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Everything posted by flightoffear1996

  1. ^ It will pay off big tiem and you can go on unplaned trips its a really nice thing to be able to have 1 pass for many parks. This year you will even get the free parking upgrade.
  2. Well what I dont understand is that when they said they were going to completly redo the Water Park and turn into Boomerrang Bay why in the world did they leave the slabs of concrete and un-nessary open space? Why are more than half the slides still there?
  3. I am sad to say I probaly one of those idots on the road. Anyways I have the Maxx pass this year and been to Kings Island about 15 times (low amount of visits for me) Cedar Point 3 times and GL 1 time.
  4. Lame? I think tihs ride is pretty fun but its too short. Much better than some of ther other suspended coasters out there.
  5. I hope if indeed they are improving BoomerRang Bay next year which I don't have a problem with even though I don't visit the water park much I think its a huge part of the park and I think it is kind of lacking techlogy wise with the rubber mats that kill your feet on some of the slides. I hope they get a few more nice new slides and not remove any of the older slides. Another thing how in the world has the Beach been able to stay open with BoomerRang Bay.
  6. How can everyone forget about Face/Off. It was the first coaster in the midwest to have a face-to-face train. Also dropzone I belive is the worlds tallest gyro drop.
  7. I will be there every Saturday that Halloween Haunt is open. I just can't get enough of this event. Anyway we should have a meet on one of the days.
  8. I have only been there a few times whenI was a little kid. It is a nice little park.
  9. I don't mind paying the higher prices but the higher prices need to result in better food which it doesn't.
  10. Actually I would really enjoy a rocket coaster like Storm RUnner but maybe a little bit longer and some more airtime hills.
  11. Yea I thought it was too. While I don't see Kings Island getting a roller coaster for 2008 I can see a major flat ride and alot of general improvements in the park. I think the parking lot could use a repaving and maybe a few trees here or there. Maybe they could add like a giant moving sidewalk like in the airports instead of a tram. For 2008 though I really really wouldn't be surprized if the water park got some attention.l
  12. They only things that scares me at Haunted Houses are the chainsaw guys. They get me everytime. I know they don't even have a chain on them but they still freak me out.
  13. Man I can't wait till this years Halloween Haunt. Its the best time of the year. There is nothing better than a fog filled theme park so thick you can't see two inches in front of your face. The only sad thing is that the season is coming to a quick end.
  14. A dive machine with tons of ejector air time and lots of twist like maverick.
  15. Just because we got Firehawk doesn't mean Kings Island won't be getting a ride for next season.
  16. Yea I wish Kings Island would actually enforce there smoking ban.
  17. And why in the world would anyone want to go to GL.
  18. I think X-Flight is a pretty good fit at Kings Island. I really think that Six Flags thought the park could be more than it really was and they just over built the park. Its sad actually. I think the park may turn into a huge water park.
  19. Yea but why not have both like a supersized version of Roller Soaker.
  20. Wow this is really sad news I hope they dont tear this ride down because I want to give it try.
  21. Well you can look at it this way. They wanted to add a new ride there Tomb Raider and the other one could be more into kiddie land and they saw that with a re theming they could bring some life back into the ride.
  22. I thought that Top Thrill Dragster was running pretty good this year. While they may not be most relible you have to admire Intamins guts for building that tall. B&M sure won't.
  23. The Plat. Pass. These are really nice because now you don't feel that you wasted any money if you leave a park early if you would normaly have to pay to get in.
  24. Well what about this from the Cedar Point website. The new Point Perks program is a "Cedar Point-only" program. Point Perks is not available at any other park. If you purchase your Platinum Pass at any other park, you will not have access to Point Perks benefits.
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