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Everything posted by FUN&ONLY!

  1. The passes being rolled over probably doesn’t have a ton to do with the revenue for this period. If I recall correctly, season passes usually weren’t for sale in July and and early August in 2019. Also, passes have now gone on sale for 2022 with those sales being strong, so the purchase of new passes is being counted for this year. There was likely a reduction in the number of operating days because some of the smaller parks were only open five days a week, so that was probably a big factor. I don’t know if any other parks did this, but Kings Island also cut Friday nights when they went weekend only operations. This wasn’t due to the pandemic, through, because these days were cut when Kings Island first released their 2020 calendar.
  2. Xtreme Skyflyer wouldn’t look any better in Coney Mall in my opinion.
  3. I feel like Vortex’s spot deserves better. I agree that Action Zone needs some live though, but I don’t think Xtreme Skyflyer belongs in Coney Mall or Rivertown. If Kings Island chooses to expand where Xtreme Skyflyer is, I would prefer it to just be removed entirely. Both Slingshot and Xtreme Skyflyer are kind of ugly rides in my opinion, and I would love for them to be replaced with better rides.
  4. If anyone has seen it recently, how is the Eiffel Tower looking? If so, can we determine what color it is going to be. I have seen some pictures where the Eiffel Tower is partially bronze color, but I don’t know if that is actually how it is going to be.
  5. I think anything in that immediate area would create a bottleneck unless KillMart were to be removed. That “clearing” gets very close to the midway games and practically blocks the midway.
  6. I doubt something is going to go right there because that would be a huge bottleneck. If I had to guess, KillMart will probably be demolished and something is going to go there. I know KillMart is currently listed on Kings Island's website as a Halloween Haunt, but I guess the building could be demolished after Halloween Haunt. If they aren’t planning to demolish KillMart, maybe it is simply for utility work. If they just put something right where the pavers are being removed like a queue for KillMart, I think that would be terrible.
  7. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I actually like the more family oriented approach. I like how Tricks and Treats Fall Fest throughout the entire park instead of just The Great Pumpkin Fest in Planet Snoopy. I know some people miss the mazes, and I understand that. I wish Kings Island would focus on building mazes that are outside of the midways and hidden from the rest of the park. Since Wolf Pack is not returning, I kind of hope the old Son of Beast is demolished because it is an eyesore in my opinion.
  8. Carowinds brought back 10:00 AM openings in the fall. 11:00 AM openings aren’t too bad, but I do miss that one extra hour. At least Kings Island is closing at 8:00 PM on Sundays this year. It has been as early as 7:00 PM some years.
  9. We have to consider that Cedar Fair said they are investing 175-200 million into 2022 projects. On the other hand, in 2019, they announced that they were investing $140 million for 2020 projects (I am not sure if this included hotels and adjacent development). Cedar Fair’s 2020 projects included Orion, South Bay Shores at California’s Great America, Camp Snoopy at Michigan’s Adventure, Cedar Point’s anniversary celebration, Knott’s Berry Farm’s anniversary celebration, and tons of water park investments. Cedar Fair supposedly is investing even more this time around. However, it seems like a big chunk of it is going towards renovating hotels. I don’t know if Cedar Fair plans to announce anything else major, but I could see a lot of parks focusing on park improvements which can sometimes be better than getting new rides in my opinion.
  10. I really don’t mind Tower Drinks being closed, but I am honestly surprised with how many Coca-Cola Refresh Stations have been open this year. I have seen locations open that I rarely see open quite regularly this year. I think there have probably been a decent number of days where every single Refresh Station has been open.
  11. Even if you have a breakthrough infection, chances are it will be a very mild case of COVID-19. About 97% of the people in hospitals for COVID-19 are people that are unvaccinated. Obviously, children under the age of 12 are not eligible to be vaccinated at this time, but there are still many eligible people out there that aren’t vaccinated. There is a reason why states with lower vaccination rates are seeing spikes larger than states with higher vaccination rates. In June, it seemed like we were finally coming out of the pandemic, but since vaccination rates weren’t high enough to reach herd immunity, mutated strains like the Delta Variant have been allowed to move through the population. Now it feels like the United States is moving backwards from our earlier progress. At this time, vaccination is the best way to get back on track. https://www.npr.org/2021/07/16/1017012853/97-of-people-entering-hospitals-for-covid-19-are-unvaccinated
  12. My problem with the Queue Times website and the Cedar Fair park apps, for that matter, is that the wait times are not updated frequently enough. A ride like Millennium Force could go down, clearing the line, and when it reopens the wait might be only 10 minutes when it is recorded and posted on the app. Also, the wait times for other ride could be exaggerated. It is unlikely that the wait for Corkscrew is 105 minutes when the wait for Millennium Force is only 44 minutes.
