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Everything posted by fyrfyter

  1. PKI needs to take a hint. Teenagers and adults don;t want to be riding some spongebob in FX Theather. IF you were gonna do something, do anything, except some stupid cartoon character who likes like he's been hangning out in the shallow end of the gene pool too long.
  2. I am in agreement that storms are cool, but at places such as PKI, storms are not good. Thank goodness no one was leaning against Eiffel Tower at the base, or they might be dead right now. Lighting is fine with striking things, as long as you are off the ground. Once your feet hit the ground, you are now part of that path for lightning to get to the ground. I have to say that PKI is strange in how it can go from being totally sunny to having the darkest clouds, fiercest winds, and worst rain, lightning, and thunder that I have ever seen or heard. Hopefully, I'll get to see at least one good storm this summer while I am there. Its all good, as long as no one gets hurt.
  3. fyrfyter

    Ticket Prices

    I'd say PKI's prices are good, for their size. If they jack them way up by adding a dollar here and there each year, it is probably going to become quite expensive, and unless they are adding lots of rides and stuff, eventually, many people won't be able to come. I think you have to look at the overall economy. When the economy is good, you can raise prices and people will still come. When it is bad, you pretty much have to stay put, to keep interest. At least PKI is not like WDW at $100 a day just to go to the park, if you aren't staying at one of their hotels/resorts.
  4. fyrfyter

    Food Prices

    I would say PKI's prices are a little high but aren;t outrageous. I would guess that on most food, PKI is easily making 100% profit, probably more. They could stand to cut prices a bit, making the consumer happier and still be able to make a ton of money.
  5. and therefore should be kept in HBL and out of the rest of the park.
  6. I hope thye at least spend some money to paint and fix up Coney Mall. Last season, the ride signs and paint were looking really rough in that area. It kinda needs a facelift with some new lights and stuff, to give it a retro yet updated kind of look.
  7. Sorry, I forg ot to mention, that Spring is my favorite time to hit the park as well. Everything is nice and green and lush, and by mid summer, a bunch of stuff looks dried out, and its usually very HOT.
  8. Sweet, Chinese food rules! I'll have some sweet and sour dog...........I mean chicken!
  9. Yeah, I thought about that, it could be primer, but then again who knows? I'm sure we will find out soon.
  10. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, when you can walk on to any ride in the park, including the favorite ones. Even later in the day, with a minimal weight.
  11. I'll be at the season pass preview and the VIP night if they have one, but Opening day is still up in the air.
  12. Hit then new rides, and then hit all the classics and hits, and then everything else and second rides.
  13. I'd call that poetic justice. If only that happened more often, and more people were a bunch nicer and a lot less like @*$holes.
  14. So are the bases now all white, instead of the white and blue they used to be painted? I think silver would look good on them too.
  15. Hey beastfreak, there are a couple of songs in Top Gun; The one is you've lost that lovin' feelin' by the righteous brothers and the one they play at the beginning of the movie is danger Zone by kenny Loggins. Top Gun is my #1 favorite movie of all time.
  16. I have to say this, when rides break down, the ride ops are usually nice enough to talk to you, and will carry on a normal conversation with you, about anything and everything, especially about PKI itself. Other than that, my next fondest memory of PKi was this past summer. I was standing in line with my girlfriend for Vortex when it suddenly broke down. A bunch of people got out of line, but we stayed. These guys behind us were nuts, and started singing a bunch of songs. When they ran out of songs, they started taking requests. Before we knew it, someone would yell out a song, and everyone int he station was singing it. The upper management members of the park, as well as Fire & Rescue showed up eventually, and thought we all were nuts. They just kinda looked at everyone with a grin and laughed. Soon the ride was back underway. That is my fondest memory of PKI.
  17. Chances are it got shipped over in cargo containers, then probably moved to Cincy by train in the cargo containers. There are probably numerous containers in a shipping yard in Cincinnati somewhere, and a company that has the job every day of delivering som many truckloads of parts, til all parts are onsite. I am guessing that the same trucks are out there each day, with a few more parts than before. About the comment referencing the sinking of the ride, and its legs, I don;t think this is at all possible. There is no way that any building department would let PKi build a ride that could sink into the ground. The reinforced Concrete footers, are probably located on bedrock for structural stability. Thinkabout it, if the ride were allowed to sink, one side could sink faster than the other, and could make the ride lean, which could have disaterous results.
  18. Actually, coasters are constrcuted with variances and tolerances. They have to be able to absorb and disperse vibrations throughout the ride. Take Sob or The Beast for example. If you watch the coaster as it moves around, the enormous amount of wood holding either up is there for two reasons. 1.) structural support, and 2.) is dissappates the vibrations very well. Watch some of the timbers when one of the coasters goes through a turn, you can actually see the wood shake allowing the vibrations to disperse. It doesn't surprise me that they have those kind of feet on Delirium. We use feet like that all the time as firefighters, on different tools, and can easily hold tons of weight, on feet much smaller than those.
  19. fyrfyter

    One Ride

    The Beast, covered in snow would be ultimate, and we would see a side of beast we have never seen before. The barren side, with leafless trees, and snow all over.
  20. I would say that those funny looking little feet on the end actually serve a very important purpose. They allow for some tolerance of the ride during fabricating and construction. if everything was welded together, It would have to be perfect, and line up perfect for everything to work with no problems. Those feet probably also help distribute the vibrations, which from a swinging and turning ride, are probably huge. I wonder how much cable actually will arrive? There is going to need to be a lot fo juice on top of that thing, and one huge motor as well, to get that pendulum swinging back and forth, while spinning as well. That thing is gonna spin faster than most think at 8 revolutions per mintue, which is about 7.5 seconds per revolution.
  21. I have a question for all of you. If death threats, people kicking staff members in costumes, cursing, and other things happen all the time, then why doesn't PKi get rid of security, and just expand Park Police? Kicking of characters is assault, and in the state of Ohio means at least a night in jail. Death threats can also be interpreted by an individual to be meaningful, and also have a nice punishment to them. Are there enough park police, and not just security, so that if something really bad happens, they can get to the situation and actually start arresting and beating on people? I have seen some of the park security, and not to offend anyone or anything, but they don't appear to be the most muscular bunch around. I mean most of the cops I have seen are decent size, and have enough attitude to take on anyone either individually, or with some other cops. Being a firefighter I am not "built" with a chizeled form or anything, but I think I would look a little bigger, than many of the security personnel I have seen. I'm not knocking anyone so don't take this the wrong way, its just a question. I am in support of all public safety personnel, such as myself and others.
  22. I would say that the biggest thing about the fountain is the entrance to the park. Without the foutain, or at least some type of reflection pool, the entrance to PKi would be very boring. The fountain helps make the entrance exciting, by adding action, to what is normally, a pretty calm area, as compared to other areas of the park.
  23. I'm sure with the fountain reconstruction that things will be better. New plumibng with new pumps, new valves, and new nozzles, i'm sure the fountain will be better this year than last, and everything will be more even. I hope they add some really neat lighting to the fountain, and maybe even some fiber-optic so it looks really neat.
  24. But what is so special about July 12th? Are they gonna hold sevearl nights of fire so everyone gets a chance to see it, or what?
  25. The updated pics are great. We finally got pics of the "guns" and those little white things on top of every item is the target you have to aim for. It usually has three or four red led lights that flash when you hit it, and then some type of action occurs. Can't wait for the park to open. I can feel the warm sun already (well not really, this is Cincy afterall.)
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