. If you think he would only want/can go once then it seems like a good deal. A gold pass can be paid off in 6 installments and then he can go more often for shorter periods of time on less busy days.
  23. Bent is the past tense of bend, so maybe it has to do with bending the track to fit the curves of the structure?
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