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Everything posted by Thrill_Biscuit

  1. I had a tasty "bugsnack" on my first (and still only ) ride on Diamondback (bottom of 2nd hill). Thankfully, it was small, and didn't upset my belly. I took a mothbath on Delirium one night a couple years ago (thankfully, none of them hit my face). Bugs just come with the territory.
  2. I remember watching the old Outer Limits reruns on TV in the 70's. I did not adjust my set. -Tb, who's too young to be old and too old to be young.
  3. Undervisited, perhaps, but not underrated in my opinion...
  4. I once did a Google Earth cut-and-paste and put WDW's Magic Kingdom inside KI's parking lot! (Yeah, I know all of WDW is much larger, but it still was a fun comparison!) ..btw, there was room for Paul Brown Stadium, the QE2 and BLSC...I wish I could find where I put it...
  5. ^ Do they get a badge for that? I remember the trams back in the 70's, when they had oval signs that said "SOHIO" on top of the cars. My brother joked that they were built in "Smichigan"...
  6. No part of the park can have the intended 'feel' without the proper music. (Now I'll shut up about it. ) ^Oh yes!!!! Bring back the Flyers!!! Sorely missed.
  7. I think it's a good thing to focus on things that draw everyone else to amusement parks. I think Kings Island has a good mix of coasters now, and can now concentrate on bringing back things that make people want to visit; like nice music and such. -Tb, who just won't leave that music thing alone...
  8. Falling from 70 feet would take 2.1 seconds, with an impact velocity of 45.6 MPH. Falling from 700 feet would take 6.6 seconds, with an impact velocity of 120 MPH (terminal velocity). The only difference would be 4.5 seconds of relative painlessness and life-reevaluation. Source: DEUS Rescue Fall Velocity Calculator
  9. That's the second time I think I've read about your unfortunate mishap; I hope you heal quickly! I'm just trying to imagine how you did it!
  10. Shake, Rattle & Roll, which doesn't really shake or rattle all that much. But it does roll, and that gets me dizzy everytime!
  11. Sorry about the bad trip. However, awesome photos as usual, especially the second night castle shot! I've seen pics of that thing that looks like the spaceship from "Flight of the Navigator" on calendars n' such. The shot where the flowers stand out most is the better of the two featuring those zany apartment towers. Some of the swirly pictures look like something M.E. Escher might have drawn (he's the guy -for those who don't know- is famous for hand-drawing his self-portrait holding up a glass orb, as well as all those weird pictures of people walking up and down staircases that go in all directions)... Big LOL for "Sears Tower"... totally took me by surprise. Great stuff!
  12. In line for BLSC, I overheard a kid loudly telling her friend that she is part owner of the park (bragging that her dad bought her stock in FUN and some other company). To which another guest quickly asked "Well, then, could you do something about this awful music?"
  13. Parking is pretty much the big gun on that ship. Also design elements such as black asphalt walkways, which make buying overpriced drinks a more tempting option on hot days, and the ingenius "family dryer" near WWC. The pocket-change hungry cannons on the WWC path is another example of the genius of amusement park capitalism! I'm surprised they haven't figured out that they can make a mint if they charge guests for.....wait, I'm keeping that to myself!
  14. Sweeter still, and a feat of endurance... would be this: Eric Liming Only people who are familiar with Mason, or who approach Kings Island from Tylersville Road might get this one...
  15. I enjoyed it for the most part. I was surprised by the use of a Deity name as an expletive during the "History Quiz" portion of the show . But like the One who bears that Name, I forgive and move on... The part about Ride Ops was too funny, especially the snake hiss bit. I didn't know -until listening to your show- about the new fences. Very informative! The dry tone is enterntaining. Great way to summarize and add a new dimension to what's going on in the fan forums! Best of luck! -Tb
  16. Is that before or after the Mt. Kilimanjaro walk back? ...wait for it....
  17. Alright, but first it has to pick up an enclosed top spin and two basketball games...
  18. It's not closing. The mother ship is coming to take it back home! w00t!
  19. I'm glad the kid's okay. He seems in good spirits! Maybe more than stakes are necessary for something like this! Eric Liming
  20. I'm happy we had a celeb ride our DB! I'm sad I now got "The Right Stuff" stuck in my head! "Oh oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh, dumb song!"
  21. They might call it... a "Ferris Wheel"!
  22. Maybe it can enjoy new life with the enclosure removed. The top spin is an impressive-looking ride, and might draw more thrill seekers from the midway.
  23. Congratulations to all the riders, Kings Island, the DB Crews, and B&M! That's to the Moon and back! How many gallons of splashdown glory is that, I wonder? Anyway, awesome milestone! 1400!
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