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Hawaiian Coasters 325

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Everything posted by Hawaiian Coasters 325

  1. Looks like Local 12 wanted to be @sixohdieselrage https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10157452589336992&id=100764596991
  2. Here's another nice article. It's got some great information from Jeff Gramke himself! https://www.wvxu.org/post/your-first-behind-scenes-look-kings-islands-orion-giga-coaster#stream/0
  3. I believe what they meant was that they hope to have the lift topped off by the first week of November. It takes a while to get to that point because they connect both the lift and drop together.
  4. Since Clifford is starting to arrive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWwIyKOCrd8
  5. The drop drops right near a creek. I wish they could find a way to expand the creek a little bit. It'll look pretty cool to have a stream running with a rollercoaster right by it. Lol I'm guessing that guy didn't know it was the train storage shed.
  6. John Matarese is there! https://www.instagram.com/p/B3UtATIhsJW/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
  7. I second that! After Orion is completed, they should sell them or maybe even give them away!
  8. 2013: Reds HOF Grille 2017: Mystic Timbers + Island Smokehouse + Winterfest Return 2018: Coney BBQ 2019: KMAA+rename Reds HOF Grille to Miami River Brewhouse + Grand Carnivale 2020: Orion + Area 72
  9. It was a seasonal employee messing around. Yes, they got a giga, but the giga in the snow thing was not written by someone who had an inside source.
  10. Made a Mack double launch in The Vortex plot of land. Also themed as part of Rivertown. I give you Badlands!
  11. I had no idea they gave a tour. Nobody ever said anything about it. Also looks like some interesting questions were answered. I wonder if anyone took a video of the tour that was on it.
  12. I guess there isn't much happening today.
  13. Doesn't seem like much is happening this morning.
  14. I actually do live close to the park. You can actually get to my neighborhood by taking back roads by Kings High School down by the powder factory. I can see the fireworks from my bedroom window during the summer.
  15. Hey @sixohdieselrage I can't tell you the number of times I've been in the park and saw an airplane fly by and immediately thought "Is that Sixohdieselrage?" Or I also saw hot air balloons from the ET and was like "Maybe sixohdieselrage is trying something new lol."
  16. I think they started that like a week ago. What I would love for them to do someday is move the maintenance/storage area to where that building is behind Orion and turn the current buildings and area into an interactive type attraction. Think Forbidden Frontier at CP, but with an Area 51/space/military vibe.
  17. I'm camping this weekend so I won't be able to make it unfortunately.
  18. How about Wild Wild West by Escape Club! Fits perfect with Rivertown. I also miss you guys playing Kokomo by the Beach Boys!
  19. Six Flags already owned Kentucky Kingdom and we saw how that went. I hope they don't try and get KK again.
  20. oh yeah, but his points sound pretty accurate. I know he follows the industry in terms of business and stuff as well.
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