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Everything posted by fyrfyter

  1. When I was at Carowinds last summer, the ride was at least a 35 minute wait all day. Sometimes it was longer, but it was never shorter. I think it will stay quite busy, with people of all ages, much to anyone's surprise.
  2. In all honesty, I want to know who is actually excited about riding Scooby Doo and the Haunted Castle? It may sound silly, but I am 23 years old, and I rode the one at Para. Carowinds, and it was really neat. Its like a shooter video game that you get to ride on and it doesn't cost extra like other PKI games. That and its fun to see just how good of a shot you really are, when it counts against ghosts!
  3. Alright who harassed the maint. guy? The last time we got stuck on Vortex, it was a real pain, we were stuck there for like 20 minutes and people started like freaking out, like they are claustrophobic or something. I wish those people would not get on coasters.
  4. I wish Paramount would spend the moeny to restore the themed part of Top Gun. I looks so neat under there, and gives you soemthing to look at while waiting in line. I personally, am against floorless trains, as there are not many suspended coasters out there, that actually have the enclosed cars.
  5. If we were gonna do that, why not just set a date as PKIU day at PKI? have everyone meet somewhere or something like that. I think its probably coming down the line somewhere...........
  6. i'd be game for that, especillay if it is a building, not just a bunch of crap thrown together outside.
  7. You are trying to tell me, that because a ride is themed after a movie, it can't last forever? What kind of crap is that? Any ridxe can last, as long as there is interest in riding it, and the park makes money off of it. Top Gun: the movie was a blockbuster hit in 1986 when it came out. I know of at least two coasters themed to it. These coasters still exist today in 2002, some 16 years after the original hit movie debuted., and they are still being ridden by numerous people. You thoughts of rides themed after movies, and not having staying power is incorrect, as this ride proves.
  8. PKI Guide used to have pics of it on their site. I'm not sure if they still do or not., but apparently whne it wrecked, the first three cars crashed into the woods, at the far end of the ride. Fiberglas may be easily fixed,but I doubt OSHA and whoever else oversees the park, would actually let them fix something that has to be ridden on by many people, and for all intensive purposes, is out of control for most of its trip.
  9. There is no park in the world that needs two log flumes. Look, Good rides equal big bucks. Even if the initial investment is huge, the return is always good. Not everyone has to like Tomb Raider, but as long as a majority does, things like it are going to keep showing up in the park. Frequent visitors to the park, are in the minority, while I think that the people that come to PKI once a year, or even twice, are most of what makes up PKI's visitors. If you don't like Tomb Raider, chances are you won;t like other new rides that PKI will put in, as I expect PKI to put in more rides like Tomb Raider, and its success.
  10. The park would seriously have to make it more interesting, in order for it to work. The same stuff has been in the Paramount Story what seems like forever, and it always looks dirty, and wastes lots of space. I never see anyone in there, so a change to that area, is welcome in my mind.
  11. aside from complete recasting of the entire body, fiberglass is crap to repair. After broken and splintered, finberglas loses all of its structural stability and is unsafe. Trust me, I have had to cut someone out of a mostly fiberglass car before.
  12. You couldn't use them to transport people because even though the two loops were intertwined, they were separate loops. All it did was pretty much the same thing that the one running car ride does, but it is on the other side of the hill.
  13. That is what I am thinking. Just because they don't tell anyone about it, does not mean there isn't something in the works. It wouldn't surprise me, if there ended up being three rides for next year, but they only opt to announce two of them, which owuld be sneaky, but would also be a total surprise when the park opens next season
  14. It was closed not long ago. I think early 90's sometime. Someone stated, it was right after Paramount bought the park, but I think it was later than that.
  15. Redo all the landscaping/theming throughout the entier park, making it look beautiful during the day and stunning at night. Lots of lights, new lights as well, neon, fiberoptics, Fresh bushes trimmed to the shape of different characters and other floral things sculpted as well. Fix the clock so it looks totall y awesome, all new platinum hands, polished to a shine. Fill in some of the grassy areas with other things, like bushes plants trees, to split it up and make it look intersting. Some really kewl desing out of plants and stuff, that can only be observed from the top fo the Eiffel Tower.
  16. I don't think that will happen. If you look at the two tracks, they are intertwined, and removing just one of them would not be easy. They would have to make the other one stay restricted to one side of the land, which is a change, I don't see the park making anytime soon if ever. Chances are they will remove part of it, and throw in another upcharge attraction to rival the slingshot they put in Oktoberfest.
  17. Yeah, but then again for all we know, there could be a third ride being built as we speak, and they just aren't releasing any info, or anything about it exisisting. That would be really neat, walking into the park, and finding out aobut a ride, that there were no media releases on.
  18. You guys need to learn how to read the posts. he didn't say anything about Paramount itself having financial problems, but the parks are the places that seem to be having the problems. I think much of these problems can be contributed to 9/11, and I think its gonna take a while for the Theme and amusement park industry to bounce back. Its not like PKI is closing its doors or anything like that, I just think with the economy and several other factors, the parks seem to be stuck in some kind of rut for the time being, and who knows how long it will take them to get out of it. Money is tight right now, which probably means less people can afford to buy season passes and go to Theme Parks right now.
  19. Those that want to see the monorail, you will have to wait for a few, as it hasn't been installed yet. They are still contructing the expansion building onto the old one. It should be done the end of this summer I think.
  20. I know they have other squirting animals there, but right now, there isn't much of anything due to all the construction. did they buy the other squirting animals from PKI or just the elephant?
  21. Unfortunately that has been mentioned here, but it seems as if most don't want it in the park, or should I state in that part of the park.
  22. I know there used to be a bunch of clearings around SOB, but that was just after the ride was constructed. These clearings were left over after construction, and have probably since been covered over by brush growth.
  23. I don't remember that ever happening at Jungle Jim's,b ut I could ahve missed it. Currently, there are no squirting elephants at Jungle Jims, as that store is a mess, and probably will continue to be one for a while longer, while they finish construction. It will be really cool, though, when it is finished, monorail and all.
  24. yeah, the only grocery store in the world, that needs a monorail so you can get around it!
  25. I don't know why they wouldn't want us to see it, as they continually update the photos on thei Site. I would have liked to see some pics from all the areas of the park. BTW, TR looks really neat at the entrance, when it is covered in snow.
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