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Everything posted by fyrfyter

  1. I think the name of the park is Magic Springs, or something like that. Its a good idea in financial sense, as a functional ride sold to another park, I am sure makes more money, than selling off the parts as scrap metal.
  2. I don't think it is hunted, nor do I think it is haunted. Unless anyone knows anything about this, this is pretty much pointless, unless you actually believe in ghosts.
  3. I think that is because it was hand drawn, and somebody scanned it in, at a low resolution. I think that if you thinka bout the colors, the yellow, red and blue will look really good, once the ride is installed and finsihed. I think the checkerboard looks cool. Whoever said it looks 80's is right, but the 80's were cool. Really cool.
  4. Rumor has it, that King Cobra may not go to Terra Mitica at all, as they are getting a brand new coaster. They are saying that it now might go to some small park in Arkansas.
  5. Yeah but the more colors you have mixed together, with intersting designs, the more people are attracted to it. People don't like things that are just one color, thats why most things are multicolored. Just due to the simple fac that more people are drawn to it.
  6. they could keep the park open, but that would be stupid, as most of the rides can't run in winter. They all have a range of operating temperatures, and that is why the park can run in spring, summer, and fall.
  7. If only the case was true, that people did not like Tomb Raider, and that it would be better if it were outdoors. I don't believe this to be the case, as the ride seems to have been very pouplar, as there was always a line for it, all season long. Also, I never said that I didn't like monorails. I just don't think that PKI is going to install one. In fact, I don't think PKI will install a monorail, or a sky ride, or extend the train. The park is not that large, that they need to, and the money they save could be better spent on park upkeep, coasters and new thrill rides. In all honesty, the previously mentioned rides have all existed in the park in previous times, and out of all three, the train is the only one that remains. The train might be the only one left for more reasons than one. I still think there is probably some expensive upkeep on them, but if I remember correctly, they are the old Miami Valley Railroad locomotives, but have been restored, and retrofitted so that they now burn Liquified Propane Gas, instead of coal. Other than that, I think they are mostly original, and still need to be filled with water every so often. The other thing is they are narrow gauge trains, and only run on track that is 24" wide I think. Standard track is 44" wide or something close to that.
  8. Looks kinda like the seats on Delirium are slanted back at an angle. That would make the swings, end up close to inversions part of the time. I hope that is really it, as inverted and swinging would be pretty kewl.
  9. yeah, but spending 15 million for a flat ride, that does so many people per hour, and is an excellent thrill ride would make sense to a mjaor amusement park, like PKI. Spending that much, if not more on a monorail, does not make financial sense, considering that PKI is by no means Huge in size, and it very easy to get around. There aren't a whole lot of monorails out there that I coudl find that still use steel track. Most use concrete now, because of its durability, and that is what drives the cost up. You also have to be careful that somethings that run on steel, actually run on two rails, and aren't considered to be monorails, like the failed Cincinnati Light Rail Initiative.
  10. There isn't anything that spans the length of the park that is a family ride. There are two types of monorails. Transportation type, and the ride type. I guess if PKI had some plans for something, they could put back in a ride type monorail, but I don't think they would ever build a transportation monorail, due to the extreme cost. Intamin makes monorails and systems at a cost of approximately $6.52 million per mile. If you are thinking something like they have at Disney World, or what they are building in Las Vegas, with the Bombardier Mark VI trains, the cost goes up dramatically to a whopping $68 million per mile. I have no idea what the distance is around the perimeter of the park, but I don't think it is worth the whopping price tag, in order to put it in. If you want to know more, Check out The Monorail Society by clicking here
  11. I forget what it is that trains can handle in form of hills, but you are right, it isn't very much. I think that it wouldn't be as hard as one might think, to extend the train around the perimeter of the park. It already goes behind TR:TR, and could easily work around Vortex Beast, and other items and areas. The big thing aobut the monorail is,I think if they had any thoughts of ever using one agian, they would have kept the old monorail, and not sold it to Jungle Jim's. I don't think that financially, the park is really interested in either extending the train, or adding a monorail, to help with moving people around the park. There are already a ton of walkways, and you can get around the park rather easily. I never got a chance to ride on the old Skyway, but I'm sure we could see it again. I'm sure they are now better controlled and wouldn't break down as often. You have to remember, that if they did this, getting people off in an Emergency would probably much easier today, then it was when the original skyway existed. Many Fire Trucks today that have ladders, are more like portable cranes, and can reach very far. Some reach up to 235 ft, and can have several sections that bend, like a cherry picker would, not to mention, that in a major emergency, they would have people go out across the wires, and just use ropes to rappel everyone to safety, even if it meant, landing in the water, in the fountain.
  12. fyrfyter

