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Everything posted by Thrill_Biscuit

  1. I love that "Yes meets early Chicago" soundtrack! Beautiful. Thanks for posting this! I think MDMC01's right about the Gulliver's Rub-a-Dub.
  2. Awesome article! A lot goes into keeping the experience of entering the park as grand and memorable as it has been for generation after generation! That has never faded, and as a fan I'm very happy for that! ("Now, just turn that music dial a little bit more in the direction of orchestra/symphony, and all is bliss!")
  3. Ok. I did. That's why I posted what I posted. ...
  4. ^ I had to go back and re-read the post immediately prior to yours. I tried imagining how anyone could get away with curling up on a bench to catch a few z's, and was like, "Oh, yeah. Babies, duh."
  5. Sponsored, ironically (or serendipitously), by "Empress Chili?"
  6. Imagine the conversation had runner-up "Coney Mills" have become the parks moniker? A walking chili-cheese dog as a mascot? Wearing (for some reason) a crown, carrying around a scepter?
  7. It's low-traffic because nothing's there, methinks. It is rather a void, though.
  8. If they ever were to resort to having a king character walking about, then they should go the extra mile and construct a moat around the park, surrounding it with water and making it an island!
  9. Why, yes it is! Stronger and sturdier than ever before, too! You see, sometime between 2009 and 2011, someone had to decide between wood and steel for their "remodeling" project, too. History: repeating itself?
  10. I know the score. The two scores and three. So many weathers beget necessity. It begs the question: keep things plain, or make Giant alterations? (A "remodeling project" is not necessarily a personal one, no?) Tb, trying not to out-stud the stud.
  11. Already working on the special effects and original music... Can't wait!
  12. When you go out of your way to take the narrow, hilly, back roads instead of the wide, relatively straight Interstate home from work, just to experience hills. Please always drive safely, and obey all posted traffic signs.
  13. When you hear a classic 80's song, and the first image in your mind is of Playlist Live jamming it out by the fountains.
  14. Corrected. Thank you. I must remember it's better to speak for oneself. G'day!
  15. EDIT - Sigh, I clarify: Sometimes, when little riddles and clues seem to herald a coming, major attraction, with each little teaser, I feel just like the poor singer in this classic Bugs Bunny cartoon!
  16. ...and the more, it seems, that they know we do, too.
  17. This post's title seems destined already for epicness. Maybe. I don't want to throw a timber tantrum just yet.
  18. For those of us who choose not to be on Twitter (we exist), please share said response?
  19. Demolish The Racer, or Vortex? Build the next building with wood, or steel superstructure? Read a book about wood, or read a book about steel? Hire Joe Wood, or Sarah Steel? Here we go!
  20. Tweedle-de-twee, da tweedle-de-t'wow! Tweedle the tree top up-top the Christmas tree! ...(from SNL; Stuck in my head)

  21. I've never seen a Kings Island performer not give it a world-class go. You can have a lot of top-notch, professional talent performing together, but if that sound technician isn't on top of their game (and it's not as easy as it looks), it can start to sound unprofessional quite fast. Sometimes dynamics shift between lead and backing vocals, especially in high-energy numbers blending song and dance talents, and a backing vocalist's part might momentarily overpower the lead, causing the audience to hear something they might not expect. The shows here, at least from the perspective of this guest, always seem to have a depth of quality that reveals great care taken by those who hire the talent, both on-and-off stage. Kudos.
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