  13. My best advice would be calling Kings Island because they will probably be able to assist you remotely. I don’t think you should have to go to the park to address this problem.
  14. Kings Dominion announced yesterday that they are introducing the Winterfest Wonderland Parade for this season. I actually really like this addition, and I hope it will also eventually be rolled out to Kings Island because it would really add to the event in my opinion.
  15. If I were to guess, I think we would see a new indoor dining facility in Planet Snoopy when they decide to add a new attraction there or renovate the entire area. I could see Kings Island adding another new restaurant somewhere else, though, for next year. Weren’t there supposedly markers by the KillMart building last year? Maybe a new restaurant could go there. I think Kings Island could also try to bring back food items from the past for its 50th anniversary.
  16. The recent repainting of the buildings in Coney Mall, the buildings on International Street, and Rivertown Pizza look really nice. I am glad the Eiffel Tower is also going to be repainted soon. I hope that Kings Island continues repainting buildings and attractions like some of the buildings in Rivertown and Diamondback.
  17. Kings Island has to get it repainted now, so the paint crews can focus on The Racer in March and April (I hope that is the case).
  18. I am really glad the Eiffel Tower is being repainted, and I really hope we still see it decorated for Halloween Haunt and especially Winterfest. If I had to guess, the usual lighting will go away once the repainting begins, so it will be interesting to see it dark at night. I don’t know how long the repainting will take, but since they are starting on it so soon, maybe it will be done in time for Winterfest? I don’t know if Kings Island will be able to decorate it for Halloween Haunt, but I am still really glad it is being repainted. I don’t mind missing out on decorations when Kings Island is using that time to improve the park.
  19. https://www.visitkingsisland.com/blog/2021/august/eiffel-tower-closing-after-this-weekend-to-prepare-for-kings-islands-50th-anniversary-celebration-in-2022 The Eiffel Tower is being repainted ahead of next year for Kings Island’s 50th anniversary!
  20. In 2019, Cedar Point gold passes went on sale before they announced their plans for their 150th anniversary. It wasn’t until December 11th when Cedar Point unveiled new restaurants, a new parade, and Snake River Expedition. Kings Island will probably make their 50th anniversary announcement later this year like the press release said.
  21. To be fair, attendance at Cedar Fair parks was lower in 2021 than 2019 even when you factor in delayed openings and reduced operations (according to their 2021 second quarter conference call). I still think the gold pass is too cheap, but it is still somehow more than Cedar Point’s which I think is way too cheap. Also, Cedar Fair has more outstanding season passes this year than ever before, but they had less season pass visitors this year than in 2019 (according to their 2021 second quarter conference call). Crowds at Kings Island also haven’t really been too bad this year on the average weekday.
  22. I am surprised it doesn’t say that Grand Carnivale will return at Kings Island for next year. Maybe the park will see its own anniversary celebration like Cedar Point. Also, I wonder if we are going to get a new restaurant because it sounds like Cedar Fair is going to be opening many new restaurants. At this point, I am very excited for Kings Island to release the details on their 50th anniversary celebration.
  23. I am glad Kings Dominion seems to be putting effort into theming their new S&S Free Spin. It may be a basic ride, but at least it looks like they are really trying to present it nicely. Six Flags, on the other hand, slaps a DC theme on their S&S Free Spins and paint them accordingly, and those don’t look as good in my opinion. I don’t mind this addition, but it seems like more of a well-themed flat ride than a coaster. Technically this new ride is replacing a flat ride, but I think some people fear this is also Volcano’s replacement at least for the foreseeable future.
  24. With Kings Dominion’s fall calendar being released, I am anxious to see Kings Island’s. I was initially disappointed that Kings Island wasn’t doing Halloween Haunt on Sundays like some other parks, but I rather have better hours. Also, it is nice that Kings Island is devoting more time to families with Sundays just being the Tricks and Treats Fall Fest. I was hoping that Kings Island would see the return of 10:00 AM openings this fall, but I am fine with 11:00 AM openings after seeing Kings Dominion’s calendar.
  25. If you time it right, most FastLane+ waits will be under 10 minutes. Occasionally, the waits will be a little longer, but my advice would be to come back to rides later that have long FastLane+ waits because they usually don’t stay long all day. It really depends on how busy Kings Island is. Weekends in May and Saturdays in July were very busy, so these days probably had longer FastLane+ waits. However, on the average weekday, FastLane+ usually results in a walk-on. I know that Kings Island is moving to weekend only operations soon, so I would say that FastLane+ is definitely worth it if you plan to go on a Saturday. Flight of Fear will probably be the longest wait due to its low capacity. I still wouldn’t expect any FastLane+ waits to be over 20 minutes, and most will probably be around 10. If you go during Halloween Haunt, though, the FastLane+ lines will probably be longer just with how crowded the park gets.
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