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Everything posted by flightoffear1996

  1. Hopefully you said thank you contruction guy. At least he did confirm a coaster is going in and not a dippin dots.
  2. That is one of the better trip reports I have seen in awhile.
  3. One thing that we do know is its not going to be wooden
  4. You could watch it on TV via your smartphone, on the Bier Gartens patio, in the Red's Grille, and/or at the Festhaus. Given the locale, you certainly won't be the only Bengals fan in attendance. I have a feeling its gonna be a long season this time around.
  5. Maybe something to do with a KIC event for Halloween Haunt.
  6. I mostly listen to what I call the big three. Rap Rock and Country.
  7. I rode X-Flight last year and didnt have an issue with the restraints. I didnt really like the ride though.
  8. Or since may is the 5th month maybe it will be be annouced august 5th
  9. I have always wanted to try this park out but the gas prices are killer.
  10. Coaster might be sightly different but someone else would have stepped up to the job.
  11. I sure hope it wouldn't be called Mustang. That ride would be awfully slow Being a Ford guy this post upsets me. Never had any major repairs done on any of my Fords. I have owned 3 so far. The Dodge on other hand.
  12. When you say construction started do you mean the first footing was poured or it first started to go vertical. I consider construction starting when the land clearing began.
  13. If they want someone to haul them away I will take one of them off their hands.
  14. I hope you have a blast. Have fun and remember not to let one ride being down ruin your day.
  15. very cool marketing idea! I like it.
  16. Sad to what this world has come to. I know what it feels like to get things stolen from them. This is why I never bring anything of value into the park or leave it the car. Cellphone stays at home. WIthin the past year or so I have had my car broken in twice, my neighbors broken into once, and a friend robbed at gun point. What ever happened to helping other people out and not steeling from them.
  17. No, they had support and some about half the lift up at that time
  18. Looks like the park was closed.
  19. I didnt even know that the park owened Sling Shot. For some reason I thought an outside vendor did and they split the profits.
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