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Everything posted by CoastersRZ

  1. Then you simply were not looking in the right spot.
  2. CoastersRZ

    April 17th

    Yes, crowded will be the word of the day. I heard that last weekend there were around 5,000 people in the park, and the lines were minimal and manageable. Just imagine 10 times that amount of people. I`d say Beast will have about a 30 to 45 minute wait at least. Which, is how long the line for that ride used to be even on the non busy days several years ago!
  3. CoastersRZ

    April 17th

    I was at the park this past Sunday, and Face Off was running. However, Son of Beast was down. One train was parked half way up the lift hill with the second train on the transfer track storage. I highly doubt they are expecting 50,000 on Sunday (and hope otherwise as I am going up for a couple hours. 50,000 just seems incredibly high for a weekend in April). Based on the weather and the band competitions, I would expect that it would be crowded, or at least more than it was this past weekend.
  4. I`m sort of surprised it didn`t mention the possibility of IJST having technical rehearsals. But i have yet to receive my nesletter. Sometimes the UC email server has a significant time lag. Also, did the letter mention the Gold Pass Parties on the final two Friday`s in April from 5-10?
  5. The old Tiques as scenery? I don`t think so. And yes, I think the Eagles spot will end up being a big grassy area. Similar to what the former location of the salt water circuis has become. But hey, that is better than what has become of the olf Flight Commander spot, a bunch of pay attractions scattered on ugly concrete.
  6. Why change Top Thrill Dragster to OTSR, just because of the seatbelt issue? And why at the end of your post do you seem to contradict yourself? Yes, the seatbelts on Top Thrill Dragster are a little short, but that is due to safety. I personally would not like to see Cedar Point put OTSR on TTD. A classic ride out in Calirfornia was ruined by a similar move. Although that change occures quite some time ago.
  7. Well, all you have to do is visit the park two times and the pass will pay for itself. What with general admission this year now up to $45 a pop! And lets not forget that 20oz Cokes from the vending machines are now $3.00 this season, which makes the season pass souvenir cup with refills for $1 a pop a huge bargain! I don`t know when the park plans on having the first of the "technical rehearsals." There were several sandwich board signs on Sunday that said technical rehearsals would begin in Mid to lat April, and to stay tuned to PKI.com for the latest news involving the opening of IJST. All though, with the way they update their website, you may never know when it opens until you see people on it, and the line open when you are at the park!
  8. I don`t know if there is enough room on the old Flyers spot for a new Jump2. I think a better location for that ride would be the old Flight COmmander spot. That area already has a nice queue area that could be reused with some work. I just think because that pad sits above the midway, it would make a great location to sit back and watch the ride run from the midway. Hopefully they will utilize that location for a new ride in the near future.
  9. Just to clarify what PKJake13 said. I believe he meant to say 2001, and not 20011.
  10. Yes, the launch is thrilling, and so is the ride up and down the tower. But all that lasts only, what, 17 seconds? After a line that can reach 2 hours? IMO, I would rather ride Millenium Force over TTD if they each had a two hour wait.
  11. What abouot the classic Carousel or train? While not high on the thrill-o-meter, they are classic rides that PKI still has, and will hopefully have for the next 30 years, at least. My favorite ride is The Beast, but I equally enjoy the Carousel, with all of its history and the great classic ride that it is. Evey park should have a Carousel as grand as the one at Kings Island, which is one of the few that feature a working band organ (1919), that predates the Carousel (1926) by seven years.
  12. Thank you, it was Final Cut Pro! I knew the title related to the function of the program, but could not think of it for the life of me.
  13. Who said Intamin had to design a train for Son of Beast with hydralic restraints? They could utilize the same mechanism that Son of Beast, Top Gun, Adventure Express, Vortex and most othe Arrow coasters use. I definantly think the Son of Beast trains from Premier will be around for quite some time. My issue isn`t so much the trains, but rather the track in a few spots. It is in those areas where the violent shaking causes my legs to be hurtled into the sides of the restraints. It just feels like in some spots you are being tested to see how much shaking you can take, and IMO, that is not what I want to feel when I ride a coaster. That is the one ride I am hesitant to ride at the park, for fear that it will ruin the rest of my day at the park after I ride it. But I will try it again this season, like I always do, and I will ride it on more than one visit.
  14. Again, nice work. I have uesed iMovie on my Mac exstensively. I have also used anothe editing program on the computers in the DAAP computer lab for a major video project spring quarter last year, but I can`t for the life of me remember it right now! That is bugging me too!
  15. Do we really need two topics on the same thing? The park currently owns 732 acres. They originally owned the land that the Kings Island resort sits on, that the Tennis Masters series sits on and the Showcase Cinemas that is across from the Kings Island campground.
  16. Nice video! I like how you pieced together the testing video as if it were the same train. You should have included a shot of the train bursting out of the billboard as the final scene. What editing software to you use to create the video? All in all a very nice job!
  17. Rumors are rumors until they are proven to be true by the park publicly stating so. Some rumors, such as Winterfest returning this season, seem very likely, while other rumors like new trains on Son of Beast, and an Intamin coaster in 2007 seem almost completly false. That is just my two cents.
  18. But that there in lies the problem. If they were to put in a flat ride, it woould loose its sense of beauty and shade. I do think that if they made a new area similar to this with a flowing creek and water fall with rides sprinkled around it, it couold be a wonderful setting for rides.
  19. Last time I checked, Top Gun was considered a major attraction. And since when does a high level of theming denote a ride as a major attraction? Drop Zone, Face Off and Delirium have minimal theming and I consider them major attractions.
  20. f5rollercoasters, see Legend Riders` post above for the answer to who makes those rides. It is not HUSS.
  21. Well seeing as how there is not a lot of room in the Paramount Story to begin with, I thing they would only need a couple of actual artifacts from rides. For the rest, newclippings and pictures sould suffice. It would definantly be a good way for parents to pass on their memories to their children. Maybe even have some clippings involving how Kings Island grew out of Coney Island. At Coney there is the Museum Shop, by where the passes and employee IDs are processed (by the live show stage). In that store they have tones of old pictures and such from Coney`s glory days. Quite a few people will stroll in there on any given day.
  22. The restaurant that replaces Mandarin Cuisine will serve Mexican food. Some of the "new" restaurants on the list serve essentially the same thing that the old ones served, with a couple new items (and the buildings got a little TLC as well). Kafe Kilamanjaro and Sharkey`s in Boomerang Bay stand out as two of these.
  23. Yes, the trees by Adventure Express`s exit, over by Bubba Gumps, in front of the Cyber Cez attraction is notorious for thos giant bees during spring when the flowers on the trees are full of the nectar that attracts the bees. Most of them will dissappear (aka not as noticable) once the flowers on the trees leave.
  24. It should not work. Those companies pay for the people in attendance, and season passed, for obvious reasons, should not be honored during these private company rentals.
  25. Yes, P&G rents out the park for an entire weekend. They used to rent it for just a Saturday, but around 1999 or 2000 they started renting it out the entire weekend in September. P&G has had a company picnic at Kings Island every season the park has been open, and they had company picnics at Coney before KI opened in 1972.
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