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Everything posted by flightoffear1996

  1. My only gripe about the hole fast pass system is they shouldn't be aloud to take premium seats away (front or very back of the train). We already have to wait extra long for those seats as is. I couldn't tell you how many time on Top Thrill Dragster a fast pass user picks the front seat. After waiting an extra 30min for the front I didnt want to have to wait any longer.
  2. I would love to get there some day. Looks like such an awesome place.
  3. As a long time Heat fan I have to disagree that the plays are overpaid. LBJ, D.Wade, C.Bosh and a few others all took reduced salaries so they could win multiple titles. Just look at all the money they bring into the NBA and areas near thier games. Most NBA tickets sell out when the Hear are in town which generates food and hotel sales for the cities.
  4. Awesome! Downtown Cincinnati looks so small from up there.
  5. While I realize its safe I would much rather see a way to lower the entire gondla down at once. You don't see this issues on Drop Towers.
  6. ^ That contraption they built must have some kind of power source too unless its running on batteries. IDK just doesn't seem like a good way to get riders down to me. I would like some kind of battery operated winch of some sorts could be used to lower all riders down at once.
  7. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I dont under stand why they just can't use the motors to raise or lower it. Something that even a manufactor to thrill rides should have planned for. I really hope the parks aren't paying for this.
  8. Nice logo. I would rather have a screen print t-shirt.
  9. If its much more than $12-$15 per meal count me out.
  10. I am guessing this is going in where the buffet was?
  11. Aweseome! Amazing what winning a few games will do.
  12. You wallet seeing red after leaving the park?
  13. What about a haunt themed to a Topical Holiday gone bad. Kinda like that game Dead Island.
  14. I love Universal and want to go back again. last time I went it was 1999
  15. Day rides are very borning on The Beast and dont even waste time riding it but at night however is in my top ten.
  16. Contact the park however, there is no longer a camp ground.
  17. I go to Cedar Point every year and in my experience I found the park to be crowded (60min+waits for rides) pretty much any time other than Sundays in late Sept and Oct. I have also been to SFGAM and thought the park was okay but its no Cedar Point.
  18. I think the paint washes off. Its probably the same kind they use in paintballs.
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