    Pki Camera

    RCT1 was awesome, but I don't currently have any time to play it, much less go out and get RCT2, and play that.
  13. That could be, PKI could get some decent top ten steel coasters, as long as they try to start chasing after some of the newer stuff, and make the rides really interesting, and well themed.
  14. I think PKi will always be known, for record breaking wood coasters, but I'm not so sure, about stuff on the steel side of things.
  15. Spongebob was never confirmed for PKI. It has been confirmed for PCW, but not for PKI, so no, we do not know yet what exactly the third item is. Just because they put him in at one park, does not necessarily mean they are going to put him in at all the parks. PCW could just be a trial run. The other thing I was thinking of was that, every couple of years or so, they change the movies in Action Theater, so I am not even sure if PKi would count that as a third ride. I mean, they change them so much, and I don't ever remember them couting a new FXAT movie, as a new ride. As far as monorails are concerned, I don't think we will see that ever again. Constructing a monorail now is very expensive, due to the technology associated with such a device. Look at Las Vegas, and the monorail they are building. I think if anything, it would be cheaper to extend teh train on around the park. I mean, to extend track, all you need is railroad ties, metal rails, spikes, and gravel. It can be done relatively easily, and relatively cheaply as well. The train gauge at PKI is small, and almost fits into the Garden Railway variety. There are many places on the web that sell this type of track, and even sell locomotives for it. I think that PKi already has two trains, so if they wanted to, they coudl just extend the track around the park, add another couple of stations, and add another train, and run the trains in sync, and use it to move guests throughout the park.
  16. I don't think its height so much that PKI is after, It seems like they are after exciting rides, that have length in track, or rides that actually last more than 10 seconds.
  17. fyrfyter

    Pki Camera

    Yeah, i feel your pain, but since there aren;t any coasters around, you just have to find the next best thing. Tubing runs at ski slopes are pretty sweet, even though they don't do loops.
  18. Well, I don't know what comes after Tera, so I guess thats a done deal. 'm guessing you are referring to CP in this northern Ohio fashion. Is this something for next season, or further down the road?
  19. yeah, thats what it should be instead of what it says now. Spongebob belongs in the PKIU kiddie area, and since there isn't one of those, I guess it shouldn't be on here at all.
  20. I wonder if PKi has any chance of building the First Tera Coaster? I guess that is what in line next, in terms of coaster height. An initial drop of 400 ft, could easily result, in a loop that is 200 ft high, which seems like it would be really kewl.
  21. If thats true, then path is going to have to have major elevation changes, as the area near AZ is very hilly, and it flattens out, as you ge down around Racer/FoF. I'm not sure the park is gonna wind the path between all the various rides that are in between AZ and FoF, not to mention, trying to find a place for that path to enter AZ would be a pain in and of itself, since most of AZ is already filled with something.
  22. Thats so stupid. When are people in genereal going to stop growing dumber and start growing smarter? Wait a minute what am I saying? Stupid people just give me better job security. So stupid people all over the world rock on stupid people, rock on!
  23. I wonder if by chance, maybe we are getting another Arrow coaster? It seems as if PKi really likes Arrow coasters, and is very familiar with them. Maybe we are getting a 4th dimension like X, or one of the new extreme ArrowBATic coasters, which seem to be unlike any other coaster out there.
  24. This is just a little hypocritical. A day ago you wre stating that PKI's coaster abilities stink, and now you think they are great? What gives, one way or another. Stick with your guns. Don't try playing both sides of the fence, as it does not work.
  25. Exactly why Spongebob Squarepants does not need to be broadcast in there. I think we will get new films, but I don't think Spongebob will be one of them. I'd bet we are getting a new bond, to go with the new movie.
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