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Everything posted by flightoffear1996

  1. Is this serious? or are we supposed to laugh at that ugly mug.
  2. I always loved riding The Vortex because on even crowded days I neer saw the line more than 30 minutes and its such a great coaster.
  3. http://photoblog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/05/31/6753963-nuclear-power-plant-turned-into-leisure-park
  4. Last year when I went to Holiday World the lines were about 5-10 minutes for the coasters in the morning and later in the day the rides were walk-ons but the waterpark was packed.
  5. Takin from the Intamin website. "40-seat ring structure rises slowly up the shaft, turning as it goes to give the guests a good all-round view of their surroundings, turning slowly and gently" KD drop toower does not rotate. So it cannont fit under the the gyro drop title.
  6. Anyone get those basketballs for making the foul shot? Everyone I get is lopsided.
  7. Kings Dominion isn't a gyro drop as it doesn't rotate on the way up. Never has never will. They have a seperate name for it even though I can't think of what it is.
  8. Wow! I love this video! Do you mind if I share it.
  9. The Raven was my fav. ride there! The other two coasters I could take them or leave them.
  10. I didn't know both claimed to be the tallest. I saw this over at Wikipedia: Kings Island's tower is the tallest in the world. While Kings Dominion's tower isn't taller, the brakes start farther down, therefore providing a longer drop than Kings Island's. Let's get into a "tallest WS" competition with the other parks, we could compare how far above sea level each city a WS is in and claim the tallest based on that. I don't think that is right because I am sure they prob. are counting the brakes as part of the drop.
  11. I am pretty sure it was $7.25 for a beer so a mixed drink is prob. $12.00
  12. Yea they wouldn't build on land that they didnt own.
  13. The question was just games. I would say no more than $15 at Kings Island and maybe $20 at Cedar Point.
  14. Left around 9:00 on Saturday to head to my friends farm in Vivi, IN. We got there about 1 and hour and a half later. We unloaded the truck and hit the trails in the F150 first getting her muddy for the first time was fun and it performed very well. We then hit the trials with the quads and dirt bikes for awhile. After we were tried of ridin we headed down to the deep part of the creek with a couple of beers and went swimming. This was the first time I have been swiming anywhere other than a pool and I had a blast jumping of rocks swinging off vines. We found a waterfall down there as well and mossy smooth piece of concrete, using it as a slip and slide right off the water fall. After dinner we got out some guns and were shooting at some targets off in the woods. Once night fell the beer trash cans filled up with the empty beer cans. The camp fire started to grow and evently a matrtess made it way into the fire. After some horsing around we made it to the truck bed to sleep. Good old country boy fun.
  15. ^ Can you see any of the dinos from the rides or are the pretty much hidden?
  16. I find Cedar Point crowded in May, June, July and most of August. LOL
  17. I know I was just trying to make a funny comment.
  18. So you dont sneak in that bag of doritios under your shirt!
  19. I have a problem with rides because of my long torso I guess and the over the shoulder restraints really putt a hurting on my sholders.
  20. I watched what claimed to be a full speed testing video and well the ride seemed very very slow to me.
  21. Wow I just watch the night one and the lighting on this ride looks well, simply amazing!
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