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Everything posted by fyrfyter

  1. The flight commander incident happened on the same day as another incident. I think the park calls it Black Monday or something like that. I remember that some kid fell into one of the lakes, and something bad happened, and then two peole jump in to save him. Ironically, the kid lived, but both of his rescuers died from electrocution, in the water trying to save him.
  2. I thought they said memorial day. its on every year on discovery channel or TLC.
  3. What's half a million, for a park that spends millions on flat rides each year? Crap, I'll bet the landscaping bill for one season is more than that. I hope they at least go ahead and use to money for a new train. That hour long wait crap all the time for TG is for the birds, and is gonna greatly undermine the popularity of that coaster.
  4. So they are just changing the name and the menu, or are they gonna drain the lake, and try to build something there? Its a good place to go and have a cold one on those hot summer days.
  5. That sound neat, but I would hope that theyredo the gates as well. if they made it lower, it could in fact be sunset strip, as is now, you would have to look past the gates in order to see the sunset just due to the size of that whole building.
  6. I was about to say, The Beast is much older than that and managed to crash coming into the station due to rain. Doo all the rides at PKI get the tthree strikes rule, or is this rule selective?
  7. That sounds about right. Chances are good that everything is computer controlled by prox sensors and I/O cards, that way you can eliminate any chance of human error from the equation. That is probably what defines how fast the train gets to the top of the hill.
  8. That was one ride PKI should have never gotten rid of.........SkyLab many parks still have them, and they are so much fun!
  9. I thought KC was sold to some amusement park in Arkansas? I remember someone mentioning Terra Mitica, might get it, but it turns out they are getting a new coaster.
  10. The cars on the King Cobra were the worst. They were a major pain in the you know what, to get in and out of. The retraints did not move in a normal fashion as compared to the human body, and hurt when trying to put them on and when they are released. If they were gonna keep something, just keep a big picutre of it. A car from The Bat would be much better to keep.
  11. Get used to it, it happens all the time. The topics start off as one thing and become something completely different. Its human nature. It fun to see how the topics change from one thing to another
  12. In all honesty, I think the ride is really like 3 or 4 minutes long, which makes it one of the longest rides in the park, and much longer than most of the coasters in the park.
  13. The canoes were free floating in a pond, that was located where The Beast is now.
  14. If the flying Dutchman at PKi was like the other flying Dutchman's I have seen, it would probably have been much like the swing ride, except have these big shoes haging from cables around it. Not sure on that one though.
  15. I'm pretty sure the trim brakes are here to stay. I'm sure they help the ride, as the extreme speeds and stresses on the wood, probably helps it deteriorate faster, thus the trim brakes help preserve the ride. Maybe the reason the lift is so slow, is that mechanical things are dying. maybe it just needs a new motor to power the chain up the hill? Who knows, but I bet they won't let it get too slow, so that keep three trains on the circuit and running smoothly. The onyl reason I mentioned replacing the trains, was because I wasn't sure of their age, and I'm sure at some point in time, they will be changed, when PKI opts to do a cost vs. benefit analysis of them.
  16. Thats true. people always find soemthing to complain about. I though Tomb Raider was great and thought others liked it as well, til I heard people complain that it was too short, and was stupid. i think its probably one of the longer rides in the park, in terms of time.
  17. Maestro would be nice in the museum, since he is is no longer with us. Alos, they oculd build the museum right next to the current stage where the dolphin stadium and stuff used to be, or they coudl turn the bleak insides of Festhaus into the museum, a museum part, as well as a Food part giving the best of both worlds, since nothing else important is in festhaus right now.
  18. I don't think its canoes she is talkign about, but Kenton's Cove. Log boats that went through the trees. Kenton's Cove was elevated a bunch. That is what I thin she was talking about. Also in reference to The Bat, I am gald they got rid of it. Apparently, if you build acoster with unbanked turns, all it does is tear itself apart.
  19. If the track has to have that much work done to it, what about the trains? They just magically hold up over time? I would like to see new trains, as long as they are better than the SOB trains.
  20. I don't think many people can list The Bat, since most aren't old enough to have ridden it.
  21. So rumor has it, that The Beast is being retracked for next year? I'll bet that comes at a hefty price. 28,000 feet of steel, would not be cheap. I wonder if new steel, means they will have to get new trains?
  22. They could put it someplace else, and tear out the Paramount Story altogether, which would be fine with me.
  23. Face/Off's line is way too long, for a coaster that is that short. I will ride it again, when you don;t have to wait an hour to ride it once.
  24. For me, the old Kenton's Cove Keelboat Canal. it was great riding an elevated log flume through the trees, but then again, TR is awesome, so I was sad to see it go, but thats the way things are.
  25. The only thing I ever expect to happen to The Beast, could be a rebuild or even new trains. Eventually its gonna need some serious rehab work, like replacing the structureal timbers, and probably even the metal rails it rides on. Probably eventually it will get new trains, because like all things, eventually fixing the trains it already has, could become very expensive.
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