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Everything posted by Thrill_Biscuit

  1. As I suggested on another post, it would be neat to have a webcam on the tower making a time-lapse of the Nick Universe construction.
  2. I think this site is better than PKI.com. The professionalism is very impressive. How about a VLog of trips to PKI for 2006? People can submit quick vids of their experiences/commentaries, etc. Maybe someone can put a webcam on the tower, and create a time-lapse of the new Nick Universe construction. Or, maybe some clips from some famous TV events/episodes that were filmed here (Evel Kneivel, Paul Revere, Nick & Jessica, et al). Great site! Keep it up!
  3. Swat! would make a nice addition to PKI.
  4. Well, Dang! Kinda makes anything PKI has look kinda plain, don't it?
  5. Wait, oops, I see him. Never noticed that before. Sorry.
  6. Pancho? I thought it was Rocinanté?
  7. Hmmm... Cincinnati local news focusing in on some misunderstood audible message again, hmm? I guess they couldn't stir up enough passion when they kept running that video of the tired Cincinnati cop saying "I'm going to go lock up the new guy.", trying to make us think that he said something racist. I think they're bored. They should stick to the good news...like the Bengals being 3-0 Baby! Wooooohooo!
  8. 1. Coaster: SOB. It's just not enjoyable! It looks cool, but golly, what a rattle! 2. Water Ride: Congo Falls. Nobody seems to ride it, and it looks kind of out of place in Action Zone. (They got rid of Keelboat Kanal for this?) 3. Thrill Ride: TombRaider. Three times through the line and it pretty much gets old (like the FOF line). They can retheme the same top spin for "Sahara" or "Aeon Flux". 4. Flat: The Eiffel Tower (and replace it with a taller, nicer-looking one like the one in Las Vegas!). The current one looks like a stubby water tower, and at night, it looks like something out of an oil refinery! Others, if I may: 5. GAME: Guess Your Weight, (the worst concept for a midway game ever!); 6. SHOP: Glassblower; 7. UPCHARGE: Days of Thunder; 8. REPETITIVE SOUNDTRACK: Boomerang Bay, mate! Ok, I'll stop.
  9. You might be a pki addict if you... Sit around and try to imagine new rides for PKI, like this: My Webpage
  10. ^Congrats on #2000!^ Couldn't they just 'theme' the water plant? Make it look like an 1800's sawmill, so the canoers can be amused, too? Just a thought.
  11. PKI doesn't seem to have coasters that go through other coasters, or over/under established areas of the park (the path to FOF was built after Racer). Why use undeveloped land, when a ride can wind its way through the existing park?
  12. Amazing! A Christmas-themed Fear Fest! How ingenious! Okay, just kidding. This looks a little too obvious to me. The snow, sleigh bells and holiday music seem a bit TOO obvious. We're being set up for a surprise, I think.
  13. I have an Eiffel Tower keychain, some faded Boomerang Bay flip-flops, a Beast shirt, and about $0.12 worth of PKI Pennies. I used to have a distorted glass 7-UP bottle from Glass Blower (c. 1977) and a plastic, chrome-looking Eiffel Tower that was, like, 6" tall, but, alas, they're gone.
  14. I got stuck on Vortex last year during a downpour. One train was stuck just outside the station; the other was stuck in the brake run coming out of the helix. We had to sit there for like, 7 minutes while about two inches of rain fell on us. It was great!
  15. Yeah! Like, that Brady Bunch episode in 3D. Intermix a 3D-ification of the original episode with an "Alice-Cam", so we can all enjoy the thrilling, high-speed romp through the park with "Mike's" plans as she hurdles the ropes and stantions of old Oktoberfest! Oooh--and the scene where Marcia comes splashing down in the old Keelboat..in 3D! But, most awesome of all.....The Racer Scene....in 3D! (ever notice they got the film backwards, btw?) They could use a new SBSP3D. "Is That My Patty" is gettin' a little stale.
  16. It's that they don't teach manners in school anymore! 1. Line jumpers have been conditioned not to fear punishment for minor infractions; 2. The rudest ones learned to overpower their parents and all other authority figures at an early age, and never looked back. They'll just as soon punch you in the face than to comply with the rules; 3. Nobody stands up against people like this, like they used to. Time was when people would shout at line jumpers until, embarrassed, they'd comply and go to the back of the line. Now, everyone's too afraid of getting flipped off by rude punks....or getting sued. ...But, things can change for the better.
  17. I've been there since my third birthday in '72 (which was the park's grand opening, I think). (I was in a stroller, and the train whistle was loud and kept scaring me.) Since then, I've only been there 33 times. I bow to the chap who got the red carpet last year for his thousandth visit! Wow
  18. Yeah. Especially the one where the cop does the little spin move at the end, when the cars go by. Groovy, man!
  19. The Mrs. Puff Boating School thing is a cool idea. Maybe a full-scale Krusty Krab restaurant with tv's playing the funniest SBSP episodes ('Frankendoodle', 'The Algae's Always Greener', 'Band Geeks') would be a neat addition. I wonder if PKI has ever had a 'you're in the video' place where kids can go in front of a blue screen, recite some lines, then come back and pick up a DVD where their footage has been cleverly edited into a cartoon short (Spongebob, FOP, Neutron, etc.) That'd be neat-o.
  20. Great pics. (Nice to see the Eiffel Tower all shiny and green again! Last season it was starting to look pretty nasty.)
  21. You might be a PKI addict if you... Dream of buying a $345,000 condo in Mason, just so you can watch free fireworks off your back patio.
  22. Very funny! LMAO. Leaving my bricks at home from now on.
  23. Even though there's no movie by this name, I've always wanted to name a wood coaster "Timber Tantrum".
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