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Everything posted by flightoffear1996

  1. There is enough room for a ferris wheel
  2. My dad always said you pay for conveinance
  3. I would love to see a ticketed system and maybe it would cut down some of lines. If KI upped the ante on some of the houses and charges like $8-$12 per haunted house I'd be fine with that. Thats what your going to pay at least for a local haunted house.
  4. Wondering if you can return the card and get cash back if you don't spend it all plus what the lines would be like to get one of these cards
  5. For those of you who have been to Dollywood are there any resorts like Kalahari near the park? Is it true fireworks are cheaper in Tennessee? Thanks,
  6. Outer hanks is my favorite place to eat in the park.
  7. I would personally rather see a queue bot system. You can your bot and it tells you to come back at such and such time.
  8. It wasn't open when I was at the park two werks ago. I believe they ate doing some.retracking .
  9. They aren't being used otherwise so if they are damaged I don't see the harm in it.
  10. Thanks for all the kind comments. My dad would have really appreciated them as he loved to take pictures. I never realized lions were that big!
  11. View more at the link below. http://s1136.photobucket.com/albums/n498/jwatson230/
  12. My dad passed away earlier this week and while we were going threw some old photo albums I found some old photos from a Winterfest trip and Cedar Point trip he took before I was born.
  13. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44740450/ns/travel-news/?gt1=43001
  14. I'm going to type a better trip report tomorrow I was just short on time today
  15. I dont feel like typing it out here and readding the images but please see. http://www.coasterfuel.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3512
  16. NO!!!! I open it reopens before Sunday. What is your source on this?
  17. I dont think you'll be the only one in the boat but I'm leaning towards a Six Flags pass.
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