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Everything posted by flightoffear1996

  1. I would be happy with just concrete instead of the backtop.
  2. I love the first part of the line for Maverick the one part I dont mind standing in because the trees keep it nice and cool.
  3. I dont see why they needed to remove those trees.
  4. They could add lights easy enough back there it wouldn't be hard.
  5. I would like to see them turn into the haunt and have just the waterpark gate open for that and charge extra addmission and leave the dry side of the park hauntless that way we might be able to move with out running into someone on a Saturday.
  6. It is what it is not much we can do to change it.
  7. Thats how it was when I was in high school in and in college. However in college a D wasn't considered passing.
  8. ^ As much as I would like that trade off I really doubt it.
  9. I dont think there would be too much to see. They are building a pole.
  10. SO what if its techincally warmer than what ever the operation tempature is but with the wind chill its lower. Techincally its above but its not.
  11. I am not saying its going to be a bad coaster but length wont be on its side.
  12. I started the day heading up to Kings Island for the haunt around 7:30 and saw how full the parking lot was and just continued down i-71 for a few miles and headed to Morgan Canoe Haunted River. We checked in at the front desk and paid our $10 haunt. They said there was about a 45 minute wait. There was no line however. They had halloween movies playing and some camp fires to sit around while you waited for them to call your group. Right on 45 minutes our group was called and we put our lifevest on. We had a guide which setup the storyline. Overall the walking part of the haunt wasn't scary at all and there was about 10-12 live actors. I think I couple fog machines would go well here. It just didnt have that haunted feeling. The things they did have were very unquine however and the guide was awesome. Next we board our canoe for a 15minute canoe ride. This was the best part of the haunt. There were abonded rafts in the river that reminded of Jurrassic park for some reason. They had screamsters in the river even they must have been cold I am sure. Overall the scare factor of the haunt was only about a 3/10 but it was still really fun and in a couple of years could be a big halloween attraction. There was no waiting in line, a boat ride, left plently of time in-between groups so there no running into the group in front of you, and some great acting from the characters they just didn't have the capital investment put into like some of the other haunts.
  13. The intamin cable braking usually cannot be found by the daily test done. Its the internal parts of the cable that fail which cannot be dected by humans.
  14. I never understood why they dont use the skyline patio for the line for that haunted house.
  15. Sometimes it worries me as well not so much as theme parks but airlines. WIth all these companies penny pinching sometimes they I think they wait a little too long to change a part ect.
  16. I stood in the line from the Internation Street showplace and spent just over 75 minutes in line.
  17. The webcames werent working yesterday probaly so you couldnt see the super crowds.
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