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Everything posted by flightoffear1996

  1. IDK to me sob seems fragile. On the dip right before the big drop ever see it flex? I can see it from the parking lot. I know its supposed to do it but it just makes it seem fragile to me.
  2. I have seen alot worse home build coaxzsters at least this one looks halfway professionaly done.
  3. This park would make for a perfect candindate for the Big Dipper. With all joking aside I doubt what they got from the pickers would even help them come close to being able to re-open the park.
  4. I am not liking that figure 8 element it looks pretty ugle and would have been better if they kept it on the ground and made it a little larger. Other than that I think this ride looks great!
  5. Winterfest was the park all deck out in lights, you could ice skate, shop in the stores, and watch some shows they had. From my 2005 experince it wasn't very fun. After soaking you $15 I think to get in you had to pay to ice skate the best attratction they had IMO.
  6. I know Alton Towers isn't supposed to build over the tree line!
  7. Hard to think about riding a water slide or even a roller coaster this time of the year.
  8. Does the monorail use any of the old track or is it just the train being used?
  9. I wish we could go back to the 90's probaly one of the best economic decade ever.
  10. I would love to buy a car of a train if I only had a good spot to put it.
  11. Ouch, very bad news and the ecomony is recovering? I wish the weatlthy in this country woudl quit lining there own pockets and start helping others out. It seems to me in all this it the middle working class suffering the most.
  12. The park could very easily make the Son of Beast the longest roller coaster in the world if they do the Texas Gaint treatment to it.
  13. YEs it was right outside of the Zephyr exit. I remember riding it once.
  14. I would really love to see them redo Son of Beast. Steep drop and reprofile the entire ride and maybe even add to the layout with some quick turns near the end. I am dreaming in a winter wonderland though.
  15. I really wish there was a more formal sign at the entrance on the pathway for The Vortex and why did they ever take the lights of the sign.
  16. Its from how many post you have. I personally which we didnt have ranks and maybe people wouldnt post just to be posting.
  17. The Bat was gone a few years before I was even thought of. Alot of the swinging suspendeds dont really swing now.
  18. I wounder who is paying for this change? The park or Intamin?
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